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Richard gave an overview of what Chuck provided beyond documentation.  He provided organization and a "path through the thicket".  Offline had gone through at least 3 previous attempts at documenting the software which had all failed.  Chuck was very proud of the navigation tools he created where he worked to make all information available within 3 clicks.

The newsletter is done in Dreamweaver.  Karen will be taking this over.  Richard states that depending on what technologies we choose for other documentation we may transition away from Dreamweaver.

The Picture Gallery is now a maintanence effort and should be fairly straightforward.

ISOC web pages
Rob gave an overview of the ISOC web page status.  It includes a news section which will need maintenance.  Richard asked how Chuck got the news to report?  Rob believes Chuck was keeping an eye on press releases and other notifications that came by.  We'll have to find someone to take that on.

Wiki Markup
Rob also mentioned a pointer to a google site and goggle groups should be linked into ISOC page? \[need some help here, I don't think I got this down in my notes\]


Heather went through the items documented below.  Richard stated that to his knowledge that two major areas are in flux:  standard analysis and analysis threads.  Richard asked if Gino or Eric had had a chance to think about where that should go?  Gino responded that he was working with Chuck to integrate what was being maintained under Confluence.  Chuck did complete linking in some Confluence ages.  Gino hopes to carry on this relationship with the new caretaker of the workbook, such that they will continue to provide input about what is going on in Confluence.  The plan is to use the workbook as the main entry point, and then allow readers to go deeper if they desire to..where they must provide a password to view the Confluence content.

Technology Issues

Tony briefly discussed technology issues, which will affect the choosing of "who". Chuck had his way..all files in CVS, and edited in dreamweaver, and committed to web by running script that commited to web server
the advantages is that it fit his style, and plain html was easy to downloadable, and also makes it easy to mirror
the disadvantages - we don't have expertise in Dreamweaver - the nav scheme is nice and keeping it work is work
maybe consider keeping scheme but
  reduce duplication - so don't have to update so many pages when there are changes
can make things more autmoated - but may make mirrors more difficult, or downloadablea

there are some generic reasons why the workbook was kept as pure HTML

a) Chuck's preferred way of working
b) Makes it easy to create download-able workbook
c) Makes it easy to mirror site with no particular requirements on remote site

It does however make maintaining the site labor intensive. Someone needs to decide how important b and c are, and how much work they are worth.

Apart from that there are many ways that the workbook could be modernized to make it more maintainable.

Richard responded that we don't often have to export - but when SLACc SLAC is down, it's nice to have. 
Nice to have a remote copy available

Jim had some ideas aobut DB driven tools like django

Separate meeting for that perhaps

We will have a separate meeting to further discuss technology choices.

Tony also suggested analyzing Could add google ad linux - and google will keep track of who's using what pages maybe whole webisiteto determine where to place our efforts.

Richard:  Chuck may have mentioned this once, not sure if he ever did it.

Rob has been big fan of is interested in a wikipedia approach and open up doc in Confluence and let SMEs have at it, with editorial
guidance this could work.
No real rhyme or reason - need an organizing force - would editorial board have sufficient cycles to do thatRob:  divide and conquer.  IF we don't .
Rob went on to describe the benefits of dividing and conquering.  If we cannot find a single individual to take on the task, then a wiki tool where easily allows a group
can to maintain the docdocumentationRob noted that would not be able to retain some of the nice navigation features that Chuck created, such as keeping the workbook top doesn't scroll - nearest thing confluence woudl have is expandable tree which
persists on header at the top of the screen while scrolling.  The nearest equivalent in Confluence would be the creation of an expandable  tree which persists on the left side of the page.  A strong editorial board to would prevent entropy.  and would  We would also need to carefully to
consider the top level structure and what you are trying to achieve.  Could do perform some analysis of chuckchucks' s links to see
what nodes which may map to top level trunks of a tree in Confluence.

Gino - noted this is similar to what Eric tried to do with standard analysis page

Rob:  maybe predefined formats

Gino: the .  The problem will be to find the people who will take the time to do this.

Richard says that the Standard Analysis example may be the easiest example to find people willing to do the job.  We also have
thelower the lower level stuff.. scons, gr, sci analysis stuff.  Maybe starting with

Connection with FSSC

Rob - see what parts are least stable to see what to tackle first, rather than choosng a single area

there are templates available - with at least soem of nav built in

we should start with one segment and see how it goes.

Elizabeth then discussed the status of the connection with FSSC, where the pages at FSSC are independent from the workbook.  Elizabeth noted that much of the workbook isn't addressable to the FSSC community.  At FSSC Elizabeth:  
updates to ST are on a specific updates come in a single batch.  Chuck would post emails to workcvs email list:

Elizabeth would like a
and that's one way Elizabeth so she knew what changes were in, so she coould determine they affected teh FSSC pages
and if so, make the update.  It's not easy from Elizabeth's side to keep track of changes, Getting lots of user
requests, that are reflected in FSSC pages, and
full drop of HTML - it was not the easiest relationship to keep track of - lots of things going on.  Wouldlike a
system to communicate things to the FSSC to avoid things falling through the cracks. The doc is somewhat independent -- new or evolution is independent paths..
outside user community - much of workbook is not addressable in that regard

Gino - commoon doc?

Perhaps another meeting to allow looking at the details of content to be maintained..where do we need SMEs and identify them?
target Target this as part of the collab meeting?

Rob :  sharepoint - maps to a folder and subfolder paradigm

Richard:  If we're goin the wiki route - the collab knows Confluence,
esp Microsoft one

Heather, Tony, Jim, and company to look at technologies

and separate group to see who will do it

offline we'll figure that out

complement out to the workbook to provide a way to wean off Chuck's implementation

Rob:  need to get the top level view right the first time.  Richard thinks Tony will have good ideas to analyze on current
state of the workboook mentioned sharepoint.  Richard noted that if we do go the wiki route, it'd be better to stick with Confluence which the collaboration is already aware of.

Agenda topics:

  • content that needs to be curated
  • who will curate
  • technology to use (maybe intertwined with the who)
