Attendees: NG TJ WL JM MD MT SM -- NG: Work to do before "burn CD" for Snowmass. Snowmass = August 14th. MD: When do CD? TJ: end of June NG: ASAP TJ: What should be on it? NG: Transitioning to org.lcsim from hep.lcd. TJ: Don't see major obstacles. Demo of how to reconstruct data from "other" frameworks, e.g. GLD. NG: Contents... _Lelaps_ SiD @ GODL GLD D11 WL: Compact to GODL? How to do complex beampipes, masks? TJ: Writing GODL converter shouldn't be too hard. NG: Get skeletons of 3 detectors. TJ: Useful to put in polygons. JM: Maybe do SiD with polygons. TJ: Use Jira to track requirements for GeomConverter and org.lcsim. TJ: Others suggested AFS distrib of SLIC for "Linux". Scientific Linux? TJ: Data on CD? NG: Development on small data samples. NG: CD, DVD? NG: Fast MC? need reconstructed particles WL: Need Fast MC at all? NG: [ () means not there yet. ] _Full Reco_ Clustering (Tracking) [NG] (Digi) [GL] (Vertexing) [JS] (Track-Cluster Association) [SM] (PFA/EFA) (Individual Particle Reconstruction) (Reconstructed Particle) JM: Put digi info into LCIO run header? TJ: Okay, but still doesn't give positions translation from IDs. NG: WIRED4? MD: ~June = okay NG: Requests? JM: Guilherme w/ NP, Eckhard event req., ... NG: SIO data samples exist. TJ: Jupiter, Mokka data into reconstruction framework, including IDs -> positions. NG: upgrade to org.lcsim Iowa, NICADD, Kansas