2006-06-29 22:22:14,110(UT) seAppBase.py:245 DEBUG - seAppBase.seTeardown -- LatPowerOnTurbo 2006-06-29 22:30:22,597(UT) LatReinit.py:62 DEBUG - LatReinit.__init__() 2006-06-29 22:30:29,878(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:584 INFO - Trying to connect to the message logger 2006-06-29 22:30:29,880(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:589 INFO - Successfully connected to the message logger 2006-06-29 22:30:42,466(UT) LatReinit.py:62 DEBUG - LatReinit.__init__() 2006-06-29 22:30:42,554(UT) ScriptEngineMain.py:309 INFO - Application LatReinit loaded from /usr/local/online/LICOS_Scripts/seApps/LatReinit.pyo 2006-06-29 22:31:40,721(UT) seAppBase.py:224 DEBUG - seAppBase.seSetup -- LatReinit 2006-06-29 22:31:46,998(UT) testAppBase.py:208 INFO - Using configuration file version: 1.3 2006-06-29 22:31:47,000(UT) testAppBase.py:211 INFO - Using configuration file release: L00-32-00 2006-06-29 22:31:47,221(UT) seAppBase.py:270 DEBUG - seAppBase.seStartRun -- LatReinit 2006-06-29 22:31:47,390(UT) seAppBase.py:395 INFO - seAppBase.seStartRun -- Test LatReinit starting run, Operator: NOT-DEFINED, Run Id: 102100034, Time Started: 060629223147 -- Thu Jun 29 22:31:47 2006 2006-06-29 22:31:47,390(UT) seAppBase.py:411 DEBUG - seAppBase.seStartRun -- LatReinit 2006-06-29 22:31:47,399(UT) LatReinit.py:242 DEBUG - LatReinit.startRun() 2006-06-29 22:31:47,411(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting resetSiu1 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:31:47,413(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed resetSiu1 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:31:47,415(UT) ResetSiu.py:61 DEBUG - Sending SC reset command to SIU 1... 2006-06-29 22:31:50,415(UT) ResetSiu.py:78 DEBUG - Starting resetSiu1 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:31:50,416(UT) ResetSiu.py:179 INFO - Waiting for SIU 1 boot telemetry after SC reset... 2006-06-29 22:32:23,232(UT) PBC.py:141 DEBUG - PBC primary boot telemetry seen from SIU 2006-06-29 22:32:23,284(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:32:23,285(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:309 INFO - Checking for SIU 1 Memory Check PASS... 2006-06-29 22:32:24,236(UT) ScriptEngineConnector.py:818 DEBUG - sePidsHandler at seconds 0xa548c77 useconds 0x4d tid 0xa548c77 pids 0x3 2006-06-29 22:32:24,285(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU 1 Memory Check passed. 2006-06-29 22:32:24,287(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:333 INFO - Checking for SIU 1 Comm Check PASS... 2006-06-29 22:32:25,239(UT) ScriptEngineConnector.py:818 DEBUG - sePidsHandler at seconds 0xa548c78 useconds 0x54 tid 0xa548c78 pids 0x3 2006-06-29 22:32:25,249(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU 1 Comm Check passed. 2006-06-29 22:32:26,362(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Diagnostic data confirmed reset of SIU 1 2006-06-29 22:32:34,532(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [605.06813367946734, 605.06815421513011, 605.0681532372414, 605.0681522593527, 605.0681532372414] for SIU 1 is within [600, 700] 2006-06-29 22:32:34,534(UT) ResetSiu.py:106 DEBUG - Completed resetSiu1 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:32:34,537(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting resetSiu2 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:32:34,538(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed resetSiu2 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:32:34,538(UT) ResetSiu.py:69 DEBUG - Sending PBC reset command to SIU 1... 2006-06-29 22:32:37,542(UT) ResetSiu.py:78 DEBUG - Starting resetSiu2 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:32:37,543(UT) ResetSiu.py:219 INFO - Waiting for SIU 1 boot telemetry after PBC reset... 2006-06-29 22:32:37,709(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:32:37,710(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:309 INFO - Checking for SIU 1 Memory Check PASS... 2006-06-29 22:32:38,233(UT) ScriptEngineConnector.py:818 DEBUG - sePidsHandler at seconds 0xa548c85 useconds 0x4d tid 0xa548c85 pids 0x3 2006-06-29 22:32:38,284(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU 1 Memory Check passed. 2006-06-29 22:32:38,285(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:333 INFO - Checking for SIU 1 Comm Check PASS... 2006-06-29 22:32:39,125(UT) ScriptEngineConnector.py:818 DEBUG - sePidsHandler at seconds 0xa548c86 useconds 0x53 tid 0xa548c86 pids 0x3 2006-06-29 22:32:39,239(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU 1 Comm Check passed. 2006-06-29 22:32:49,423(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [605.06807500614502, 605.0681532372414, 605.0681522593527, 605.0681532372414, 605.0681532372414] for SIU 1 is within [600, 700] 2006-06-29 22:32:49,425(UT) ResetSiu.py:106 DEBUG - Completed resetSiu2 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:32:49,427(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:55 DEBUG - Starting secondarySiuBoot1 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:32:49,428(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:60 INFO - Waiting for SIU 1 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:32:49,545(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:32:49,546(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:64 DEBUG - Completed secondarySiuBoot1 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:32:49,548(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Sending secondary boot command to SIU 1 using flags hi=0x5400, lo=0xc000 ... 