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Multiple Attempts by:  Joanne Bogart

For those that had troubles, we are in contact with Vladimir Litvine <> , a technical representative from SeeVogh.  You may be asked to provide the log from SeeVogh which tends to stored in /tmp.

Heather acted as moderator this time around.  While setting up the meeting - it would be nice to be allowed to update the text boxes directly rather than using the sliders. At least on my Windows XP box using Firefox, I was unable to interact with the text boxes directly.  I also waited to see what would happen at the very end of the meeting when our hour was up.  SeeVogh waiting an extra 30 seconds or so, and then terminated the meeting.  Will there be a way to ask for more time?  Will there be a way to record meetings as was available in EVO?

Initially there were a number of issues with getting the audio to work, but ultimately those that were able to connect could at least hear, if not speak.  Many of us were eager to turn off the chat chirps that are on by default.

A variety of issues presented themselves:

Joanne was completely unable to connect via her RHEL5 box despite her previous interactions with Vladimir, our technical support contact at SeeVogh.  The jnlp file downloaded but apparently crashedShe went back to her Ubuntu netbook and got slightly further but it seems the Java client crashed each time she attempted to enter the meeting, other participants could see Joanne but that's as far as it got.  Joanne is in contact with Vladimir again and is working through his suggestions.

Richard connected from a Mac had acceptable audio in the beginning, but then it devolved to sounding as though he was speaking through a "sewage sewer pipe".  Ultimately he left the meeting and restarted the Java client and things were his audio was fine.

Marie Elena initially had trouble connecting through her Mac - with the Java client download hanging on 95% completion saying "verifying application"Ultimately M.E. tried again and she was able to download it and enter the meeting and could hear and speak, after updating her audio settings so that the microphone was not muted as seems to be the default.

Tom Glanzman was unable to connect from his RHEL6-64 box after multiple attempts, where each time the Java client crashed. He then connected from a Windows XP box initially trying through the Chrome browser (both beta and canary) generated an error that the chrome versions are "too old" although they are up to date.  Tom then tried Firefox which seemed to work for  audio, though there was a complaint that an OpenGL update is required for video (current version is 1.3.1030, but 1.5 is needed)  For fun, Tom also tried Android but SeeVogh on android fails immediately --- claims the Safari version was too old.

Jim Chiang connected via his Macbook which seemed to work, only issue was having to update the audio so that the microphone volume was turned up not muted (this was an issue for all the Mac users present)Meanwhile on RHEL5 was another experience entirely-64 SeeVogh window came up but complains about not loading the video module. Jim was unable to hear or speak or select audio devices. His SeeVogh log is available here .  During our first attempt for one of our software meetings , Jim was able to connect via his Fedora 12 box just fine.

Tom Stephens connected via his SL6 ScientificLinux6-64 laptop and Windows ( 7?) box.-64 box.  When trying to use DesktopShare, his SeeVogh client locked up.  He could continue to hear, but was unable to interact with the client to make any adjustments.  He went to the process table to kill the client manually.  Initially he tried to kill javaws SeeVogh, but that just respawned itself, so Tom killed another process instead.

Warren Focke on RHEL5-64 was unable to speak but could hear.  He also experienced the SeeVogh client locking up once he tried to start up a DesktopShare.  Warren was able to continue to hear the meeting.Warren Focke

SeeVogh Road Map from Philippe Galvez May 29, 2012
