Warning in : class GlastAxis already in TClassTable Starting Glast-Gaudi job with job options file ldf2digi.txt Current time: Thu Apr 19 10:40:29 2012 ( 0 s elapsed) JobOptionsSvc INFO // // Job Option file for fits2digi/ldf2digi: // // // Things to be changed by the user can // be found at the end of the file! // // // Primary DLLs, including auditor: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"GaudiAlg", "GaudiAud"}; ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"MootSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ChronoStatSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"MootSvc"}; AuditorSvc.Auditors = {"ChronoAuditor"}; // // A structure for the topalg, using sequencer steps: // ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = {"Sequencer/Top"}; // // Define the top sequence loop: // Top.Members = {"Sequencer/Triggered"}; // // Define the Triggered sequence: // Triggered.Members = {"Sequencer/Trigger", "Sequencer/Output"}; // // Services: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"GlastSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastDetSvc"}; GlastDetSvc.topVolume = "LAT"; GlastDetSvc.visitorMode = "recon"; // Configuration. This get the configuration from MOOT // --> Including file $CONFIGSVCJOBOPTIONSPATH/configOptions_moot.txt // Configuration Access options when using MOOT // $Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/GlastRelease-scons/ConfigSvc/src/configOptions_moot.txt,v 1.3 2008/06/23 16:23:13 heather Exp $ // DLLs ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"ConfigSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ConfigSvc"}; // Configure ConfigSvc and MootSvc MootSvc.ExitOnFatal = false; // Allow MootSvc to continue if the MOOT key isn't found ConfigSvc.GammaFilterXml = ""; ConfigSvc.DgnFilterXml = ""; ConfigSvc.MipFilterXml = ""; ConfigSvc.HipFilterXml = ""; ConfigSvc.GemXml = ""; ConfigSvc.RoiXml = ""; // <-- End of including file $CONFIGSVCJOBOPTIONSPATH/configOptions_moot.txt // Crash on FATAL: MootSvc.ExitOnFatal = true; // // Define the Trigger sequence: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"Trigger"}; Trigger.Members = {"TriggerInfoAlg","TriggerAlg","TriRowBitsAlg"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"LivetimeSvc"}; LivetimeSvc.Deadtime = 0; // disable this for real data! // // No longer setting TriggerAlg.mask due to use of ConfigSvc // // // Trigger engines: Not applying any prescales for real data! // TriggerAlg.engine = "ConfigSvc"; // // Define the Output sequence: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"ntupleWriterSvc","RootIo"}; Output.Members = {"FhSetAlg","digiRootWriterAlg"}; // // Use the LDF converter service to read in LDF files: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"LdfConverter"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"LdfEventSelector/EventSelector","LdfCnvSvc/EventCnvSvc"}; // // Services: // EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices = {"EventCnvSvc"}; // // Instrument: // EventSelector.Instrument = "LAT"; // // Checking for GEM Conditions Summary Word == 0: // EventSelector.GemZeroCheck = 1; // // For new CAL Trigger: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"CalXtalResponse"}; // --> Including file $GLEAMJOBOPTIONSPATH/jobOptions/pipeline/calibrations.txt // // Job Option file containing calibration stuff // to be included by recon and mc: // // --> Including file $CALIBSVCJOBOPTIONSPATH/defaultOptions.txt // Job options needed specifically to load calibrations into Calibration TDS ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"CalibSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalibDataSvc", "CalibMySQLCnvSvc"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalibRootCnvSvc", "CalibXmlCnvSvc"}; DetectorPersistencySvc.CnvServices += {"CalibMySQLCnvSvc"}; DetectorPersistencySvc.CnvServices += {"CalibXmlCnvSvc"}; DetectorPersistencySvc.CnvServices += {"CalibRootCnvSvc"}; // See mainpage.h for a complete description of job options CalibDataSvc.CalibFlavorList = {"ideal"}; // <-- End of including file $CALIBSVCJOBOPTIONSPATH/defaultOptions.txt // // Name of calibration database: // CalibMySQLCnvSvc.DbName = "calib"; // // Instrument name: LAT for inside the grid, // TkrFMx:CalFMxxx for single bay // CalibDataSvc.CalibInstrumentName = "LAT"; // Storage type of 14 corresponds to MYSQL: CalibDataSvc.CalibStorageType = 14; CalibDataSvc.CalibRootName = "Calib"; // Get time from data: CalibDataSvc.CalibTimeSource = "data"; // Start up a CalCalibSvc: ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalCalibSvc"}; // Cal flavor: CalCalibSvc.DefaultFlavor = "vanilla"; // // Tracker flavor: // TkrReconCalib.calibFlavor = "vanilla"; // // Write out bad and hot strips to the log file: Not! // TkrBadStripsSvc.OutputLevel = 4; // Start up an AcdCalibSvc: ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"AcdUtil"}; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"AcdCalibSvc"}; // For real data: AcdCalibSvc.DefaultFlavor = "vanilla"; // ToolSvc.AcdPha2MipTool.ApplyCoherentNoiseCalib = true; // // To get some output about the ideal calibs for the ACD: // AcdCalibSvc.OutputLevel = 1; // // General calibration flavor list: // CalibDataSvc.CalibFlavorList = {"vanilla"}; // // Only PROD! Default is PROD and DEV! // CalibMySQLCnvSvc.QualityList = {"PROD"}; // <-- End of including file $GLEAMJOBOPTIONSPATH/jobOptions/pipeline/calibrations.txt // // Start up a CalFailureModeSvc: // ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalFailureModeSvc"}; // // OBF: // ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"EbfWriter","OnboardFilter"}; Trigger.Members += {"EbfWriter","OnboardFilter"}; // Feed all events to the filters: EbfWriter.ReqGemTrig = false; // New stuff from Tracy: EbfWriter.StoreOnTds = false; // // The following things can be changed by the user: // // // Set output level threshold: // 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL // MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3; // // Number of events: // ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 0; //ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 100; // // Geometry: Use flight geometry! // GlastDetSvc.xmlfile = "$(XMLGEODBSXMLPATH)/flight/flightSegVols.xml"; // Evt file as input: EventSelector.StorageType = "CCSDSFILE"; // // Input evt file: // EventSelector.FileName = "/nfs/farm/g/glast/u28/stageTest/120225001-chunk/r0351769427/r0351769427-e00000000000010067958.evt"; // // Output ROOT digi file: // digiRootWriterAlg.digiRootFile = "GR-17-35-24-gr26-rhel4builddbg-digi.root"; // // The Doors ..... // Job options successfully read in from ldf2digi.txt ApplicationMgr SUCCESS ==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.47 $ running on dole0030 on Thu Apr 19 10:40:30 2012 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : GaudiAlg, GaudiAud, MootSvc, GlastSvc, ConfigSvc, Trigger, ntupleWriterSvc, RootIo, LdfConverter, CalXtalResponse, CalibSvc, AcdUtil, EbfWriter, OnboardFilter ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1 MootSvc INFO Specific initialization starting EventPersistenc... INFO "CnvServices": ["EventCnvSvc"] MootSvc INFO Successfully connect to MOOT dbs for archive /afs/slac/g/glast/moot/archive-mood MootSvc INFO Specific initialization completed detModel Doc Client: registered the constants! detModel Doc Client: registered the materials! detModel Doc Client: registered the id dictionary! detModel Doc Client: registered the sections! GlastDetSvc INFO geometry setup: document = /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuild/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/Optimized/GlastRelease/17-35-24-lp22/xml/xmlGeoDbs/flight/flightSegVols.xml mode = recon topvol = LAT Summary of IDmap contents: Detector name count ------------- ----- CsISeg 18432 SiWaferActive 9216 diodeL 3072 diodeS 3072 ribSideToR0 8 ribXSideR0 8 ribXSideR1 8 ribXSideR2 8 ribXSideToR1 8 ribXSideToR2 8 ribYSideR0 8 ribYSideR1 8 ribYSideR2 8 ribYSideToR1 8 ribYSideToR2 8 ribbonBent 8 sideTileR0EdgeGreater 4 sideTileR0EdgeLesser 4 sideTileR0Mid 12 sideTileR1EdgeGreater 4 sideTileR1EdgeLesser 4 sideTileR1Mid 12 sideTileR2EdgeGreater 4 sideTileR2EdgeLesser 4 sideTileR2Mid 12 sideTileR3 4 tile_f0r0c0 1 tile_f0r0c1 1 tile_f0r0c2 1 tile_f0r0c3 1 tile_f0r0c4 1 tile_f0r1c0 1 tile_f0r1c1 1 tile_f0r1c2 1 tile_f0r1c3 1 tile_f0r1c4 1 tile_f0r2c0 1 tile_f0r2c1 1 tile_f0r2c2 1 tile_f0r2c3 1 tile_f0r2c4 1 tile_f0r3c0 1 tile_f0r3c1 1 tile_f0r3c2 1 tile_f0r3c3 1 tile_f0r3c4 1 tile_f0r4c0 1 tile_f0r4c1 1 tile_f0r4c2 1 tile_f0r4c3 1 tile_f0r4c4 1 topTileCentBent 2 topTileEdgeBent 4 topTileMidBent 4 xRibbonTopCent 4 xRibbonTopEdge 8 xRibbonTopMid 8 xRibbonTopVertFar 8 xRibbonTopVertNear 8 yRibbonTop 4 total: 34027 ConfigSvc WARNING Using GEM configuration from MootSvc ConfigSvc WARNING Using GAMMA filter configuration from MootSvc ConfigSvc WARNING Using DGN filter configuration from MootSvc ConfigSvc WARNING Using MIP filter configuration from MootSvc ConfigSvc WARNING Using HIP filter configuration from MootSvc LivetimeSvc INFO Interleave mode. Applying efficiency of 100% Created eventFile retrieved 66429 events for run 120225001 first Spacecraft clock value = 351773742 last Spacecraft clock value = 351773841 first GEM sequence counter value = 10067958 last GEM sequence counter value = 10421393 EventSelector INFO EventIndicesToSkipEnv DetectorPersist... INFO "CnvServices": ["CalibMySQLCnvSvc", "CalibXmlCnvSvc", "CalibRootCnvSvc"] DetectorPersist... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:CalibMySQLCnvSvc CalibMySQLCnvSvc INFO Specific initialization starting Util::expandEnvVar unable to translate MYSQL_HOST Util::expandEnvVar unable to translate MYSQL_METATABLE CalibMySQLCnvSvc INFO Specific initialization completed CalCalibSvc INFO initialize CalCalibSvc INFO TemperatureFile : CalCalibSvc INFO PedTempCor : AcdCalibSvc INFO initialize AcdCalibSvc DEBUG Initializing... AcdCalibSvc DEBUG CalibDavaSvc : CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc DEBUG DefaultFlavor : vanilla AcdCalibSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: found service CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: found service CalibDataSvc AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorPed vanilla AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorGain vanilla AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorHighRange vanilla AcdCalibSvc DEBUG FlavorCoherentNoise vanilla AcdCalibSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: found service IncidentSvc CalFailureModeSvc INFO initialize Top INFO Member list: Sequencer/Triggered Triggered INFO Member list: Sequencer/Trigger, Sequencer/Output Trigger INFO Member list: TriggerInfoAlg, TriggerAlg, TriRowBitsAlg, EbfWriter, OnboardFilter ToolSvc.CalTrig... INFO initialize ToolSvc.Precalc... INFO initialize ToolSvc.CalSign... INFO initializing ToolSvc.CalSign... INFO initialize TriggerInfoAlg INFO Using ConfigSvc for Trigger Config TriggerAlg INFO No trigger requirement TriggerAlg INFO Using ConfigSvc for Trigger Config EbfWriter INFO initialize ParticlePropert... INFO Opened particle properties file : /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/extFiles/v0r9/gaudi/data/ParticleTable.txt OnboardFilter INFO OnboardFilter initialize method called ToolSvc.FSWAuxL... INFO Loading CAL pedestal file: cal_db_pedestals, path: $(OBFLDPATH) ToolSvc.FSWAuxL... INFO Loading CAL gain file: cal_db_gains, path: $(OBFLDPATH) Output INFO Member list: FhSetAlg, digiRootWriterAlg %%%%% JOB OPTIONS %%%%% "ApplicationMgr"."TopAlg": [""Sequencer/Top""] "ApplicationMgr"."ExtSvc": [""ChronoStatSvc"", ""MootSvc"", ""GlastDetSvc"", ""ConfigSvc"", ""LivetimeSvc"", ""LdfEventSelector/EventSelector"", ""LdfCnvSvc/EventCnvSvc"", ""CalibDataSvc"", ""CalibMySQLCnvSvc"", ""CalibRootCnvSvc"", ""CalibXmlCnvSvc"", ""CalCalibSvc"", ""AcdCalibSvc"", ""CalFailureModeSvc""] "ApplicationMgr"."DLLs": [""GaudiAlg"", ""GaudiAud"", ""MootSvc"", ""GlastSvc"", ""ConfigSvc"", ""Trigger"", ""ntupleWriterSvc"", ""RootIo"", ""LdfConverter"", ""CalXtalResponse"", ""CalibSvc"", ""AcdUtil"", ""EbfWriter"", ""OnboardFilter""] "ApplicationMgr"."EvtMax": "0" "AuditorSvc"."Auditors": [""ChronoAuditor""] "Top"."Members": [""Sequencer/Triggered""] "Triggered"."Members": [""Sequencer/Trigger"", ""Sequencer/Output""] "GlastDetSvc"."topVolume": ""LAT"" "GlastDetSvc"."visitorMode": ""recon"" "GlastDetSvc"."xmlfile": ""$(XMLGEODBSXMLPATH)/flight/flightSegVols.xml"" "MootSvc"."ExitOnFatal": "1" "ConfigSvc"."GammaFilterXml": """" "ConfigSvc"."DgnFilterXml": """" "ConfigSvc"."MipFilterXml": """" "ConfigSvc"."HipFilterXml": """" "ConfigSvc"."GemXml": """" "ConfigSvc"."RoiXml": """" "Trigger"."Members": [""TriggerInfoAlg"", ""TriggerAlg"", ""TriRowBitsAlg"", ""EbfWriter"", ""OnboardFilter""] "LivetimeSvc"."Deadtime": "0" "TriggerAlg"."engine": ""ConfigSvc"" "Output"."Members": [""FhSetAlg"", ""digiRootWriterAlg""] "EventPersistencySvc"."CnvServices": [""EventCnvSvc""] "EventSelector"."Instrument": ""LAT"" "EventSelector"."GemZeroCheck": "1" "EventSelector"."StorageType": ""CCSDSFILE"" "EventSelector"."FileName": ""/nfs/farm/g/glast/u28/stageTest/120225001-chunk/r0351769427/r0351769427-e00000000000010067958.evt"" "DetectorPersistencySvc"."CnvServices": [""CalibMySQLCnvSvc"", ""CalibXmlCnvSvc"", ""CalibRootCnvSvc""] "CalibDataSvc"."CalibInstrumentName": ""LAT"" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibStorageType": "14" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibRootName": ""Calib"" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibTimeSource": ""data"" "CalibDataSvc"."CalibFlavorList": [""vanilla""] "CalibMySQLCnvSvc"."DbName": ""calib"" "CalibMySQLCnvSvc"."QualityList": [""PROD""] "CalCalibSvc"."DefaultFlavor": ""vanilla"" "TkrReconCalib"."calibFlavor": ""vanilla"" "TkrBadStripsSvc"."OutputLevel": "4" "AcdCalibSvc"."DefaultFlavor": ""vanilla"" "AcdCalibSvc"."OutputLevel": "1" "ToolSvc.AcdPha2MipTool"."ApplyCoherentNoiseCalib": "1" "EbfWriter"."ReqGemTrig": "0" "EbfWriter"."StoreOnTds": "0" "MessageSvc"."OutputLevel": "3" "digiRootWriterAlg"."digiRootFile": ""GR-17-35-24-gr26-rhel4builddbg-digi.root"" FhSetAlg INFO headers common data ready Error in : TfcProjectionCol, discarding: TfcPrj* m_prjs, illegal [m_curCnt] (must be Int_t) Error in : TfcPrjList, discarding: void* m_flnk, no [dimension] Error in : TfcPrjList, discarding: void* m_blnk, no [dimension] ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:EventCnvSvc Successfully connected to MySQL host glastCalibDB.slac.stanford.edu, database calib # About to issue SHOW COLUMNS request : SHOW COLUMNS FROM metadata_v2r1 # About to issue SELECT: SELECT ser_no FROM metadata_v2r1 WHERE ((completion="OK") AND (instrument="LAT") AND (calib_type="CAL_TholdCI") AND (flavor="vanilla") AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42">vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42"vstart) AND ("2012-02-24 10:55:42" Subject: Job 48065: Done Job was submitted from host by user . Job was executed on host(s) , in queue , as user . was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Thu Apr 19 10:40:16 2012 Results reported at Thu Apr 19 10:42:47 2012 Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuild/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/Optimized/GlastRelease/17-35-24-lp22/exe/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34-Optimized/Gleam ldf2digi.txt ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 124.86 sec. Max Memory : 211 MB Max Swap : 348 MB Max Processes : 3 Max Threads : 4 The output (if any) is above this job summary.