# TITLE Geometry parameters of CSPAD2X2 # DATE_TIME 2014-10-03 12:27:11 PDT # METROLOGY /reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPad2x2Metrology/CSPad2x2/2014-04-25-CSPAD2X2-3-MEC-Metrology.txt # AUTHOR dubrovin # EXPERIMENT Any # DETECTOR CSPAD2X2 # CALIB_TYPE geometry # COMMENT:01 Table contains the list of geometry parameters for alignment of 2x1 sensors, quads, CSPAD, etc # COMMENT:02 All translation and rotation pars of the object are defined w.r.t. parent object Cartesian frame # PARAM:01 PARENT - name and version of the parent object # PARAM:02 PARENT_IND - index of the parent object # PARAM:03 OBJECT - name and version of the object # PARAM:04 OBJECT_IND - index of the new object # PARAM:05 X0 - x-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame # PARAM:06 Y0 - y-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame # PARAM:07 Z0 - z-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame # PARAM:08 ROT_Z - object design rotation angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame # PARAM:09 ROT_Y - object design rotation angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame # PARAM:10 ROT_X - object design rotation angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame # PARAM:11 TILT_Z - object tilt angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame # PARAM:12 TILT_Y - object tilt angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame # PARAM:13 TILT_X - object tilt angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame # HDR PARENT IND OBJECT IND X0[um] Y0[um] Z0[um] ROT-Z ROT-Y ROT-X TILT-Z TILT-Y TILT-X CSPAD2X1:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 0 21848 10490 6 180 0 0 -0.00197 -0.01049 0.03004 CSPAD2X1:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 1 21943 33908 4 180 0 0 -0.16127 -0.00262 -0.01639