Minutes of meeting John reported that we need a "Requirement document list for beam" Alignment of beam before detector using their existing system and then wrt to Silicon Need small corrector magnets for LR UD pitch and yaw movement. Support of Vacuum Chamber 1) Adjustment available for each of the 5 detector planes above and below (10 stepping motors plus readout). This choice is more complicated. Interacts with cooling systems. or 2) Adjustment for top plane and bottom plane Need a plan to move planes for DOE review in 2-weeks. Need scheme for bringing beam to detector and then movement of silicon wrt to beam. Beam energy for test run, 2.2 GeV. Test run will be 1-month with ~ 1-week of data taking. Takashi: few plots to show impact of increasing gap and how changing tilt angle impacts physics. Marco: target and detector 15 mrad is angle front face of calorimeter This means the bottom of the 1st crystal is 17 mm from the beam. Gap is 20mm, 22mm outside (vac wall is 1 mm thick), 3mm between top of vac chamber and support plate that is 2 mm thick, 1mm between plate and crystal. Vac chamber is 20 cm wide. Target is located in field region slightly inside magnet 10 cm from 1st detector. Target is aligned with front edge of magnet. Note: 8am meeting on Thursday.