Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Check your environment setup if it effectively executed things needed in /afs/slac/g/glast/trigger/glast.setup:

    echo $GLASTROOT  


    echo $CVSROOT 


    echo $ROOTSYS 


  • Established a private development release directory and checked out the packages RTAutil (tag v0-00) and TrgTest (v0-01) into that private release directory following the instructions in the "CVS Repository" section above.      
  • Follow the instructions in the "CMT Code Build" section above to build both RTAutil and TrgTest packages and check the rh9_gcc32 directories of each package to see the the shlibs and are indeed successfully built.
  • Wiki Markup
    cd to \[your test release\]/TrgTest/v0-01/workdir  and take look atthe release.setup  to see if all the softlink pointers are sensible amd modify if necessary (*_this is rather fragile anand may not keep up with updates so that you should check this carefully_*). Then   source release.setup  which should setup various softlinks to the sharable libraries and the parent RELEASE pointer in the workdir. The setup script is made to allow making changes to release/shlib by removing old links first so that first time execution may result in a bunch of "no such file or directory" messages which you can ignore. For normal usage, you only need to do this once at the first time setting up the TrgTest package.
  • Still in the workdir, you can fire up ROOT (which will load the sharable libs through .rootrc pointing to RooLogon.C) and execute the following CINT macros with simple e.g.   .x RunDump.C.


    Formated dumps of digis, recon objects and GEM data (digi/recon)


    Test to validate the ideal geometry utility (recon/histograms)


    Analysis of ACD rate test data (histogram, GEM event time)

    The execution of AcdRate.C will take ~10min to grind through many runs (the job runs at 2-3K events/sec) and create a bunch of output histograms in subdirectory results/AcdRate.
  • Still within ROOT, you can try the plotting macro for AcdRate (assuming you executed RunAcdRate.C to produce the root files in results/AcdRate already) e.g.:
    • .x plotAcdRate.C(1,5171)             (time counter summary for run 135005171)
    • .x plotAcdRate.C(5,0)                  (GEM veto hit rate for various FreebBoard combos and thresholds)     
