Warning in : class GlastAxis already in TClassTable Starting Glast-Gaudi job with job options file readigi_runrecon.txt Current time: Thu Apr 19 13:09:20 2012 ( 0 s elapsed) JobOptionsSvc INFO // // Job Option file for readigi_runrecon: // Read in a digi Root file and run recon on it! // // // Things to be changed by the user can // be found at the end of the file! // // // Primary DLLs, including auditor: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"GaudiAlg","GaudiAud"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ChronoStatSvc"}; AuditorSvc.Auditors = {"ChronoAuditor"}; // // Set up basic event loop: // ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc = {"EventSelector/EventSelector" }; EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices = {"EventCnvSvc"}; EventSelector.Input = "SVC='DbEvtSelector"; EventSelector.PrintFreq = -1; // // A structure for the topalg, using sequencer steps: // ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = {"Sequencer/Top"}; // // Define the top sequence loop: // Top.Members = {"Sequencer/Digitization", "Sequencer/Calibration", "Sequencer/Integrity", "Sequencer/NtupleMaker", "Sequencer/Output" }; // // Needed for EventIntegrityAlg sequence breaking: // Top.StopOverride = true; // // Digitization sequence: Read in digis from a ROOT file! // Digitization.Members +={"digiRootReaderAlg"}; // // Need 'Rec' in the name to get the alignment: // Calibration.Members = {"TkrCalibAlg/TkrReconCalib"}; // // Using EventIntegrityAlg to decide if we run or skip recon: // If the event passes, proceed as normal. // If EventIntegrityAlg is BAD, skip recon but output to file. // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"EventIntegrity"}; Integrity.Members = {"EventIntegrityAlg", "Sequencer/Filter", "Sequencer/Reconstruction"}; // // Detector services: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"GlastSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastDetSvc"}; GlastDetSvc.topVolume = "LAT"; GlastDetSvc.visitorMode = "recon"; // // Randoms definition: // ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastRandomSvc"}; // // G4: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"G4Generator","G4Propagator"}; // // CAL Xtal respons:: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"CalXtalResponse"}; // // Propagator: // ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastPropagatorSvc"}; // // Reconstruction: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"TkrUtil", "CalRecon", "TkrRecon"}; Reconstruction.Members = {"Sequencer/Cal1", "Sequencer/Tkr", "Sequencer/Cal2", "Sequencer/TkrIter", "Sequencer/Acd", "Sequencer/Cal3"}; // // Recon members: // Cal1.Members = {"CalXtalRecAlg", "CalClustersAlg/first", "CalEventEnergyAlg/RawEnergy"}; Cal2.Members = {"CalEventEnergyAlg/second"}; Cal3.Members = {"GcrReconAlg","GcrSelectAlg"}; Tkr.Members = {"TkrReconAlg/FirstPass"}; TkrIter.Members = {"TkrReconAlg/Iteration"}; // // GCR: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"GCRCalib"}; // New: GcrReconAlg.HFC_Or_TriggerEng4 = "ANYFILTER"; GcrReconAlg.InitAxis = "TKR"; // New CAL calib file: CalTupleAlg.NeighborXtalkToolName = "NeighborXtalkTool"; CalXtalRecAlg.NeighborXtalkToolName = "NeighborXtalkTool"; ToolSvc.NeighborXtalkTool.txtFile = "$(LATCalibRoot)/CAL/LAT-flight_gain/pre_launch_calib_0608/digitization-licos-v3r9p12_077015240_digi_DIGI.neighborXtalk.txt"; // // Decrease output: // second.OutputLevel = 5; // // ACD recon: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"AcdUtil", "AcdRecon"}; Acd.Members = {"AcdReconAlg"}; // // Merit and AnalysisNtuple: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"AnalysisNtuple","ntupleWriterSvc","GlastClassify"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"RootTupleSvc"}; // // For dealing with non-MC data: // AnalysisNtupleAlg.toolList = {"McKludge","Glt","Acd","TkrHit","Tkr","Vtx","Cal","Evt","Obf"}; // // FT2: // NtupleMaker.Members += {"PtValsAlg"}; //PtValsAlg.PointingHistory = {"FT2_Gleam.fits", "", ""}; PtValsAlg.PointingHistory = {"gll_pt_p130_r0351769427_v130.fit", "", ""}; // // S/C alignment: // FT1Alg.CorrectForAberration = true; FT1Alg.AlignmentFlavor = "vanilla"; FT1Alg.EventClassDefinitions = "$(EVTUTILSXMLPATH)/EvtClassDefs_P7V6.xml"; // // Make