bash-4.1$ stress ****************************************************************** * Starting R O O T - S T R E S S test suite with 1000 events ****************************************************************** Test 1 : Functions, Random Numbers, Histogram Fits............. OK Test 2 : Check size & compression factor of a Root file........ OK Test 3 : Purge, Reuse of gaps in TFile......................... OK Test 4 : Test of 2-d histograms, functions, 2-d fits........... OK Test 5 : Test graphics & Postscript............................ OK Test 6 : Test subdirectories in a Root file.................... OK Test 7 : TNtuple, selections, TCut, TCutG, TEventList.......... OK Test 8 : Trees split and compression modes..................... OK Test 9 : Analyze Event.root file of stress 8................... OK Test 10 : Create 10 files starting from Event.root.............. OK Test 11 : Test chains of Trees using the 10 files............... OK Test 12 : Compare histograms of test 9 and 11................... OK Test 13 : Test merging files of a chain......................... OK Test 14 : Check correct rebuilt of Event.root in test 13........ OK Test 15 : Divert Tree branches to separate files................ OK Test 16 : CINT test (3 nested loops) with LHCb trigger.......... OK ****************************************************************** * SYS: Linux rhel6-64c 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 16 01:5 * SYS: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 (Santiago)" ****************************************************************** stress : Total I/O = 553.1 Mbytes, I = 404.8, O = 148.2 stress : Compr I/O = 381.5 Mbytes, I = 277.0, O = 104.5 stress : Real Time = 71.97 seconds Cpu Time = 25.30 seconds ****************************************************************** * ROOTMARKS =1467.5 * Root5.34/34 20151002/1627