SAE Enhancements From the GSSC beta test ------------------------------------------ DS9 regions: gtselect should be able to use ds9 regions for selection and the SAE tools should recognize ds9 region files. Proposed method: Use gtbin to make a projected map ds9 can then be used to select and exclude regions. Is there a library to convert .reg files --> DSS regions? do we need to translate the projected circle --> spherical circle? Is this sufficient? Default values: gtselect should add keywords that downstream programs can use for default values. Maybe this should be the DSS keywords if we can determine which set to use if there are multiple dss keywords. Alternately we might be able to use the RA_FOV and DEC_FOV to set the field center for later programs. 1) How do other FTOOLS handle this? - keywords? 2) How to impliment - INDEF - DEFAULT The Tools need to start with reasonable defaults. e.g. it has been suggested that for gtlikelihood gui=yes and save output file should be on by default. 1) What are reasonable values? - Most FTOOLS start with the last values of when the tool was run and do not inherit from the previous tool but they do read header info. Another way to make the imputs more reasonable" is to make them more compact so that the user can reuse parts of the command file. One method would be to use the fselect expression interface. This would allow queries like "binary && mag <= 5.0" or to be more glast specific "energy > 100. && ZENITH_ANGLE <20." This also allows one to use the region file format regfilter("region.reg", XPOS, YPOS) and it allows flexible gti selections. gtifilter( "", TIME, "*START*", "*STOP*" ) Parameters names should be consistent between the tools. This should include the GUI. 1) Who should do this and how should it be split up 2) Present this at a science tools meeting Names should be shorter where possible gtlivetimecube -> gtltc , gtexp ...? 1) suggestions for names? What should we consider tool long (> 8 characters) 2) Links for the programs - How to handle parameter names lightcurve analysis needs to be revisited and mapped out. how to use exposure corrected data how to use regions to exclude nearby sources. Develop threads 1) What has already been done quicklook analysis publication quality analysis 2) Can we adapt existing scripts? - evaluation the amount of work. map analysis: psf generation for a given source and spectral fit. 1) compare with source distribution 2) PSF subtraction 3) image restoration/deconvolution Issues: How to use the fitted parameters from gtlikelihood or Xsepc a) read the xml fit parameters or the xspec fit parameters b) convert to some fits format? Need both 1-d psf to compare radial distribution and a 2-d psf for psf subtraction/deconvolution pulsar analysis: Energy dependent and possibly PSF dependent cuts. Overwriting the TIME column for the tools is not optimal. (Change name? TIME_ORIG) All threads need to be brought up to date. Reference documentation needs significant updates. GUI interface for the tools. This is rather overarching. 1) what tools need to be in the GUI 2) What type of GUI root gui's xselect type (or even use xselect?) The current tools GUI's needs to be refined. E.g. the save and "should I overwrite" prompts need to be clearer. XSPEC-like analysis should be explored. The ability to get a Counts or "pseudo-counts" spectrum with an appropriate rsp matrix would facilitate multi-mission analysis.