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1) Select limits from graphical input and plot filtered IPIMB

Here's a log from a session that produces a loglog plot (blue dots) of two IPIMB channels, selects limits from graphical inpu (mouse click),
draws the selected events with red dots.
Image Added

Code Block

In [1]: from matlab import *
Pretend this is matlab

In [2]: whos
Variable                         Type        Data/Info
H5getobjnames                    function    <function H5getobjnames at 0x1379fde8>
ScanInput                        type        <class 'matlab.ScanInput'>
ScanOutput                       type        <class 'matlab.ScanOutput'>
filtvec                          function    <function filtvec at 0x1379ff50>
findmovingmotor                  function    <function findmovingmotor at 0x1379fd70>
getSTDMEANfrac_from_startpoint   function    <function getSTDMEANfrac_<...>startpoint at 0x137a01b8>
get_filter                       function    <function get_filter at 0x1379fed8>
get_limits                       function    <function get_limits at 0x137a0050>
get_limits_automatic             function    <function get_limits_automatic at 0x137a0230>
get_limits_channelhist           function    <function get_limits_channelhist at 0x137a02a8>
get_limits_correlation           function    <function get_limits_correlation at 0x137a00c8>
get_limits_corrfrac              function    <function get_limits_corrfrac at 0x137a0140>
h5py                             module      <module 'h5py' from '/reg<...>ython/h5py/__init__.pyc'>
np                               module      <module 'numpy' from '/re<...>thon/numpy/__init__.pyc'>
plt                              module      <module 'matplotlib.pyplo<...>n/matplotlib/pyplot.pyc'>
rdXPPdata                        function    <function rdXPPdata at 0x1379fc80>
runexpNO2fina                    function    <function runexpNO2fina at 0x1379fe60>
In [4]: scaninput = ScanInput()
In [6]: scaninput.fina = "/reg/d/psdm/XPP/xpp23410/hdf5/xpp23410-r0107.h5"

In [7]: scan = rdXPPdata(scaninput)
Reading XPP data from  /reg/d/psdm/XPP/xpp23410/hdf5/xpp23410-r0107.h5
Found pv control object  fs2:ramp_angsft_target
Found scan vector  [ 2800120.  2800240.  2800360.  2800480.  2800600.  2800720.  2800840.
  2800960.  2801080.  2801200.  2801320.  2801440.  2801560.  2801680.
  2801800.  2801920.  2802040.  2802160.  2802280.  2802400.  2802520.
  2802640.  2802760.  2802880.  2803000.  2803120.  2803240.  2803360.
  2803480.  2803600.  2803720.  2803840.  2803960.  2804080.  2804200.
  2804320.  2804440.  2804560.  2804680.  2804800.  2804920.  2805040.
  2805160.  2805280.]
Fetching data to correlate with motor
['IPM1', 'IPM2']
(44, 120, 4)
In [8]: channels = np.concatenate(scan.scandata,axis=0)

In [9]: channels.shape
Out[9]: (5280, 4)

In [10]: get_limits(channels,1,"correlation")
4 channels a 5280 events
indexes that pass filter:  (array([   1,    5,    8, ..., 5266, 5272, 5273]),)
array([[ 0.00086654,  0.01604564],
       [ 0.67172102,  0.71968567],
       [ 0.00194716,  0.01447819],
       [ 0.80365403,  0.73463468]])

In [11]: plt.draw()