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See /nfs/farm/g/glast/u54/jrb/GRBAnalysis-scons.   GRBAnalysis has been augmented with ST packages facilities, astro, tip, embed_python, st_facilities, st_stream and irfs/* as well as infrastructure required for SCons containers.  I've made some minor changes to astro and facilities (committed and tagged) so they will build static libraries in the context of GRBAnalysis (but not ST or GR).  I made other small changes to handoff_response and irfLoader (likewise committed and tagged) to reduce the GRBAnalysis dependency on ST packages to the minimum.

Still To Do

  • Finalize file organization , in CVS and naming, etc. within GRBAnalysis (which will probably have to become GRBAnalysis-scons)..  Propose creating new top-level CVS module GRBAnalysis-scons which will contain everything currently in GRBAnalysis, but with source file names changed to be consistent with standard conventions (e.g. .h rather than .hh; .cxx rather than .cc). Also add sym links in the repository for ST packages to be included.
  • Add SConscripts for GBMtoolkit, GtGRB, etc.(all  subdirectories of original GRBAnalysis  Add SConscripts for subdirectories of GRBAnalysis which don't yet have theman SConscript)
  • Determine exactly what build products from GRBAnalysis need needs to be built and installed or just installed; update SConscripts accordingly. See section "Input Needed" below for more detail
  • Test that all build products get properly built and installed and can run .  Check that STExt contains everything needed by GRBAnalysis.when user has set up environment as intended.  That is,
    • set environment variable INST_DIR to root directory of ScienceTools build
    • source $INST_DIR/bin/redhat../ (or .csh)
    • set environment variable INST_DIR to root directory of GRBAnalysis-scons
    • source $INST_DIR/bin/redhat.../

Input Needed

For each subdirectory of GRBAnalysis I need to know what needs to be built (also how, in some cases) and what needs to be installed in order to organize the files according to standard conventions and write a suitable SConscript.


GBMtoolkit (owner: Giacomo)  Would like to make subdirectories src (for .C) and python (for .py).  .so file does not belong in CVS. What command or commands are used to create the .so?  This will need to be in the SConscript. Typically an .so is specified as some type of library target and is installed under the top-level lib directory.  That directory will be included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH for users who run the _setup file. 

Should all the python files be installed?  If so, maybe should rename to something less likely to cause confusion or conflicts. Once all this is straightened out, should be straightforward to make an SConscript.


LLE (owner: Frederic) Usual comments:  move all files except SConscript, .cvsignore out of top directory.  Determine what needs to be built; what needs to be installed. I haven't tried it yet, but the The SConscript and file in there now look right for building build the LLE library. Will have to add to SConscript if other files belonging to the package need to be installed.


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ARCH, --arch=ARCH, --architecture=ARCH
                        32 or 64  default:value for log-in machine
  -o OPSYS, --os=OPSYS  rhel4 or rhel5 default:value for log-in machine
  --opt, --optimized    use optimized build of ScienceTools default 
--debug, --noopt   use debug build of ScienceTools
  --parent=PARENT       parent directory $GLAST_EXT/STExt[]
  --fake                print proposed actions but don't execute
  --real                really do it
