LCD Weekly: Simu and Reco 5/31/05 SLAC NG (Norman) JM (Jeremy) SM (Steve) JS (Jan Strube) NS (Nick Sinev) RC (Ron Cassell) RP (Rich Partridge) TK (Tatsumi Koi) NICADD GL (Guilherme Lima) ANL SK (Steve Kuhlman)s --- NG: Burning CD in June, but this is tomorrow. When do we want to make the CD? Prelease -- use as opportunity to debug. Don't anticipate too many ppl using before Snowmass. Event generation -- TB looking at WHIZARD but not ready for full production. 500/1000 GeV w/ bkgrnds. Single particle, signal events, etc. available in StdHep format. 10k should be available for algorithm dev. Anticipate starting WHIZARD gen soon. Some events already generated in LCIO. NICADD generating different types of detectors? GL: Plans for tests w/ different types of detectors. Used some nonprojective calorimeter geometries based on SDJan05 (?) w/ scintillator and 5 mm and 8 mm thickness. NG: Done study between projective and nonprojective in barrel? GL: Vishnu did this but had trouble interpretting differences. Don't have details. NG: JM sent message about NP? GL: Found empty classes w/o bodies. Planning to implement reasonable output for these routines. Reuse classes from hep.lcd. Basically C++ version in LCDG4. NG: Colorado group working on description of GLD. Heard from them? GL: Shinjen Chen (?) sent update to do staggered cells. Have not tested it yet so haven't put in CVS. NG: Update from G4? TK: Update next week. Already have packages built on AFS. No changes in multiple scattering. Requested status report from Michelle. NG: High on request list. TK: Michelle says 1st priority to fix energy bug. NG: Tracking? NS: Full CCD simulation can now do endcaps. Will put in CVS (today). NG: Uses a lot of the existing code from barrel? NS: Just a different coordinate system. NG: Pattern recognition? NS: Working for endcap. Problem with efficiency. Have done some optimization. Hits from different particles to same track. Can't correctly assign MCParticles. Inefficiency. NG: Efficiency low because losing hits -- resolved? NS: Yes, no longer losing hits. NG: In a state where CVS could be updated? NS: Needs to be worked on a bit more. NG: Progress on clustering? RC: Not much on clusterer itself. Trying to look at stuff for Steve -- old ClusterId package. Updated CVS to fix some problems. Looking at cluster analysis to hopefully use it (talking to TJ) for cluster itself in org.lcsim . NG: Fulfill CalculateDerivedQuantities() ? RC: Yes, trying to figure out what should be included in a layered way? E.g. base implementation with possibility of useroverriding. Trying to figure out what to use from AbstractCluster. Probably cluster stuff needs ~1 week for CD release quality. Waiting on work from TJ. NG: SM? SM: Marty B. wants to understand difference in hits between scintillator and RPC. Ray F. sent email if had any updates for tomorrow's meeting. (SiD calorimetry meeting) Nothing new. RC: JM should rerun the neutron jobs. SM: Want shell for PFA that NG used. When TJ is back, need to talk about the helix routine to see whether I can use it. NG: Extrapoling to surface -- could be barrel or endcap. SM: If TJ can tell me about path length / coll of vectors, maybe I can use this. Trying to link with clusters in 4 different regions -- hcal/ecal barrel/endcap. Nearest neighbor cluster. Should give 1 cluster / cell for test purposes? NG: Can release something soon? SM: Track/cell association will be a couple weeks. NG: JS waiting on track? JS: At this point, zvTop is pretty unusable. Need a few weeks to fix. Don't have too much time in next two weeks. Old vertex fitter based on BaBar code which was actually replaced in BaBar code. 1st iteration to make it work, but we should look at getting a better fitter. NG: End of month? JS: Hopefully, new fitter by Snowmass. NG: Tracker digitization re RP. Id individuals to do this. RP: Make sure manpower is in place before presenting a plan. NG: A lot of the infrastructure from NS could be used from tracker digitization. NS: Actually, pretty different. Drift in CCD but not in microstrip (strong field). Probably a bit different. RP: Charge deposition models are pretty different. NS: Main problem is diffusion of charge. NG: Local coordinates, cylinders to disks, MCParticle association, etc. has been solved. Starting from SimTrackerHit and ending up with digitized Si hit is done. NS: Maybe I can help. RP: Maybe ask NS to talk about different steps. NG: Maybe plugin different digitizers. NG: RC to update SK. RC: Duplicated two errors from SK and fixed in CVS. Analysis code needs one additional modification. But can't do this because can't call Stop() in this method. Waiting on TJ. SK: Planning on sending error messages out but not able to copy and paste. GL: Questions. Trying to help Caroline to port stepper to org.lcsim framework? Needs some reconstructed tracks to start. Couldn't find any implementation. NG: Currently not released in org.lcsim. If use fastMC will get recon tracks. Does satisfy track interface. GL: Just taking MCParticles and converting. NG: If run JAS3 0.8 can use SimpleFastMC example. Creates MCFast track smearer and adds recon tracks to event. GL: Also noticed that SDJan03 description does not have a coil. NG: Move forward from SDJan03 to something newer. GL: Stepper needs to know coil location for energy loss calculation. GL: Move to SiDMay05? NG: Current best estimate of SiD detector. NG: No reason couldn't do SiDMay05 in old XML format. SDFeb05 is pretty close and have XML format. Need to come up with some scheme to determine which geometries. GL: Including hep.lcd on CD? NG: Thought not but probably we will. GL to ping Vishnu on NP analysis esp. if big differences.