GLAST Standard Analysis Environment (SAE) Evaluation Questionnaire Science Tools Checkout 2 March 21, 2005 - April 8 ,2005 Reviewer: Razzano Massimiliano Software Component: Glbary Summary of Tests Performed: - Tests with PulsarSpectrum simulator. - Test with delta of Dirac-shaped (single and double); - Test with EGRET pulsars with specific TimeProfiles and comparison between original and reconstructed profile; - Test with random generated timeprofiles; All the tests spans period from 1 day to 1 month of data. - No background in order to maximize the check of arrival time assigment (avoid to confuse pulsar photons with backgroud photons). User Interface 1. What, if anything, about the choice and meaning of parameters could be improved? Are there new parameters which need to be added? Are the current parameters sensible? I don't know why, but at the prompt no version appears after the "INFO: This is version " and instead of the version I can see "unknown". 2. Are there any prompts you would suggest rewording? None; Probably can be added a functionality of choosing between equatorial and/or galactic coordinates for the true position of the source. 3. Are there any hidden parameters which you think should be prompted for or vice versa? Probably the message that the HDU 0 is not processed can be skipped because it contains no event data. 4. Would you like the prompts to appear in a different order? Ok 5. Would you suggest changes to the default values of any parameters? Changes to min, max fields? Ok Tool Behavior 6. In what way, if any, did the tool perform unexpectedly? - For testing I've also tried to put coordinates values out of the range (like e.g. RA = -374) and it correctly stops saying that there was an error in the input. - There is a problem with TSTOP and TSTART when I use glbary to correct fits files by using scData fits file of length of time equal to the time lenght of event file. E.G. for correcting a file containing 1 day of data (86400) I have to use a ScData file containing times greater than 86400. 7. Were there any aspects of the tool's output which seem scientifically suspicious to you? (e.g. fluxes too large, number of events selected too small, etc.) Ok 8. Was there information (i.e. output) the tool did not provide which you think it should? Ok 9. Was there information (i.e. output) the tool provided which you think it should not? Ok Future Development 10. List new features you would like to see implemented, in descending order of importance. Please flag any which you think are critical for DC2. The same I've suggested during the first checkout - The prompt for l,b in addition to RA,dec. - the possibility to display automatically a name for the output file. For example from vela_events_0000.fits the tool can propose a default name like for example Vela_bari_0000.fits 11. Are there any aspects of this tool you would change in order for it to work more smoothly with other parts of the SAE? JIRA Summary Please list the identifiers of any/all JIRA issues which were filed in connection with this evaluation. I placed all the issues here and I will place also in in JIRA. General Notes Respect to the first Checkout now we had the possibility to check deeply the behaviour of glbary thanks to the implementations of decorrections in the simulator