Versions Compared


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Tag collecting is unfortunately not an atomic process. Under certain circumstances, especially when the internet connection is not great, the process can get hung up or crash part-way through. We strongly recommend that remote users, especially those with any history of problems with tag collecting, #batch .

titleInterface changes from previous versions

Version 1.19 adds a new option, --branch, making it possible to create new tags along a branch. 

Version 1.13 accepts the value NONE for the --parent option.  In this case, --new=HEAD is not allowed, but you can specify a positive integer, e.g. --new=123 in order to create a tag for HEAD 123.

Version 1.11 has the additional flag --fake. The options --real and --verbose are now also true flags, taking no argument.


If the container has a file containerNotes.txt at the top level, as of version 1.9 (committed to CVS March 10, 2011) the tagCollector script will give it some special handling for HEAD tags:  the most recently committed version of containerNotes.txt will get the new HEAD tag. (The file isn't required; if it doesn't exist, tagCollector will put out an informational message but will keep going.) The intent is to give the owner of the container a place to document the contents of the new HEAD. There are no constraints on the file, but it is probably most useful as a log (new information is appended or inserted; old entries are left alone) containing at a mininum the name or user id of whoever is making the new tag and a timestamp. When creating release tags, tagCollector treats containerNotes.txt just like everything else: everything with the most recent HEAD tag will also get the new release tag.

Submitting to Batch

logging onto a central SLAC machine, issue a command of this form:

bsub -qlong -o myTagCollectorOutput.log python /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/scripts/ options containerName

for example

bsub -qulong -o newHeadOutput.log python /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/scripts/ --new=HEAD --real ScienceTools

Still To Do

  • test adequately Creating next HEAD tag has been tested for Toy-scons   DONE Testing deemed adequate as of March 10, 2011.
  • add as output a file which lists all the packages and their tags belonging to the new tag just created.  The file probably should go at the top level (e.g., in the ScienceTools-scons directory).  One possibility in the new-HEAD case is to create it  after the temp. tag has been made, submit to CVS, move temp tag to the new version, then make the final new HEAD tag. However, if we plan to also support tag collecting from RMViewer, it would have to go through a similar procedure.  DONE  The file is called packageList.txt.
  • add ability to make release tags along a branch
