Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Fetching the ControlPV information:
    ControlPV is available from the env object, and since it only changes at the beginning
    of each calibration cycle, the begincalibcycle function is the appropriate place to get it:
    The ControlConfig object may contain several pvControl and pvMonitor objects. In this case
    there's only one, but make sure the name matches anyway: none
  • Fetching the IPIMB and PhaseCavity information:
    All the other information that we need, is available through the evt object, and
    event member function is the place to get it:
    Use "XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0" (a.k.a. IPM3) sum of all channels for normalization and filtering
    Use "XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0" (a.k.a. PIM3) channel 1 as signal
    Get the phase cavity:
    Compute delay time and fill histograms

Image peak finding

Here are a collection of useful algorithms for image analysis:


CSPad images and tile arangements

CSPad data structure

CSPad data in xtc is a list of elements. In pyana get the list from the evt (event) object (notice the need for the env (environment) object too!):

Code Block

elements = evt.getCsPadQuads(self.source, env)

elements here is a python list of ElementV1 or ElementV2 (or later versions) objects, each representing one quadrant. The list is not ordered, so to know which quadrant you have, you have to check with element.quad(). To store a local array of the whole CSPad detector, you can do the following.

  • In beginjob, find out from the configuration object what part of the CSPad was in use (sometimes sections are missing):
    Code Block
    def beginjob ( self, evt, env ) : 
           config = env.getConfig(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_CspadConfig, self.source)
            if not config:
                print '*** cspad config object is missing ***'
            quads = range(4)
            # memorize this list of sections for later
            self.sections = map(config.sections, quads)
  • In each event, get the current CSPad data:
    Code Block
    def event(self, evt, env): 
        elements = evt.getCsPadQuads(self.source,env)
        pixel_array = np.zeros((4,8,185,388), dtype="uint16")
        for element in elements: 
            data = # the 3-dimensional data array (list of 2d sections)
            quad = element.quad() # current quadrant number (integer value)
            # if any sections are missing, insert zeros
            if len( data ) < 8 :
                zsec = np.zeros( (185,388), dtype=data.dtype)
                for i in range (8) :
                    if i not in self.sections[quad] :
                        data = np.insert( data, i, zsec, axis=0 )
            pixel_array[quad] = data

What we have so far gives you a 4d numpy array of all pixels. And if you want to store it in e.g. a numpy array, you can reshape it down to 2 dimensions (this is the format of the official pedestal files made by the translator):

Code Block

pixels = pixel_array.reshape(1480,388)"pixel_pedestal_file.npy", pixels )

CSPad tile arrangement

CSPad alignment

Saving data arrays

saving numpy arrays to numpy file
