Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The single argument is required and must be equal to one of the known container names, currently ScienceTools, GlastRelease, CHS, ASP, TMineExt, GRBAnalysis, and Toy.
  • When --branch has value other than "MAIN", must also specify --parent=NONE
  • When --branch has value other than "MAIN", --new cannot have value HEAD nor can it be an integer; it must be the complete literal tagname to be applied.
  • The only acceptable literal tagnames if --branch is unspecified or has value "MAIN" have the form containerName-dd-dd-dd or containerName-dd-dd-dd-wwdd where containerName is one of the known container names, each d is a digit and each w is a letter, digit, or the underscore character. Examples are TMineExt-01-02-03 or GlastRelease-17-35-23-gr03
  • If --branch has been specified and does not have value "MAIN" the requirements on tagnames are slightly looser: in the above templates one may insert any alphanumeric string immediately after containerName (before the first hyphen). Example: GlastReleasePass7-17-35-04-gr01

Production tagging

As of version 1.22, if --real has been specified

  • the --verbose flag will automatically be set
  • the command will be submitted to batch
  • output will be emailed to the caller and to relmanlist
  • output will also be written to a file.  By default this file is $HOME/tagCollector.log.  An alternate path may be specified with the --log option.

If --fake is in effect, the command normally will be run interactively, as for earlier versions.  However it is possible to submit to batch for --fake as well by specifying the --submit_batch option.  In this case the job will be submitted to batch as above and the output will be written to a file and emailed, however it will only be emailed to the caller, not to relmanlist.

Use of upgrade.txt


This file is only used in the case where you are making a new HEAD from the previous version.  Otherwise, the list of packages to be tagged will be taken from the appropriate already-existing version of packageList.txt.
