Versions Compared


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  1. Make a ScienceTools external library.  That is, for current ST tag and others in the future as needed, install the ST build (libraries, binaries, includes, python, and any other public files as needed) in the SLAC externals area, rearranging the file hierarchy somewhat to be consistent with norms in the Externals area. Add entries to allExternals.scons for this new external (known as STExt)
  2. Re-organize GRBAnalysis into standard form for a container.  It will depend on STExt as well as all the externals which ScienceTools itself depends upon.


As of May 9th..


I've written a script and committed to CVS (grits-tools/python/ to be used to install the STExt external at SLAC for all supported Linux platforms.  Here is the help:

No Format

jrb@noric10 $ python --help
Usage: version-to-install [options]  

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ARCH, --arch=ARCH, --architecture=ARCH
                        32 or 64  [default:value for log-in machine ]
  -o OPSYS, --os=OPSYS  rhel4 or rhel5 [default:value for log-in machine ]
  --opt, --optimized    use optimized build of ScienceTools [default]  --debug, --noopt      use debug build of ScienceTools
  --parent=PARENT       parent directory [default: $GLAST_EXT/STExt]
  --fake                print proposed actions but don't execute
  --real                really do it

However it doesn't (yet) behave entirely as advertised.  In the meantime, I've made a rhel4 32-bit STExt external for the 09-23-01 tag and have installed it in the central GLAST_EXT area. See /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/STExt/09.23.01

STExt has all the installed libraries, binaries (executables; not wrapper scripts), includes, python files, data files, and system pfiles from ScienceTools-09-23-01.  Is this the right set of things?

SCons Description of STExt

Since GRBAnalysis only requires a small subset of the ScienceTools libraries (facilities, tip, astro. *Respose, irfInterface, irfLoader and rootIrfLoader) I defined a library group in allExternals.scons consisting of just these libraries called STforGRBLibs.  The SCons configure step fails, I suspect because of the mixture of shared and static libraries.  For the time being I've added a new type of key in allExternals.scons allowing the definition of a library group without doing the Configure check.


GRBAnalysis needs to be reorganized into a standard container.  Much of the work has been done, but not yet committed to CVS.  The BackgroundEstimator shareable builds without error against STExt

Still To Do

  • Create and install STExt for all other supported platforms for 09-23-01. 
  • Wiki Markup
    \[Would be nice\] Fix and enlarge scope to include Mac as well as all Linux platforms so the process will be more automatic the next time a new STExt release is needed. Maybe write a separate, but relatively simple, script to handle Windows only.
  • Wiki Markup
    \[Would be nice\] Find a way to re-instate library configure checks for  STforGRBLibs
  • Finalize file organization, naming, etc. within GRBAnalysis (which will probably have to become GRBAnalysis-scons).
  • Add SConscripts for subdirectories of GRBAnalysis which don't yet have them
  • Determine exactly what build products from GRBAnalysis need to be installed; update SConscripts accordingly.