ntuple: // NtupleMaker.Members += {"AnalysisNtupleAlg"}; // // Name of ntuple: // AnalysisNtupleAlg.tupleName = "MeritTuple"; // // Other members of ntuple: // NtupleMaker.Members += {"ClassifyAlg"}; NtupleMaker.Members += {"FT1Alg"}; NtupleMaker.Members += {"ObfCoordsAlg"}; // // Define the output sequence: // Output.Members = {"FhSetAlg","FhSetMeritAlg","reconRootWriterAlg"}; Output.Members += {"CalTupleAlg"}; Output.Members += {"gcrSelectRootWriterAlg"}; // // Tracker geometry services: // ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"TkrGeometrySvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"TkrInitSvc"}; // // This fixes a HE track pattern recognition problem // *** it should be done in TkrRecon *** // TkrFilterFirst.FilterToolName = "TkrCalFilterTool"; // // Calibrations: // // --> Including file $GLEAMJOBOPTIONSPATH/jobOptions/pipeline/calibrations.txt // // Job Option file containing calibration stuff // to be included by recon and mc: // // --> Including file $CALIBSVCJOBOPTIONSPATH/defaultOptions.txt // Job options needed specifically to load calibrations into Calibration TDS ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"CalibSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalibDataSvc", "CalibMySQLCnvSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalibRootCnvSvc", "CalibXmlCnvSvc"}; DetectorPersistencySvc.CnvServices += {"CalibMySQLCnvSvc"}; DetectorPersistencySvc.CnvServices += {"CalibXmlCnvSvc"}; DetectorPersistencySvc.CnvServices += {"CalibRootCnvSvc"}; // See mainpage.h for a complete description of job options CalibDataSvc.CalibFlavorList = {"ideal"}; // <-- End of including file $CALIBSVCJOBOPTIONSPATH/defaultOptions.txt // // Name of calibration database: // CalibMySQLCnvSvc.DbName = "calib"; // // Instrument name: LAT for inside the grid, // TkrFMx:CalFMxxx for single bay // CalibDataSvc.CalibInstrumentName = "LAT"; // Storage type of 14 corresponds to MYSQL: CalibDataSvc.CalibStorageType = 14; CalibDataSvc.CalibRootName = "Calib"; // Get time from data: CalibDataSvc.CalibTimeSource = "data"; // Start up a CalCalibSvc: ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalCalibSvc"}; // Cal flavor: CalCalibSvc.DefaultFlavor = "vanilla"; // // Tracker flavor: // TkrReconCalib.calibFlavor = "vanilla"; // // Write out bad and hot strips to the log file: Not! // TkrBadStripsSvc.OutputLevel = 4; // Start up an AcdCalibSvc: ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"AcdUtil"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"AcdCalibSvc"}; // For real data: AcdCalibSvc.DefaultFlavor = "vanilla"; // ToolSvc.AcdPha2MipTool.ApplyCoherentNoiseCalib = true; // // To get some output about the ideal calibs for the ACD: // AcdCalibSvc.OutputLevel = 1; // // General calibration flavor list: // CalibDataSvc.CalibFlavorList = {"vanilla"}; // // Only PROD! Default is PROD and DEV! // CalibMySQLCnvSvc.QualityList = {"PROD"}; // <-- End of including file $GLEAMJOBOPTIONSPATH/jobOptions/pipeline/calibrations.txt // // Start up a CalFailureModeSvc: // ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalFailureModeSvc"}; // // Always fill ntuples: // RootTupleSvc.RejectIfBad = false; // // Root IO: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"RootIo"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"RootIoSvc"}; // // Must use RootIo as executable, not Gaudi event loop! // ApplicationMgr.Runable = "RootIoSvc"; // // The following things can be changed by the user: // // // Set output level threshold: // 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL // MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3; // // TKR output: // TkrAlignmentSvc.OutputLevel = 4; TkrGeometrySvc.OutputLevel = 4; TkrBadStripsSvc.OutputLevel = 4; // // GCR Output level: // GcrReconAlg.OutputLevel = 4; GcrReconSelect.OutputLevel = 4; GcrSelectAlg.OutputLevel = 4; ToolSvc.GcrReconTool.OutputLevel = 4; ToolSvc.GcrSelectTool.OutputLevel = 4; // // Number of events: // ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10000000000; // // Geometry: Use flight geometry! // GlastDetSvc.xmlfile = "$(XMLGEODBSXMLPATH)/flight/flightSegVols.xml"; // // Name of input digi Root file: // digiRootReaderAlg.digiRootFileList = {"GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-digi.root"}; // // Name of output Merit Root file: // RootTupleSvc.filename = "GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-merit.root"; // // Name of output recon Root file: // reconRootWriterAlg.reconRootFile = "GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-recon.root"; // // Name of output CAL ntuple: // CalTupleAlg.tupleFilename = "GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-caltuple.root"; // // Name of GCR Root file: // gcrSelectRootWriterAlg.gcrSelectRootFile = "GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-gcr.root"; // // The Doors ..... // Job options successfully read in from readigi_runrecon.txt ApplicationMgr SUCCESS ==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.47 $ running on kiso0067 on Thu Apr 19 13:09:21 2012 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr INFO Removed duplicate entries for modules : AcdUtil(2) ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : GaudiAlg, GaudiAud, EventIntegrity, GlastSvc, G4Generator, G4Propagator, CalXtalResponse, TkrUtil, CalRecon, TkrRecon, GCRCalib, AcdUtil, AcdRecon, AnalysisNtuple, ntupleWriterSvc, GlastClassify, CalibSvc, RootIo ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully detModel Doc Client: registered the constants! detModel Doc Client: registered the materials! detModel Doc Client: registered the id dictionary! detModel Doc Client: registered the sections! GlastDetSvc INFO geometry setup: document = /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuild/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/Optimized/GlastRelease/17-35-24-lp22/xml/xmlGeoDbs/flight/flightSegVols.xml mode = recon topvol = LAT Summary of IDmap contents: Detector name count ------------- ----- CsISeg 18432 SiWaferActive 9216 diodeL 3072 diodeS 3072 ribSideToR0 8 ribXSideR0 8 ribXSideR1 8 ribXSideR2 8 ribXSideToR1 8 ribXSideToR2 8 ribYSideR0 8 ribYSideR1 8 ribYSideR2 8 ribYSideToR1 8 ribYSideToR2 8 ribbonBent 8 sideTileR0EdgeGreater 4 sideTileR0EdgeLesser 4 sideTileR0Mid 12 sideTileR1EdgeGreater 4 sideTileR1EdgeLesser 4 sideTileR1Mid 12 sideTileR2EdgeGreater 4 sideTileR2EdgeLesser 4 sideTileR2Mid 12 sideTileR3 4 tile_f0r0c0 1 tile_f0r0c1 1 tile_f0r0c2 1 tile_f0r0c3 1 tile_f0r0c4 1 tile_f0r1c0 1 tile_f0r1c1 1 tile_f0r1c2 1 tile_f0r1c3 1 tile_f0r1c4 1 tile_f0r2c0 1 tile_f0r2c1 1 tile_f0r2c2 1 tile_f0r2c3 1 tile_f0r2c4 1 tile_f0r3c0 1 tile_f0r3c1 1 tile_f0r3c2 1 tile_f0r3c3 1 tile_f0r3c4 1 tile_f0r4c0 1 tile_f0r4c1 1 tile_f0r4c2 1 tile_f0r4c3 1 tile_f0r4c4 1 topTileCentBent 2 topTileEdgeBent 4 topTileMidBent 4 xRibbonTopCent 4 xRibbonTopEdge 8 xRibbonTopMid 8 xRibbonTopVertFar 8 xRibbonTopVertNear 8 yRibbonTop 4 total: 34027 EventPersistenc... INFO "CnvServices": ["EventCnvSvc"] GlastRandomSvc INFO Setting CLHEP Engine TripleRand for G4GeneratorRandom at 0xb357948 GlastRandomSvc INFO RandGauss setFlag at 1 GlastRandomSvc INFO Setting CLHEP Engine TripleRand for CalXtalRespRandom at 0xb357c10 GlastRandomSvc INFO Previous engine (0xb357948) for CalXtalRespRandom was also set for G4GeneratorRandom GlastRandomSvc INFO RandGauss setFlag at 1 GlastRandomSvc INFO Setting CLHEP Engine TripleRand for RootIoRandom at 0xb357e60 GlastRandomSvc INFO Previous engine (0xb357c10) for RootIoRandom was also set for CalXtalRespRandom GlastRandomSvc INFO RandGauss setFlag at 1 GlastRandomSvc INFO number of engines: 3 (unique instantiations: 1) GlastRandomSvc INFO autoSeed set to: false (one seed at the beginning of the run) GlastRandomSvc INFO RandomEngine set to: TripleRand GlastRandomSvc INFO RunNumber set to: 10 GlastRandomSvc INFO InitialSequenceNumber set to: 0 GlastRandomSvc INFO NumberOfRuns set to: 20000000 GlastRandomSvc INFO ApplicationMgr.EvtMax set to: 1505271796 GlastRandomSvc INFO maximum allowed event id (InitialSequenceNumber): 52 ToolSvc.G4Propa... INFO G4 Propagator Tool initializing now G4GeometrySvc INFO G4GeometrySvc Initialization started DetectorConstruction created 686, 195 physical, logical volumes, using mode from G4Generator job options: recon G4GeometrySvc INFO G4GeometrySvc Initialization completed successfully ToolSvc.G4Propa... INFO G4 Propagation Tool initializing now ToolSvc.G4Propa... INFO G4Propagator tag v2r4p4 is initializing ToolSvc.G4Propa... INFO G4 Propagation Tool ready ToolSvc.G4Propa... INFO G4 Propagator Tool ready GlastPropagatorSvc INFO Using Geant4 Particle Propagator TkrAlignmentSvc INFO no text style alignment files specified in job options TkrSplitsSvc WARNING Service already initialized DetectorPersist... INFO "CnvServices": ["CalibMySQLCnvSvc", "CalibXmlCnvSvc", "CalibRootCnvSvc"] DetectorPersist... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:CalibMySQLCnvSvc CalibMySQLCnvSvc INFO Specific initialization starting Util::expandEnvVar unable to translate MYSQL_HOST Util::expandEnvVar unable to translate MYSQL_METATABLE CalibMySQLCnvSvc INFO Specific initialization completed CalCalibSvc INFO initialize CalCalibSvc INFO TemperatureFile : CalCalibSvc INFO PedTempCor : AcdCalibSvc INFO initialize AcdCalibSvc DEBUG Initializing... AcdCalibSvc DEBUG CalibDavaSvc : CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc DEBUG DefaultFlavor : vanilla AcdCalibSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: found service CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: found service CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorPed vanilla AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorGain vanilla AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorHighRange vanilla AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorCoherentNoise vanilla AcdCalibSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: found service IncidentSvc CalFailureModeSvc INFO initialize Top INFO Member list: Sequencer/Digitization, Sequencer/Calibration, Sequencer/Integrity, Sequencer/NtupleMaker, Sequencer/Output Digitization INFO Member list: digiRootReaderAlg Calibration INFO Member list: TkrCalibAlg/TkrReconCalib TkrReconCalib INFO Initialize() Integrity INFO Member list: EventIntegrityAlg, Sequencer/Filter, Sequencer/Reconstruction EventIntegrityAlg INFO Applying event flag mask: 22003d Reconstruction INFO Member list: Sequencer/Cal1, Sequencer/Tkr, Sequencer/Cal2, Sequencer/TkrIter, Sequencer/Acd, Sequencer/Cal3 Cal1 INFO Member list: CalXtalRecAlg, CalClustersAlg/first, CalEventEnergyAlg/RawEnergy CalXtalRecAlg INFO initialize CalXtalRecAlg.X... INFO initialize ToolSvc.Neighbo... INFO initialize ToolSvc.Neighbo... INFO Loading xtalk tables from: $(LATCalibRoot)/CAL/LAT-flight_gain/pre_launch_calib_0608/digitization-licos-v3r9p12_077015240_digi_DIGI.neighborXtalk.txt RawEnergy INFO CalEventEnergyAlg Initialization ToolSvc.CalRawE... INFO Initializing CalRawEnergyTool Tkr INFO Member list: TkrReconAlg/FirstPass FirstPass INFO TkrReconAlg Initialization TkrClusFirst INFO TkrClusterAlg Initialization ToolSvc.TkrMake... INFO TkrMakeClustersTool successfully initialized TkrFilterFirst INFO TkrFilterAlg Initialization ToolSvc.TkrQuer... INFO TkrQueryClustersTool successfully initialized ToolSvc.ComboFi... INFO PatRecBaseTool successfully initialized ParticlePropert... INFO Opened particle properties file : /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/extFiles/v0r9/gaudi/data/ParticleTable.txt TkrFitFirst INFO TkrTrackFitAlg Initialization TkrDisplayAlg WARNING GuiSvc not found; the "old" single event display will not be activated. Cal2 INFO Member list: CalEventEnergyAlg/second ToolSvc.CalVals... INFO Initializing CalValsCorrTool CalLikelihoodMa... INFO Initializing CalLikelihoodMa... INFO m_numX = 4 CalLikelihoodMa... INFO m_numY = 4 CalLikelihoodMa... INFO flight mode TkrIter INFO Member list: TkrReconAlg/Iteration Iteration INFO TkrReconAlg Initialization TkrFilterIter INFO TkrFilterAlg Initialization TkrFitIter INFO TkrTrackFitAlg Initialization Acd INFO Member list: AcdReconAlg AcdGeometrySvc INFO Located 107 ACD volumes, ids from /1/0/40/0/0/0 to /1/1/40/3/0/0 AcdGeometrySvc INFO Number of Tiles: 89 Number of Ribbons: 8 AcdGeometrySvc INFO AcdGeometrySvc successfully initialized ToolSvc.AcdTkrI... INFO BEGIN initialize() ToolSvc.AcdPoca... INFO BEGIN initialize() ToolSvc.AcdTkrI... INFO END initialize() ToolSvc.AcdPha2... INFO Got CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc ToolSvc.AcdPha2... INFO BEGIN initialize() Cal3 INFO Member list: GcrReconAlg, GcrSelectAlg NtupleMaker INFO Member list: PtValsAlg, AnalysisNtupleAlg, ClassifyAlg, FT1Alg, ObfCoordsAlg RootTupleSvc INFO Creating new tree "MeritTuple" in file: GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-merit.root PtValsAlg INFO Loading Pointing History File : gll_pt_p130_r0351769427_v130.fit AnalysisNtupleAlg INFO initialize AnalysisNtupleAlg INFO AnalysisNtupleAlg INFO 9 Tools requested: McKludgeValsTool GltValsTool AcdValsTool TkrHitValsTool TkrValsTool VtxValsTool CalValsTool EvtValsTool ObfValsTool ToolSvc.McKludg... