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  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad)") – input source of data
  • key (default: "") – key for input data, for example, it might be "calibrated"
  • key_peaks_out (default: "peaks") – key for vector of found peaks in the selected event
  • hot_pix_mask_inp_file (default: "cspad-pix-mask-in.dat") – in read the pixel mask from file
  • hot_pix_mask_out_file (default: "cspad-pix-mask-out.dat") – out write current pixel mask in the file
  • frac_noisy_evts_file (default: "cspad-pix-frac-out.dat") – out file with per-pixel fraction of noisy images
  • evt_file_out (default: "./cspad-ev-") – out file with signal CSPad array. Time stamp is added.
  • rmin (default: 3) – radial parameter of the area for median algorithm
  • dr (default: 1) – radial band width of the area for median algorithm
  • SoNThr (default: 3) – S/N threshold for each pixel to be considered as noisy
  • frac_noisy_imgs (default: 0.1) – fraction of noisy images above which pixel will be masked
  • peak_npix_min (default: 4) – minimal number of connected pixels for the good peak
  • peak_npix_max (default: 25) – maximal number of connected pixels for the good peak
  • peak_amp_tot_thr (default: 100.) – threshold on total signal amplitude of the group of connected pixels
  • event_npeak_min (default: 10) – threshold on number of good peaks for the event selection
  • event_amp_tot_thr(default: 1000.) – threshold on total signal amplitude of all good peaks for the event selection
  • nevents_mask_update (default: 100) – number of skipped events before each mask re-evaluation cycle
  • nevents_mask_accum (default: 50) – number of events for the mask re-evaluation
  • selection_mode (default: SELECTION_ON) – selection mode, other allowed values are: SELECTION_OFF, or SELECTION_INV
  • out_file_bits (default: 0) – control on writting of files:
    • =0 - do not write files,
    • +1 - save the hot_pix_mask_out_file file with current mask array in the endJob(...) method.
    • +2 - save the frac_noisy_evts_file file with current fraction of noisy events array in the endJob(...) method.
    • +4 - save the CSPad signal array for selected events in the file with name like <evt_file_out>-<counter>-<run>-<time stamp>.txt.
    • +8 - save the vector of found peaks in file <evt_file_out>-<counter>-<run>-<time-stamp>-peaks.txt.
  • print_bits (default: 0) – module verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars (once in beginJob),
    • +2 - input initial and current mask statistics (in constructor and when mask is updated),
    • +4- processed statistics for mask evaluation,event selection parameters (for each event); event no., time-stamp, mode, number of peaks, and amp_tot.
    • +8 - output in files (for selected events),
    • +16 - start/stop to collect data for mask re-evaluation (driven by the mode counters),
    • +32 - event time stamp (for each event),
    • +64 - vector of indexes and map of indexes for the median algorithm (once in beginJob),
    • +128- peak parameters before selection (for each event),
    • +256- peak parameters saved in file (for selected events),
    • +512- selection statistics (N<5: for each event; N<50: for each 10-th; N<500: for each 100-th, then for each 1000-th),+1024-event selection parameters (for each event); event no., time-stamp, mode, number of peaks, and amp_tot.
    • Always print:
      • Summary at the endJob.

See also Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakFinder.