Versions Compared


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  • typeGroupName (default: "CsPad::CalibV1") – calibration type and group names,
  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data,
  • key (default: "") – key for data processing stage,
  • imgkey (default: "Image2D") – output key for image saved in event,
  • events (default: 1<<31U) – number of events before stop a job,
  • tiltIsApplied (default: true) – on/off for tilt angle of 2x1-sections and quads.
  • print_bits (default: 0) – verbosity: 0-print nothing, 1 bit-calib pars, 2-consumed time/event


  • By default the key corresponds to raw data.
  • If the imgkey is defined as "Image2D", the image is saved in the event as a CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> object, otherwise (for other names) as a ndarray<double,2> object.


  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad)") – source of data
  • key (default: "Image2D") – key for input image data
  • threshold (default: 10) – minimal threshold on pixel amplitude
  • numPixMin (default: 100) – minimal number of pixels with amplitude above the threshold
  • filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off the filter
  • xmin (default: 0) – minimal column number
  • xmax (default: 100000) – maximal column number
  • ymin (default: 0) – minimal row number
  • ymax (default: 100000) – maximal row number
  • print_bits (default: 0) – verbosity: bit 0-print nothing, bit 1-input pars, bit 2-summary, bit 3-per event info.


  • The default key ("Image2D") stands for the CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> image object. Other key names work for the ndarray<double,2> image object.
  • The xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax (in pixels) defines the window in the image for pixel counting. Default values means the entire image range.
  • The threshold, numPixMin, and the window extents have to be adjusted for particular experiment.