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.GltVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.AcdVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.TkrHitV... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.TkrVals... INFO ################# ToolSvc.TkrVals... INFO # New version ToolSvc.TkrVals... INFO ################# ToolSvc.TkrVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.TkrFlag... INFO TkrFlagHitsTool successfully initialized ToolSvc.VtxVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.CalVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.EvtVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.McValsTool INFO ValBase is initializing ToolSvc.ObfVals... INFO ValBase is initializing ClassifyAlg INFO GlastClassify::AtwoodTrees-- Loading Atwood's IM classification trees from /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuild/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/Optimized/GlastRelease/17-35-24-lp22/xml/GlastClassify/Pass7_Analysis_Protected.xml loaded 1 nodes FT1Alg INFO Correction for aberration is enabled FT1Alg INFO Using alignment flavor vanilla Output INFO Member list: FhSetAlg, FhSetMeritAlg, reconRootWriterAlg, CalTupleAlg, gcrSelectRootWriterAlg %%%%% JOB OPTIONS %%%%% "ApplicationMgr"."TopAlg": [""Sequencer/Top""] "ApplicationMgr"."DLLs": [""GaudiAlg"", ""GaudiAud"", ""EventIntegrity"", ""GlastSvc"", ""G4Generator"", ""G4Propagator"", ""CalXtalResponse"", ""TkrUtil"", ""CalRecon"", ""TkrRecon"", ""GCRCalib"", ""AcdUtil"", ""AcdRecon"", ""AnalysisNtuple"", ""ntupleWriterSvc"", ""GlastClassify"", ""CalibSvc"", ""AcdUtil"", ""RootIo""] "ApplicationMgr"."ExtSvc": [""EventSelector/EventSelector"", ""GlastDetSvc"", ""GlastRandomSvc"", ""GlastPropagatorSvc"", ""RootTupleSvc"", ""TkrGeometrySvc"", ""TkrInitSvc"", ""CalibDataSvc"", ""CalibMySQLCnvSvc"", ""CalibRootCnvSvc"", ""CalibXmlCnvSvc"", ""CalCalibSvc"", ""AcdCalibSvc"", ""CalFailureModeSvc"", ""RootIoSvc""] "ApplicationMgr"."Runable": ""RootIoSvc"" "ApplicationMgr"."EvtMax": "10000000000" "AuditorSvc"."Auditors": [""ChronoAuditor""] "EventPersistencySvc"."CnvServices": [""EventCnvSvc""] "EventSelector"."Input": ""SVC='DbEvtSelector"" "EventSelector"."PrintFreq": "-1" "Top"."Members": [""Sequencer/Digitization"", ""Sequencer/Calibration"", ""Sequencer/Integrity"", ""Sequencer/NtupleMaker"", ""Sequencer/Output""] "Top"."StopOverride": "1" "Digitization"."Members": [""digiRootReaderAlg""] "Calibration"."Members": [""TkrCalibAlg/TkrReconCalib""] "Integrity"."Members": [""EventIntegrityAlg"", ""Sequencer/Filter"", ""Sequencer/Reconstruction""] "GlastDetSvc"."topVolume": ""LAT"" "GlastDetSvc"."visitorMode": ""recon"" "GlastDetSvc"."xmlfile": ""$(XMLGEODBSXMLPATH)/flight/flightSegVols.xml"" "Reconstruction"."Members": [""Sequencer/Cal1"", ""Sequencer/Tkr"", ""Sequencer/Cal2"", ""Sequencer/TkrIter"", ""Sequencer/Acd"", ""Sequencer/Cal3""] "Cal1"."Members": [""CalXtalRecAlg"", ""CalClustersAlg/first"", ""CalEventEnergyAlg/RawEnergy""] "Cal2"."Members": [""CalEventEnergyAlg/second""] "Cal3"."Members": [""GcrReconAlg"", ""GcrSelectAlg""] "Tkr"."Members": [""TkrReconAlg/FirstPass""] "TkrIter"."Members": [""TkrReconAlg/Iteration""] "GcrReconAlg"."HFC_Or_TriggerEng4": ""ANYFILTER"" "GcrReconAlg"."InitAxis": ""TKR"" "GcrReconAlg"."OutputLevel": "4" "CalTupleAlg"."NeighborXtalkToolName": ""NeighborXtalkTool"" "CalTupleAlg"."tupleFilename": ""GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-caltuple.root"" "CalXtalRecAlg"."NeighborXtalkToolName": ""NeighborXtalkTool"" "ToolSvc.NeighborXtalkTool"."txtFile": ""$(LATCalibRoot)/CAL/LAT-flight_gain/pre_launch_calib_0608/digitization-licos-v3r9p12_077015240_digi_DIGI.neighborXtalk.txt"" "second"."OutputLevel": "5" "Acd"."Members": [""AcdReconAlg""] "AnalysisNtupleAlg"."toolList": [""McKludge"", ""Glt"", ""Acd"", ""TkrHit"", ""Tkr"", ""Vtx"", ""Cal"", ""Evt"", ""Obf""] "AnalysisNtupleAlg"."tupleName": ""MeritTuple"" "NtupleMaker"."Members": [""PtValsAlg"", ""AnalysisNtupleAlg"", ""ClassifyAlg"", ""FT1Alg"", ""ObfCoordsAlg""] "PtValsAlg"."PointingHistory": [""gll_pt_p130_r0351769427_v130.fit"", """", """"] "FT1Alg"."CorrectForAberration": "1" "FT1Alg"."AlignmentFlavor": ""vanilla"" "FT1Alg"."EventClassDefinitions": ""$(EVTUTILSXMLPATH)/EvtClassDefs_P7V6.xml"" "Output"."Members": [""FhSetAlg"", ""FhSetMeritAlg"", ""reconRootWriterAlg"", ""CalTupleAlg"", ""gcrSelectRootWriterAlg""] "TkrFilterFirst"."FilterToolName": ""TkrCalFilterTool"" "DetectorPersistencySvc"."CnvServices": [""CalibMySQLCnvSvc"", ""CalibXmlCnvSvc"", ""CalibRootCnvSvc""] "CalibDataSvc"."CalibInstrumentName": ""LAT"" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibStorageType": "14" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibRootName": ""Calib"" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibTimeSource": ""data"" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibFlavorList": [""vanilla""] "CalibMySQLCnvSvc"."DbName": ""calib"" "CalibMySQLCnvSvc"."QualityList": [""PROD""] "CalCalibSvc"."DefaultFlavor": ""vanilla"" "TkrReconCalib"."calibFlavor": ""vanilla"" "TkrBadStripsSvc"."OutputLevel": "4" "AcdCalibSvc"."DefaultFlavor": ""vanilla"" "AcdCalibSvc"."OutputLevel": "1" "ToolSvc.AcdPha2MipTool"."ApplyCoherentNoiseCalib": "1" "RootTupleSvc"."RejectIfBad": "0" "RootTupleSvc"."filename": ""GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-merit.root"" "MessageSvc"."OutputLevel": "3" "TkrAlignmentSvc"."OutputLevel": "4" "TkrGeometrySvc"."OutputLevel": "4" "GcrReconSelect"."OutputLevel": "4" "GcrSelectAlg"."OutputLevel": "4" "ToolSvc.GcrReconTool"."OutputLevel": "4" "ToolSvc.GcrSelectTool"."OutputLevel": "4" "digiRootReaderAlg"."digiRootFileList": [""GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-digi.root""] "reconRootWriterAlg"."reconRootFile": ""GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-recon.root"" "gcrSelectRootWriterAlg"."gcrSelectRootFile": ""GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-gcr.root"" FhSetAlg INFO headers common data ready CalTupleAlg INFO initialize RootTupleSvc INFO Creating new tree "CalTuple" in file: GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-caltuple.root ToolSvc.FhTool WARNING Gcr FileHeader already existing EventSelector_1 INFO Selection root:/Event CLID:110 EventSelector INFO Stream:EventSelector_1 Def:SVC='DbEvtSelector" ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully RootTupleSvc INFO Did not find treeMeritTuple RootIoSvc INFO Runable interface starting event loop as : MaxEvt = 66429 EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:EventCnvSvc ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1 Successfully connected to MySQL host glastCalibDB.slac.stanford.edu, database calib # About to issue SHOW COLUMNS request : SHOW COLUMNS FROM metadata_v2r1 # About to issue SELECT: SELECT ser_no FROM metadata_v2r1 WHERE ((completion="OK") AND (instrument="LAT") AND (calib_type="TKR_DeadChan") AND (flavor="vanilla") AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42">vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"> 243 events rejected from further TkrRecon analysis FirstPass INFO FirstPass INFO Errors by stage: FirstPass INFO ClusterSize: 243 FirstPass INFO FirstPass INFO Individual error records follow FirstPass INFO (ClusterSize errors are suppressed) FirstPass INFO Iteration INFO Iteration INFO ====>> 0 events rejected from further TkrRecon analysis Iteration INFO AnalysisNtupleAlg INFO finalize after 66429 calls. ClassifyAlg INFO Processed 66429 events. *****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** *****Chrono***** INFO The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered) *****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** FhSetMeritAlg:e... INFO Time User : Tot= 110 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 1.66(+- 129)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66429 FhSetAlg:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 110 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 1.66(+- 129)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66429 