Versions Compared


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some information about the RHEL5 vs RHEL4 system test:

+ allGamma:
the biggest (but still small) differences are for the ACDPOCAREF_X and ACDPOCAREF_Y quantities. I can imagine that this kind of quantities use advance math functions that are then optimized or compiled in slightly different ways for gcc34 and gcc41.
May be Eric remembers what's behind this ?
AcdTkrHitPoca* aTkrHitPoca = acd->getAcdTkrHitPoca(iTkrHitPoca);
TVector3 pocaRef = aTkrHitPoca->getPoca() - aTkrHitPoca->getPocaVector();
((TH1F*)GetObjectPtr("ACDPOCAREF_X"))->Fill((Float_t) pocaRef.X() );

+ VerticalProton1GeV
most striking feature is that the FilterEnergyDiff is clearly shifted by 1 MeV !? RHEL5 filter energy is RHEL4 filter energy + 1 MeV
other quantities are fine.

+ VerticalGamma100MeV has a number of interesting features
INTMOMPOS: Mc int. hits from moments
INTSEGMENT: Mc int Xtal segment numbers
have all normalization issues: RHEl5 is ~3% lower than RHEL4 in the number of entries, but the mean and rms of the distributions match perfectly. I don't really understand this one.

+ BackGndMixDC2
POSMCTKRTRAY(Mc Pos. Hit Tkr tray number): RHEL5 higher by some 20% for small try numbers
similar effects (but smaller) for TKRLAYER and TKRHITPLANEZ

So, overall, to my eyes, there is nothing really wrong:
just a couple of small features, on particular low level quantities.

However, I don't have much experience in looking at these system tests, and in understanding how to deal with small differences, so I'll let other more expert than I am chime in !
