======================================================================== Proposed changes in D4 FITS file format December 20th, 2007 Masaharu Hirayama James Peachey ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Ephemerides extensions Current design: A D4 FITS file has two extensions for ephemerides, one for pulsars' spin parameters and the other for binary orbital parameters for DD model. SPIN_PARAMETERS RA, Dec, f0, f1, f2 ORBITAL_PARAMETERS Parameters for DD model Proposed design: A D4 FITS file can have as more than two extensions for ephemerides, each of which contains parameters for a certain ephemeris type. An ephemeris type can be a representation of pulsars' spin parameters, and a set of parameters for a certain binary orbital model. There are a few ways to organize multiple ephemeris types in separate extensions in this design. [Baseline] An extension name (EXTNAME) specifies which kind of parameters it contains, pulsars' spin parameters or binary orbital parameters, and a new header keyword (EPHTYPE) indicates what type of representation of ephemeris it contains, e.g., frequency-domain or period-domain for pulsars' spin parameters, and a name of binary model for binary orbital parameters. EXTNAME = SPIN_PARAMETERS EPHTYPE = FREQ, PER, FREQ3, FREQ4, ... EXTNAME = ORBITAL_PARAMETERS EPHTYPE = DD, ELL1, ... [Alternative 1] Same as the baseline, but with a number at the end of each extension name (EXTNAME). EXTNAME = SPIN_PARAMETERS1, SPIN_PARAMETERS2, ... EPHTYPE = FREQ, PER, FREQ3, FREQ4, ... EXTNAME = ORBITAL_PARAMETERS1, ORBITAL_PARAMETERS2, ... EPHTYPE = DD, ELL1, ... Pros: All extensions has different names in a single FITS file. Cons: Extension names can conflict with each other when two FITS files are combined with FTOOLS or something equivalent. [Alternative 2] Similar to the baseline, but EXTNAME and EPHTYPE are concatenated and assigned to an extension name (EXTNAME). SPIN_PARAMETERS_FREQ RA, Dec, f0, f1, f2 SPIN_PARAMETERS_PER RA, Dec, p0, p1, p2 SPIN_PARAMETERS_FREQ3 RA, Dec, f0, f1, f2, f3 SPIN_PARAMETERS_FREQ4 RA, Dec, f0, f1, f2, f4 ... ORBITAL_PARAMETERS_DD Parameters for DD model ORBITAL_PARAMETERS_ELL1 Parameters for ELL1 model ... Pros: All extensions has different names in a single FITS file. There is no new header keyword introduce. As a result, it is easier to browse a D4 FITS file with FTOOLS, such as fv. Cons: Extension names need to be parsed. It is computationally less straightforward to find all extensions that contain ephemeris data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) Special event extension Add new extension that designates time intervals during which pulsar's spin ephemerides are not reliable. It may contain a time interval when a pulsar is glitching, exhibiting a large timing noise which prevents a timing solution from accurately modeling timing behavior of pulsation. EXTNAME = Candidate: SPECIAL_EVENTS, GLITCH, BTI (Bad Time Interval). Columns: PSRNAME, SINCE, and UNTIL. PSRNAME: pulsar name SINCE: integer MJD of the beginning of a special event UNTIL: integer MJD of the end of a special event EVENT_TYPE: character string indicating a type of event, such as "GLITCH" and "NOISY". OBSERVER_CODE: character string indicating an observer (same as the ones in spin and orbital parameter extensions). Note: Need to determine whether or not the beginning and the end of an interval may need a fractional part of its MJD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Special event handling in event files Remove (or select) events during a glitch and/or a ephemeris gap with gtselect before running a pulsar tool. Need a GTI creator tool that reads ephemerides extensions and a special event extension and outputs an GTI extension in the FITS format. Use of GTI's gives a natural connection between a temporal analysis and a spectral analysis, e.g., existing tools can handle exposure computations for photons selected by pulsar ephemeris data. A GTI creator tool can be used to check whether an event file is covered by ephemerides in a D4 FITS file. A technical difficulty is that it needs to treat times in a D4 FITS file as barycentric times and convert them back to original photon arrival times as mission elapsed times, in order to match them with event times in TIME column of an event file. [Alternative] Add new column, EPH_QUALITY, that indicates whether the photon is covered by a reliable ephemeris or not. It takes an integer number, which means: -2: the event time is not covered by a spin ephemeris, and falls in a special event interval. -1: the event time is covered by a spin ephemeris, but falls in a special event interval. 0: ephemeris quality not assigned yet. 1: the event time is not covered by a spin ephemeris, but does not fall in a special event interval, either. 2: the event time is covered by a spin ephemeris, and does not fall in a special event interval. Pros: Event selections can be applied with any combination of EPH_QUALITY column values. Cons: Need a separate tool for exposure computation after event selections are made based on EPH_QUALITY column values. ========================================================================