Filter:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 200 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 3.03(+- 174)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66088 ObfCoordsAlg:ex... INFO Time User : Tot= 320 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 4.82(+- 219)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66429 EventIntegrityA... INFO Time User : Tot= 350 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 5.27(+- 229)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66429 RawEnergy:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 1.6 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 24.2(+- 491)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66088 GcrSelectAlg:ex... INFO Time User : Tot= 2.26 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 34.2(+- 584)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66088 gcrSelectRootWr... INFO Time User : Tot= 3.03 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 45.6(+- 674)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66429 FT1Alg:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 5.78 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 87(+-1.96e+03)/ 0/4.5e+05 [us] #=66429 TkrReconCalib:e... INFO Time User : Tot= 5.34 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 80.4(+-9.84e+03)/ 0/2.53e+06 [us] #=66429 Calibration:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 5.87 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 88.4(+-9.84e+03)/ 0/2.53e+06 [us] #=66429 PtValsAlg:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 7.1 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 107(+-1.03e+03)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66429 CalTupleAlg:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 18 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 271(+-1.7e+03)/ 0/2e+04 [us] #=66429 GcrReconAlg:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 19.4 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 294(+-1.69e+03)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66088 first:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 21.6 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 327(+-1.78e+03)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66088 Cal3:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 22.5 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 341(+-1.81e+03)/ 0/1e+04 [us] #=66088 CalXtalRecAlg:e... INFO Time User : Tot= 35 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.529(+- 12.2)/ 0/3.04e+03 [ms] #=66088 Cal1:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 59.3 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.898(+- 12.3)/ 0/3.04e+03 [ms] #=66088 digiRootReaderA... INFO Time User : Tot= 62 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.933(+- 3.26)/ 0/ 280 [ms] #=66429 Digitization:ex... INFO Time User : Tot= 62.8 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.945(+- 3.28)/ 0/ 280 [ms] #=66429 ClassifyAlg:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 97.2 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.46(+- 3.53)/ 0/ 10 [ms] #=66429 Iteration:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 129 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.95(+- 4.09)/ 0/ 30 [ms] #=66088 TkrIter:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 130 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.97(+- 4.1)/ 0/ 30 [ms] #=66088 reconRootWriter... INFO Time User : Tot= 148 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.23(+- 4.66)/ 0/ 250 [ms] #=66429 Output:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 171 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.57(+- 5.2)/ 0/ 250 [ms] #=66429 AnalysisNtupleA... INFO Time User : Tot= 215 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 3.23(+- 4.73)/ 0/ 20 [ms] #=66429 AcdReconAlg:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 231 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 3.5(+- 5.65)/ 0/ 40 [ms] #=66088 Acd:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 232 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 3.51(+- 5.65)/ 0/ 40 [ms] #=66088 NtupleMaker:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 327 