Versions Compared


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Running the system tests

The system tests are configured using a configuration file. An annotated example can be found in /nfs/farm/g/glast/u17/systests/src/exec/Config_example.txt.


Only one set of system tests for each package can run at the same time. You can run a set of system tests for EngModel and GlastRelease simultaneously, but you cannot run two sets for different GlastRelease versions simultaneously because the tests will try to store the output files in the same working directory. (This can be fixed, but needs more work to separate out some directory structure assumptions properly.)


Tips and tricks for the savvy tester


titleHistogram Comparison Example

> cd $SYSTESTS/src/exec
> source setup.csh
First, set the standard (reference) test to be used for the default comparison.
> <version_name> <standard_version_name>
Then, run the comparison and load the results to the database.
> python -b <version_name>


Running a subset of the tests

This is incredibly useful for debugging or rerunning tests that encountered an issue.

Run the tests by the normal method, but use a modified configuration file.

titleConfig File Example for a subset of the tests

packag GlastRelease
pversion v17r35p20
sversion v15r47p12gr11
ksthresh 0.5
builddir /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rhel4_gcc34opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-v17r35p20
cmtpath /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rhel4_gcc34opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-v17r35p20
cmtconfig rhel4_gcc34opt
executable /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rhel4_gcc34opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-v17r35p20/Gleam/*/rhel4_gcc34opt/Gleam.exe
systests /nfs/farm/g/glast/u17/systests/src/GRtests
output /nfs/farm/g/glast/u17/systests/
glastext /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34opt
subset AllGamma, VerticalGamma100MeV, VerticalGamma100GeV

Note the added last line. If the config file includes the subset keyword, then the list of comma-delimited tests following will be run without the others.


Deleting a version

You probably do not need to do this.

You can always delete an outdated/uninteresting or garbage version of the system tests by simply removing the version result directory. The version will still be listed in the database, but links to the files will be broken.
There is no pressing need to actually do this, but if you do want to eliminate a version of the tests from the database as well, then this might do the trick.

Note that you do not want to do this for any version that you want to keep the histograms around for reference. If the version to be deleted from the db has been used as a reference version for other versions, this will make the java interface unhappy for those versions. Deletion form the database has generally only been used when a run was particularly ill-contrived, on throwaway test/debug runs, or if the package version itself was a disaster for some reason.

titleDeleting a version of the tests from the database

> cd $SYSTESTS/src/exec
> source setup.csh
> <version_name>

