Howto build RTEMS ----------------- cd cvs co RTEMS cd RTEMS ./bootstrap cd .. mkdir build mkdir install cd build ../RTEMS/configure \ --target=powerpc-rtems \ --enable-rtemsbsp=gen405 \ --enable-cxx \ --enable-networking \ --disable-itron \ --disable-tests \ --prefix=/install After that: gmake -s all install And after that cpo believes that we also have to do "gmake depend", although the RTEMS documentation says this should be done automatically. This command creates many files like: ./powerpc-rtems/c/gen405/lib/libbsp/powerpc/gen405/console/Depends-o-optimize Conceivable this is a bug with then gen405 bsp? Doesn't make sense. This gmake depend has to happen after "gmake -s all install". Note that it's possible to build three different variants of RTEMS: optimize, debug and profile. The syntax is: gmake VARIANT=OPTIMIZE gmake VARIANT=DEBUG gmake VARIANT=PROFILE If VARIANT is not specified then OPTIMIZE is assumed. Howto build RTEMS applications ------------------------------ setenv RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH /install/powerpc-rtems/gen405 cd gmake Howto build NPA applications ---------------------------- Set the environment variable RELEASE_DIR to point to your release. This is the area where you have checked our NPA (not RTEMS) source code. There are many combinations of BSP/optimize/debug that you can use. Here are some examples: gmake i386-linux-opt-dbg gmake ppc-rtems-pmc405-dbg gmake ppc-rtems-pmc405-opt-dbg gmake ppc-rtems-ml405-opt