Release Notes for arm-linux-rceCA9 SDK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.5.1 2014-08-29 No changes for Linux --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.5.0 2014-08-28 Changes: CCI-128: Remove DPM wait loop from DTM cm_init CCI-120: Fix spurious git warning, update README CCI-114: Make sure that DTM services aren't installed on DPMs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.4.0 2014-08-14 Changes: CCI-106: Remove -- internal library only CCI-99: Added minirc config files to install --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.3.0 2014-08-12 Changes: CCI-87: Put in most of the rest of the header files. Fixed default VLAN (not valid) usage. Add VLAN usage to uboot config. (MW) Updated envs-sdk.csh to fix the issue of a source from a source --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.2.4 2014-07-16 Changes: now takes development arg --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.2.3 2014-07-14 Changes: Fix gateway in dhcpd.dtm.conf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.2.2 2014-07-11 bugfix release fixes dhcp broadcast --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.2.0 2014-07-10 Changes: 1) Add shelf IP block to BSI -- backward compatible 2) Add dhcpd service to DTM Addresses are now calculated from BSI and shelf slot 3) CCI-90: Static inlines in list/List.h 4) Fix executable bits on reboot_* 5) add bsi_dump command --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.1.1 2014-07-07 Changes: 1) CCI-87: source environment in install-sdk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.1.0 2014-07-03 Changes: 1) new command sysinfo to match the one on RTEMS 2) CCI-67: Add BasicMutex (concurrency/BasicMutex.h) 3) CCI-66: Remove test code from library 4) CCI-69: New Regions to replace AXI0 and AXI1 5) CCI-73: Add soname to libraries. ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.0.1 2014-06-06 Changes: 1) CCI-59: added sync to reboot_foo scripts 2) Updated archlinux distro to include nfs, git, autofs, gcc, gdb and minicom 3) Added CM libraries 4) Added scripts and services to SDK 5) Added update mechanism via git for rtems and archlinux 6) Add exception headers CM (DTM) only: 1) Hpdated BSI info to V2 2) Handle front panel port forwarding --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.0.0 FINAL 2014-04-30 Changes: No functional differences to RC3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.0.0-RC3 2014-04-25 Release candidate to be pushed to user space. Changes: 1) Added core/conversion includes back in to compile atca commands in SDK 2) SEM made some fixes for the DTM bootloader (does not affect Linux) 3) SJT fixed a mem management routine that was allocating from the wrong area --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linux-V0.0.0-RC1 2014-04-23 First release candidate pushed to user space. Features: 1) Highly pruned include tree -- The core include tree has been trimmed in order to only export what the DAT group is intending as an external interface. 2) Build date information removed from libraries -- In order to have libraries build the same each time, all DATE information in the base release was commented out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------