LCD Weekly: Simu and Reco 5/17/05 SLAC NG (Norman) JM (Jeremy) SM (Steve) JS (Jan) MD (Mark Donzelmann) NS (Nick Sinev) WM (Wolfgang Mader) MC (Matthew Charles) ANL SK (Steve Kuhlman) UofC UU (Uriel Nauenburg) JP (Joe Proulx) EE (Eric Benevedous) --- NG: Update from Uriel? UU: Definition of clusters has direction and energy or just IDs cluster? NG: Building abstract cluster using hep.lcd, calculates direction cosines for cluster itself. UU: Jason Hanson has program that follows hadron and includes energy loss. NG: Aware that FNAL group working on this too? UU: Not gotten that far. Only high energy tracks. NG: Caroline Miltstene's code does this, including curlers. UU: Having trouble (?). WM: Caroline gave update at calorimeter session, two weeks ago. Transparencies are probably posted. NG: Glad to hear working on it but should touch base with them. NG: Update from JP? JP: Working through bugs. NG: Get basics w/ INI file. Talk by Miyamoto, ~3 weeks ago. Using as baseline? JP: PDF file. Some is ambiguous. Two different geometries for muon chambers. Sort of picked one that looked easier to code in. NG: First iteration debugged, put into CVS. Try to make part of next release. JP: Should have something useable. UU: Least squares fit to pi0. WM: Kinematic fit? UU: Yes. Using BaBar code. NG: Directions for photon clusters should be quite good. Good hypothesis for cluster shape. Algorithm takes moments of energy weighted positions of cells in cluster. WM: Can see kshort -> pi0 pi0 ? JP: Code exists that will find EM shower direction? NG: In hep.lcd. Make cluster that inherits from AbstractCluster. Method in this class that will calculate this: CalculateDerivedQuantities(). NG: Short term plans from EE? EE: Photon reconstruction. Looking at H-matrix. NG: Thought EE could do ki-squared to include transverse info. JP: Plots exist of discrimination between photons and neutrons? NG: Not much distrimination power? JP: Never seen a plot. NG: Have some plots and will post to meeting page. NG: Sim update? JM: LCIO input. Working on stable release. NG: Update on WIRED? MD: Working on outstanding issues in WIRED4. NG: No G4 devs. Just looking at doing range cut. Not limiting step in PFA. Should be okay. SM: Never had endcap in our program (diagnostics). Can use whole calorimeter for track extrapolation. Proceeding with conversion. Hope to have major part done by this week. SK: When CD burning begin? NG: 3.5 days behind schedule. SM: Goal is to finish and put on CD. Haven't run into any problems. NG: Update on Pflow analysis at SiD calorimetry meeting tomorrow. SM: Calculated perfect Pflow for SiD using neutrals. Will show tomorrow. NS: Thinking about how to make disk CCDs. Figured out don't need hexagons -- will use squares. NG: Cartesian grid on it. NS: Found program is losing endcap hits. 4 layers instead of 5. (bugs) NG: Probably won't burn CD June 1. Will have to see how soon after it. All in cVS though. Should always build. No CD CVS package. MD: For Geant4 CD, made an ant task to get packages from various places. Check links, etc.