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 4.93(+- 5.45)/ 0/ 460 [ms] #=66429 second:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 52[min] Ave/Min/Max= 47.2(+- 99.5)/ 0/3.27e+03 [ms] #=66088 Cal2:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 52[min] Ave/Min/Max= 47.2(+- 99.5)/ 0/3.27e+03 [ms] #=66088 FirstPass:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 71.9[min] Ave/Min/Max= 65.3(+- 163)/ 0/1.04e+04 [ms] #=66088 Tkr:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 71.9[min] Ave/Min/Max= 65.3(+- 163)/ 0/1.04e+04 [ms] #=66088 Reconstruction:... INFO Time User : Tot= 131[min] Ave/Min/Max= 119(+- 219)/ 0/1.06e+04 [ms] #=66088 Integrity:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 131[min] Ave/Min/Max= 119(+- 219)/ 0/1.06e+04 [ms] #=66429 Top:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 141[min] Ave/Min/Max= 127(+- 224)/ 0/1.06e+04 [ms] #=66429 ChronoStatSvc INFO Time User : Tot= 143[min] #= 1 *****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** ChronoStatSvc.f... INFO Service finalized succesfully ParticlePropert... INFO Service finalised successfully CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ====>> 6 events failed in this run CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO Run 351769427 Event 10095709 Last Time 3.51773750286577880e+08 CalReconSvc INFO second std::exception: CalLikelihoodManagerTool, vector::_M_range_check CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO Run 351769427 Event 10136826 Last Time 3.51773761505432785e+08 CalReconSvc INFO second std::exception: CalLikelihoodManagerTool, vector::_M_range_check CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO Run 351769427 Event 10137275 Last Time 3.51773761635218441e+08 CalReconSvc INFO second std::exception: CalLikelihoodManagerTool, vector::_M_range_check CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO Run 351769427 Event 10151446 Last Time 3.51773765485985160e+08 CalReconSvc INFO second std::exception: CalLikelihoodManagerTool, vector::_M_range_check CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO Run 351769427 Event 10352583 Last Time 3.51773821738655150e+08 CalReconSvc INFO second std::exception: CalLikelihoodManagerTool, vector::_M_range_check CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO CalReconSvc INFO ********************** CalReconSvc INFO Run 351769427 Event 10371091 Last Time 3.51773826997703075e+08 CalReconSvc INFO second std::exception: CalLikelihoodManagerTool, vector::_M_range_check CalReconSvc INFO ********************** G4GenErrorSvc INFO G4GenErrorSvc INFO ====>> 0 events failed in this run G4GenErrorSvc INFO ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc ToolSvc.ObfVals... INFO ToolSvc ERROR Unable to finalize the following tools : TkrVertexFirst.ComboVtxTool TkrVertexIter.ComboVtxTool RootTupleSvc INFO Writing the TTree "CalTuple" in file GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-caltuple.root with 66429 rows (66429 total events) RootTupleSvc INFO Writing the TTree "MeritTuple" in file GR-17-35-24-lp22-rhel4build-merit.root with 66429 rows (66429 total events) RootTupleSvc WARNING ================================================================== RootTupleSvc WARNING Found 71 bad events: table of bad values follows Name count AcdActiveDist3DErr 45 AcdTkr1ActiveDistErr 46 CalCfpCalChiSq 1 CalCfpCalEffRLn 1 ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully Current time: Thu Apr 19 15:33:24 2012 ( 8644 s elapsed) ------------------------------------------------------------ Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 71342: Done Job was submitted from host by user . Job was executed on host(s) , in queue , as user . was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Thu Apr 19 13:09:04 2012 Results reported at Thu Apr 19 15:33:26 2012 Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuild/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/Optimized/GlastRelease/17-35-24-lp22/exe/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34-Optimized/Gleam readigi_runrecon.txt ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 8621.64 sec. Max Memory : 972 MB Max Swap : 1122 MB Max Processes : 3 Max Threads : 3 The output (if any) is above this job summary.