Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • typeGroupName (default: "CsPad::CalibV1") – calibration type and group names,
  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data,
  • key (default: "") – key for data processing stage,
  • imgkey (default: "Image2D") – output key for image saved in event,
  • events (default: 1<<31U) – number of events before stop a job,
  • tiltIsApplied (default: true) – on/off for tilt angle of 2x1-sections and quads.
  • print_bits (default: 0) – verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    1 bit (
    • +1
    • - calib pars,
    2 bit (
    • +2
    • - consumed time
    • per event.


  • By default the key corresponds to raw data.
  • If the imgkey is defined as "Image2D", the image is saved in the event as a CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> object, otherwise (for other names) as a ndarray<double,2> object.


  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad)") – source of data
  • key (default: "Image2D") – key for input image data
  • threshold (default: 10) – minimal threshold on pixel amplitude
  • numPixMin (default: 100) – minimal number of pixels with amplitude above the threshold
  • filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off the filter
  • xmin (default: 0) – minimal column number
  • xmax (default: 100000) – maximal column number
  • ymin (default: 0) – minimal row number
  • ymax (default: 100000) – maximal row number
  • print_bits (default: 0) – verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - summary,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - per event number of pixels above the threshold
    • 4 bit (+8 ) - event ID.


  • The default key ("Image2D") stands for the CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> image object. Other key names work for the ndarray<double,2> image object.
  • The xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax (in pixels) defines the window in the image for pixel counting. Default values means the entire image range.
  • The threshold, numPixMin, and the window extents have to be adjusted for particular experiment.


  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "") – key for input image data
  • peaksKey (default: "peaks") – key for output list of peaks
  • threshold_low (default: 10) – low threshold on pixel amplitude
  • threshold_high (default: 100) – high threshold on pixel amplitude
  • sigma (default: 1.5) – width of the Gaussian for smearing
  • smear_radius (default: 1) – radius in pixel for smearing
  • peak_radius (default: 3) – radius in pixel for peak finding
  • xmin (default: 0) – minimal column number
  • xmax (default: 100000) – maximal column number
  • ymin (default: 0) – minimal row number
  • ymax (default: 100000) – maximal row number
  • testEvent (default: 0) – event number to save images and print info for test purpose
  • finderIsOn (default: true) – On/Off algorithm
  • print_bits (default: 0) – finder verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - summary,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - number of peaks in the event,
    • 4 bit (+8 ) - per event each peak parameters,
    • 5 bit (+16)- info about input image format.


  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "peaks") – key for input list of peaks, should be the same as peaksKey in ImgPeakFinder
  • threshold_peak (default: 0) – threshold on peak amplitude
  • threshold_total(default: 0) – threshold on total peak intensity (in the matrix around peak)
  • n_peaks_min (default: 1) – minimal number of peaks above all thresholds
  • filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off the filter
  • print_bits (default: 0) – filter verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - summary,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - peaks' info,
    • 4 bit (+8 ) - event ID.

Module ImgAlgos::TimeStampFilter


  • tsinterval (default: "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 / 2100-01-01 00:00:00.000000000") – time-stamp interval string
  • tstamp_min (default: "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000") – minimal time-stamp string
  • tstamp_max (default: "2100-01-01 00:00:00.000000000") – maximal time-stamp string
  • filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off the filter
  • print_bits (default: 0) – filter verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - summary,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - event ID,
    • 4 bit (+8 ) - time stamp variables for selected event.


  • filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off filter.
  • first (default: 0) – the first event from the beginning of job, starting from 0.
  • last (default: 1<<31) – the last event from the beginning of job.
  • evtstring (default: "") – the string of events of intervals from the beginning of job.
  • print_bits (default: 0) – filter verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - summary,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - selected event number and ID.


  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad)") – input source of data
  • key (default: "") – key for input data, for example, it might be "calibrated"
  • avefile (default: "cspad-ave.dat") – out file with averaged amplitudes
  • rmsfile (default: "cspad-rms.dat") – out file with rms
  • evts_stage1 (default: 1<<31U) – number of events before stage 1
  • evts_stage2 (default: 100) – additional number of events before stage 2
  • gate_width1 (default: 0) – gate_width for stage 1
  • gate_width2 (default: 0) – gate_width for stage 2
  • print_bits (default: 0) – module verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - beginning of 3 stages,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - processed statistics at the end of each stage,
    • 4 bit (+8 ) - output in files,
    • 5 bit (+16 ) - event ID.

Default version of the configuration parameters works the same way as cspad_mod.CsPadPedestals. In this case module gets raw events and stage 0 continues for entire input data sample.


  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad)") – input source of data
  • inputKey (default: " " ) – key for input data, by default use raw data
  • outputKey (default: "bkgd_subtracted" ) – output key for the next data processing stage
  • Wiki Markup
    {{bkgd_fname}} (default: "cspad_background.dat" ) -- file with CSPad array \[4*8*185\]\[388\] of averaged background
  • norm_sector (default: 0) – CSPad sector in quad from 0 to 7
  • print_bits (default: 0) – module verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • 1 bit (+1 ) - input pars,
    • 2 bit (+2 ) - event ID,
    • 3 bit (+4 ) - normalization factor for each event,
    • 4 bit (+8 ) - part of the background array.


Other event with better subtracted background:

Module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrection

This module averages the image pixel amplitude in r-phi bins, normalizes it per single pixel and subtracts the average amplitude from each pixel. Image is obtained from event by its source and inkey values. The output corrected image is saved in the event with outkey keyword. Carthesian to polar coordinate transformation is done with respect to center coordinates xcenter, ycenter. The central region (r<rmin) and edges of the image (r>rmax) pixels can be removed from further consideration by setting rmin and rmax. The number of radial bins is defined as an int(rmax-rmin). The number of angular bins is set by n_phi_bins.

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – input source of data
  • inkey (default: " " ) – key for input data, by default use raw data
  • outkey (default: "rad_corrected" ) – output key for further image processing
  • xcenter (default: 850) – x coordinate of the image center
  • ycenter (default: 850) – y coordinate of the image center
  • rmin (default: 10) – radius minimal image is not processed for r<rmin
  • rmax (default:1000) – radius maximal image is not processed for r>rmax
  • n_phi_bins (default: 12) – number of angular sectors for the background averaging.
  • event (default: 0) – test event for print/save
  • print_bits (default: 0) – module verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - event ID,
    • +8 - info about input image type (ndarray<double,2> or Image2D<double>).