import numpy from scipy import signal import sys, re sys.argv.append( '-b-' ) import ROOT, array ##from jungfrauZeug import getNextEventSingle from psana import * from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() from cluster import Cluster, BuildClusters camera = 0 path = "/reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs11016/usrdaq/jungfrau/" resPath = "/reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxi11216/results/jungfrau" ##psiFileA = sys.argv[1] ## assume A ##psiFileA = re.sub("000000.dat", "00000%d.dat" %(rank), psiFileA) ##fA = open(path+psiFileA,"rb") run = eval(sys.argv[1]) ## point to xtc darkRun0 = eval(sys.argv[2]) ## point to ped? darkRun1 = darkRun0 + 3 darkRun2 = darkRun0 + 4 ds = DataSource('exp=cxi11216:run=%d:smd' %(run)) cspad = Detector('Dg3CsPad2x2', ds.env()) ##jungfrau = Detector('Jungfrau', ds.env()) imp = Detector('Dg3Imp', ds.env()) fir = numpy.loadtxt('fir8.fir') config = ds.env().configStore() evrs = [] for key in config.keys(): if key.type() == EvrData.ConfigV7: evrs.append(key.src()) try: label = "_" + sys.argv[3] if 'lumi' in label: lumi = True else: lumi = False if 'noCM' in label: doCM = False else: doCM = True if 'noClus' in label: doClusters = False else: doClusters = True if 'gainCorr' in label: corrGain = True else: corrGain = False if 'stitch' in label: stitch = True else: stitch = False ## if 'noCM' in label: ## doCM = False ## else: ## doCM = True except: label = "" print "good luck having this work" nonStandardGains = [] ## not e.g. 31 ped = True try: ped0 = (numpy.load("r%d_stats_gain0_ped.npy" %(darkRun0)).astype(int))&0x3fff ped1 = (numpy.load("r%d_stats_gain1_ped.npy" %(darkRun1)).astype(int))&0x3fff ped2 = (numpy.load("r%d_stats_gain2_ped.npy" %(darkRun2)).astype(int))&0x3fff g0cut = 1<<14 g1cut = 2<<14 g2cut = 3<<14 ped0[256:, 256:] = 0 ped1[256:, 256:] = 0 ped2[256:, 256:] = 0 except: print "no pedestal found" ped = None ##localPath = "/reg/neh/home4/philiph/psana/jungfrau/" localPath = "/reg/neh/home4/philiph/psana/jungfrau/singleModule/" try: a = numpy.load(localPath + "summary_40_regionA_m_csnVsJF.npy") b = numpy.load(localPath + "summary_40_regionB_m_csnVsJF.npy") rAp0 = [] rAp1 = [] rBp0 = [] rBp1 = [] for gains in range(3): rAp0.append(a[:, gains*4]) rAp1.append(a[:, gains*4+1]) rBp0.append(b[:, gains*4]) rBp1.append(b[:, gains*4+1]) rAp0 = numpy.array(rAp0) rAp1 = numpy.array(rAp1) rBp0 = numpy.array(rBp0) rBp1 = numpy.array(rBp1) except: print "could not open %s or something like that" %(localPath + "summary_40_regionA_m_csnVsJF.npy") ##tFile = ROOT.TFile('clusters_rank%d_r%d_d%d.root' %(rank, run, pedRun),'RECREATE') ##tFile = ROOT.TFile('/reg/d/psdm/xcs/xcs11016/results/philiph/clusters_2sigma_rank%d_r%d.root' %(rank, run),'RECREATE') tname = resPath + '/clusters%s_rank%d_r%d.root' %(label, rank, run) if not doClusters: tname = re.sub("/clusters", "/regions", tname) tFile = ROOT.TFile(tname, 'RECREATE') tTree = ROOT.TTree('ntup','ntup') maxClusters = 100000 tnEvent = array.array('i', [0]) tnClusters = array.array('i', [0]) tCamera = array.array('i',maxClusters*[0]) tcOffset = array.array('f',maxClusters*[0]) trOffset = array.array('f',maxClusters*[0]) tcFlat = array.array('f',maxClusters*[0]) trFlat = array.array('f',maxClusters*[0]) tnPixels = array.array('i',maxClusters*[0]) tnMaskedPixels = array.array('i',maxClusters*[0]) tenergy = array.array('f',maxClusters*[0]) tseedEnergy = array.array('f',maxClusters*[0]) tseedCol = array.array('i', maxClusters*[0]) tseedRow = array.array('i', maxClusters*[0]) teTotalNoCuts = array.array('f', maxClusters*[0]) teSecondaryPixelNoCuts = array.array('f', maxClusters*[0]) tisSquare = array.array('i', maxClusters*[0]) if lumi: tnEvent = array.array('i', [0]) tSeconds = array.array('i', [0]) tNSeconds = array.array('i', [0]) tFiducial = array.array('i', [0]) tKicked = array.array('i', [0]) tFlux = array.array('f', [0]) tCsN = array.array('i',[0]) tCsTot = array.array('f', [0]) tCsAve25 = array.array('f', [0]) regionSize = 20 regionPixels = regionSize**2 tRegionA = array.array('i', regionPixels*[0]) tRAGain = array.array('i', regionPixels*[0]) tRAstitch = array.array('f', regionPixels*[0]) tRegionB = array.array('i', regionPixels*[0]) tRBGain = array.array('i', regionPixels*[0]) tRBstitch = array.array('f', regionPixels*[0]) tTree.Branch('nEvent', tnEvent, 'nEvent/I') tTree.Branch('nClusters', tnClusters, 'nClusters/I') tTree.Branch('camera', tCamera, 'camera[nClusters]/I') tTree.Branch('energy', tenergy, 'energy[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('cOffset', tcOffset, 'cOffset[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('rOffset', trOffset, 'rOffset[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('cFlat', tcFlat, 'cFlat[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('rFlat', trFlat, 'rFlat[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('nPixels', tnPixels, 'nPixels[nClusters]/I') tTree.Branch('nMaskedPixels', tnMaskedPixels, 'nMaskedPixels[nClusters]/I') tTree.Branch('seedEnergy', tseedEnergy, 'seedEnergy[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('seedCol', tseedCol, 'seedCol[nClusters]/I') tTree.Branch('seedRow', tseedRow, 'seedRow[nClusters]/I') tTree.Branch('eTotalNoCuts', teTotalNoCuts, 'eTotalNoCuts[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('eSecondaryPixelNoCuts', teSecondaryPixelNoCuts, 'eSecondaryPixelNoCuts[nClusters]/F') tTree.Branch('isSquare', tisSquare, 'isSquare[nClusters]/I') if lumi: tTree.Branch('nEvent', tnEvent, 'nEvent/I') tTree.Branch('seconds', tSeconds, 'seconds/I') tTree.Branch('nSeconds', tNSeconds, 'nSeconds/I') tTree.Branch('fiducial', tFiducial, 'fiducial/I') tTree.Branch('kicked', tKicked, 'kicked/I') tTree.Branch('flux', tFlux, 'flux/F') tTree.Branch('csN', tCsN, 'csN/I') tTree.Branch('csTot', tCsTot, 'csTot/F') tTree.Branch('csAve25', tCsAve25, 'csAve25/F') tTree.Branch('regionA', tRegionA, 'regionA[%d]/I' %(regionPixels)) tTree.Branch('rAGain', tRAGain, 'rAGain[%d]/I' %(regionPixels)) tTree.Branch('rAstitch', tRAstitch, 'rAstitch[%d]/F' %(regionPixels)) tTree.Branch('regionB', tRegionB, 'regionB[%d]/I' %(regionPixels)) tTree.Branch('rBGain', tRBGain, 'rBGain[%d]/I' %(regionPixels)) tTree.Branch('rBstitch', tRBstitch, 'rBstitch[%d]/F' %(regionPixels)) if True: xA = 123 yA = 71 xB = 356 yB = 154 else: xA = 740 yA = 420 xB = 740 yB = 460 singles = ROOT.TH1F("singles", "singles", 500, 0, 1000) squares = ROOT.TH1F("squares", "squares", 500, 0, 1000) gainCorr = None if run not in nonStandardGains: seedCut = 100 ##??? neighborCut = 33 ##??? if corrGain: gainCorrFile = "gainPixelCorr_passZeroL_r5_c0.npy" gainCorr = numpy.load(gainCorrFile) print "using gain correction %s, rank %d" %(gainCorrFile, rank) else: ## high gain: Cu at 778 ADU seedCut = 100 ## bit under half of 220 for Mo L line ##400 ##??? neighborCut = 54 ## 3sigma ## neighborCut = 36 ## 2sigma ## gainCorrFile = "gainPixelCorr_passZeroL_r21_c0.npy" ## gainCorr = numpy.load(gainCorrFile) ## print "using gain correction %s" %(gainCorrFile) centroid = None rows = 1024/2 cols = 1024 banks = 4 bankN = cols/banks nSkippedForFlux = 0 ##maxNevents = 0 maxNevents = 400000 nEvt = 0 for nEvent,evt in enumerate( if nEvent%size != rank: continue if nEvent>maxNevents: break ## epixSum = numpy.zeros(cameras) ## normedSum = numpy.zeros(cameras) ## eArray = [] ## nArray = [] ## fArray = [] ## for c in range(cameras): ## eArray.append([]) ## nArray.append([]) nGoodEvt = 0 nClusters = 0 ## make ntuple happy outside doClusters mode flux = signal.lfilter(fir, 1, imp.waveform(evt)[0]) ## if nEvent%100==0: ## print "event 100 mod:", nEvent, flux ## print flux[len(fir):].max(), flux[len(fir):].argmax() flux = flux[len(fir):].max() ## if nEvent%100==0: ## print "event:", nEvent, flux csAve = cspad.calib(evt).mean() ## print nEvent, csAve jungfrau = evt.get(Jungfrau.ElementV1, Source('Jungfrau')) ## frame = jungfrau.frame()[0] frame = numpy.copy(jungfrau.frame()[0]) frame[256:, 256:] = 0 ## print frame ## if csAve>100: ## nSkippedForFlux += 1 ## continue ## fArray.append(csAve) if True: rawFrame = numpy.copy(frame) fG0 = frame=g0cut) & (frame=g2cut fGval = fG0*1 + fG1*2 + fG2*3 frame = (frame&0x3fff).astype('int') frame[fG0] = frame[fG0] - ped0[fG0] frame[fG1] = ped1[fG1] - frame[fG1] frame[fG2] = ped2[fG2] - frame[fG2] if gainCorr is not None: frame = (frame*gainCorr).astype('int') if ped is not None: if doCM: for r in range(rows): colOffset = 0 for b in range(1, banks+1): try: rowCM = numpy.median(frame[r, colOffset:colOffset + bankN][frame[r, colOffset:colOffset + bankN]0.: bc = BuildClusters(frame, seedCut, neighborCut) fc = bc.findClusters() if camera == 0: nClusters = 0 tnEvent[0] = nEvent for c in fc: if c.goodCluster and nClusters25].sum()/25. tCsN[0] = ((data)>25).sum() tCsAve25[0] = 0. if tCsN[0] > 0: tCsAve25[0] = data[(data)>25].mean() except: print "no cspad object" if False: rfAf = rawFrame[yA:yA+regionSize, xA:xA+regionSize].flatten() rfBf = rawFrame[yB:yB+regionSize, xB:xB+regionSize].flatten() else: rfAf = frame[yA:yA+regionSize, xA:xA+regionSize].flatten() rfAfGain = fGval[yA:yA+regionSize, xA:xA+regionSize].flatten() rfBf = frame[yB:yB+regionSize, xB:xB+regionSize].flatten() rfBfGain = fGval[yB:yB+regionSize, xB:xB+regionSize].flatten() if stitch: tempRAstitch = rfAf*0. tempRBstitch = rfAf*0. ## rGs = [] ## for i in range(3): ## smarter to loopicize this... rG0 = (rfAfGain==1) rG1 = (rfAfGain==2) rG2 = (rfAfGain==3) tempRAstitch[rG0] = rAp1[0][rG0]*rfAf[rG0]+rAp0[0][rG0] tempRAstitch[rG1] = rAp1[1][rG1]*rfAf[rG1]+rAp0[1][rG1] tempRAstitch[rG2] = rAp1[2][rG2]*rfAf[rG2]+rAp0[2][rG2] rG0 = (rfBfGain==1) rG1 = (rfBfGain==2) rG2 = (rfBfGain==3) tempRBstitch[rG0] = rBp1[0][rG0]*rfBf[rG0]+rBp0[0][rG0] tempRBstitch[rG1] = rBp1[1][rG1]*rfBf[rG1]+rBp0[1][rG1] tempRBstitch[rG2] = rBp1[2][rG2]*rfBf[rG2]+rBp0[2][rG2] for i in range(regionPixels):## figure out how to copy instead tRegionA[i] = rfAf[i] tRAGain[i] = rfAfGain[i] tRegionB[i] = rfBf[i] tRBGain[i] = rfBfGain[i] if stitch: tRAstitch[i] = tempRAstitch[i] tRBstitch[i] = tempRBstitch[i] ## fullAve = fullSum/ROIrows/ROIcols if camera == 0: nGoodEvt += 1 tTree.Fill() nEvt += 1 if nEvt%100==0: ##if nEvt>0: print "event %d" %(nEvt) ## print csAve ## if nEvt>50: ## break tFile.Write() tFile.Close()