Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1203 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9998338515 Tkr1XDir = -0.002022017263 Tkr1YDir = 0.001325536607 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 193.6379788 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 16.73171501 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 49.74937434 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 59.65456862 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9996811781 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 1.433470216 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1205 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999342958 Tkr1XDir = -0.000500666545 Tkr1YDir = 0.0007986105714 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.9378034 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 13.47166792 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 40.63170269 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 42.98425549 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9998730307 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.9056481104 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1220 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8658482378 Tkr1XDir = -0.5001882478 Tkr1YDir = 0.0006563320267 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 203.4751304 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 25.84898375 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 40.31509569 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 41.82082983 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.999878204 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.8857319438 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1460 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999761283 Tkr1XDir = -4.742055576e-05 Tkr1YDir = 0.0002324705684 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 202.9455426 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 22.78694505 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 32.05146727 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 32.53210714 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999529866 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.5493337942 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1476 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9847676295 Tkr1XDir = -0.1737866859 Tkr1YDir = 0.0002041259851 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 202.6474145 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 22.69743499 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 33.09333542 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 32.58079023 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.999961842 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.491492673 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1485 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9396250176 Tkr1XDir = -0.3421582872 Tkr1YDir = 0.0002247585555 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.7849346 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 22.80228769 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 34.83709107 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 32.25101374 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999610356 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.4983437634 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1885 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999991452 Tkr1XDir = 1.289139093e-05 Tkr1YDir = -1.196414355e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 203.7703984 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 35.5616906 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.898143192 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 6.940876816 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.999998293 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1047156194 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1898 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9396970656 Tkr1XDir = -0.3420082598 Tkr1YDir = -2.498251047e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.228014 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.87039287 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.902300456 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.058524394 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999992112 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.06492827369 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1902 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8660166279 Tkr1XDir = -0.5000104505 Tkr1YDir = -2.181583938e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.4431555 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.6566209 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 5.846543364 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 6.973720347 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999967198 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1458539283 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1922 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999991232 Tkr1XDir = 7.530042246e-06 Tkr1YDir = -2.336684187e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 209.1389806 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 31.74981915 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.982282297 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 6.909310596 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999982536 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1053832943 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1938 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9397010928 Tkr1XDir = -0.3419948933 Tkr1YDir = -2.329982819e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.28524 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.72947704 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.909919868 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.12640774 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.999998442 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.09948561542 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1942 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8660286287 Tkr1XDir = -0.4999900275 Tkr1YDir = -2.021026028e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.198704 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.73846322 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 5.856192185 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.071453566 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999968991 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1421838426 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1980 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999991128 Tkr1XDir = 1.747367109e-06 Tkr1YDir = 2.390102622e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 202.2941298 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 35.32414287 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.009400022 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 6.850136539 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999982211 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1067478535 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1988 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9848046916 Tkr1XDir = -0.1736643903 Tkr1YDir = 8.257789307e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.2781683 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.91455694 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.082471828 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.175903444 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999989057 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.08110552247 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1993 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9396948781 Tkr1XDir = -0.3420116453 Tkr1YDir = -2.469807042e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.1087342 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.87473717 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.012971317 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 6.998148118 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999983386 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1030346142 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-1999 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8660274426 Tkr1XDir = -0.4999937844 Tkr1YDir = 1.268305908e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.3309804 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.68950375 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 5.891126449 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.023752544 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999977427 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1207468389 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2039 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999990584 Tkr1XDir = 1.608047548e-06 Tkr1YDir = 6.715620096e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 206.6090309 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 33.39633224 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.182270051 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.109988844 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999981211 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1099340458 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2044 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9848083661 Tkr1XDir = -0.1736408643 Tkr1YDir = -3.701898219e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.2216055 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.60898631 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.086139042 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.114671122 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999983779 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.101542574 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2050 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9396951816 Tkr1XDir = -0.3420107978 Tkr1YDir = 4.099399901e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.253275 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.63840785 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.126859447 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.135756876 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.999998257 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1055724389 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2054 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8660244829 Tkr1XDir = -0.4999983401 Tkr1YDir = -1.164404762e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.2920925 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.69129589 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.011410349 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.14849545 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999973928 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1297941227 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2082 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999987279 Tkr1XDir = 2.146803313e-05 Tkr1YDir = 1.879088457e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 211.8201029 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 31.47060642 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.616415598 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.582333064 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999975151 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.126345242 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2087 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9848113872 Tkr1XDir = -0.1736220613 Tkr1YDir = 5.006714244e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.1915688 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.76386401 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.442174783 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.460584594 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.99999783 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1176436203 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2092 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9396994233 Tkr1XDir = -0.3419977045 Tkr1YDir = 5.524466722e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.2818974 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.82538508 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.500807157 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.586532653 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999975124 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1264326621 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2096 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8660297492 Tkr1XDir = -0.4999889754 Tkr1YDir = 2.739794848e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.3539885 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.79556533 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.36861699 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.573320485 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999969908 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1388520976 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2338 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9999976764 Tkr1XDir = 3.294040637e-05 Tkr1YDir = 4.203106138e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 193.9378926 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 32.79112929 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.827469212 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.585628118 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999957699 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1630914728 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2343 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9848100319 Tkr1XDir = -0.1736296069 Tkr1YDir = 2.15070386e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.0518439 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.73843227 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.704368678 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.525829422 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999973021 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1303053687 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2348 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.9397003282 Tkr1XDir = -0.3419987058 Tkr1YDir = -1.489252751e-05 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.1788636 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.73865723 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 7.830245859 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.446371164 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999982194 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1020230302 Beam characteristics for RUN NUMBER BT-2353 ****************************************************************** Beam incoming direction (cosinus directors): Tkr1ZDir = -0.8660251145 Tkr1XDir = -0.4999976005 Tkr1YDir = 6.411175909e-06 Beam impact point on Calorimeter input (CalZ = -47 mm): PosXAtCalZ (mm) = 201.2180833 PosYAtCalZ (mm) = 40.83549156 Beam width (Sigma) estimated from projected beam width (X,Y) on the first hit height, and incoming beam direction: Beam Width (Sigma) in X direction (mm) = 6.689707658 Beam Width (Sigma) in Y direction (mm) = 7.593540418 Upper limit for Beam divergence: CosMaxBeamDivergence() = 0.9999967603 MaxBeamDivergence(degrees) = 0.1430249552