2006-06-29 22:32:49,551(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:87 DEBUG - Starting secondarySiuBoot1 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:32:49,553(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Load VxWorks libraries for SIU 1 and click OK to continue 2006-06-29 22:32:53,025(UT) PBC.py:163 DEBUG - No longer see PBC primary boot telemetry from SIU 2006-06-29 22:33:14,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 00:00:00.627920 tShell ATT_reset ATT IRESET Reset 2006-06-29 22:33:15,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 00:00:01.731171 ISR> THS_gemIsr LCBD OFFLINE Driver is offline 2006-06-29 22:33:15,319(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:33:14.000098 ISR> CheckPpsWutCb THS NOWUTPS No PPS received in the last 1 seconds so simulating 2006-06-29 22:33:20,703(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.421677 tShell FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:33:21,316(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.833550 tShell LHK_initialize LHK INITST INITIALIZING... 2006-06-29 22:33:21,325(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.834457 tShell LHK_initialize LHK INITST MEMORY POOL ALLOCATED 2006-06-29 22:33:21,333(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.834691 tShell LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:33:21,505(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.834700 tShell LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:33:21,703(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.840305 tShell LHK_initialize LHK INITST INITIALIZED 2006-06-29 22:33:21,717(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.992488 tShell LHK_sched_activate LHK INITST SCHED TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:33:22,219(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:33:22,219(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:33:22,220(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 1 2006-06-29 22:33:22,224(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:33:22,224(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:33:22,225(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:33:22,231(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:33:22,233(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:33:22,234(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 53 2006-06-29 22:33:22,243(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:33:22,245(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:33:22,245(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:33:22,255(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:33:19.992990 tShell LHK_startTask LHK INITST ITC TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:33:50,509(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:33:48.994741 mLSM SetTimetone THS EXTRATT extra TimeTone or missing PPS 2006-06-29 22:35:29,511(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:35:27.999184 mLSM SetTimetone THS EXTRATT extra TimeTone or missing PPS 2006-06-29 22:36:42,439(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:36:42,442(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:125 INFO - Waiting for LAT housekeeping telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:36:42,679(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - LAT housekeeping telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:36:43,560(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:42.096746 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:36:43,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:42.096823 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:36:44,548(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:43.086657 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:36:44,712(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:43.086730 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:36:45,560(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:44.076605 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:36:45,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:44.076673 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:36:46,537(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:45.066543 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:36:46,705(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:45.066616 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:36:47,517(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [9.9895506654841704, 9.9968682066530157, 10.001864240039573, 10.007718859707872, 10.013122672683821] for SIU 1 is within [9, 11] 2006-06-29 22:36:47,518(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:113 DEBUG - Completed secondarySiuBoot1 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:36:47,518(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:36:47,525(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:46.056522 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:36:47,725(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:46.056592 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:36:48,515(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:36:48,517(UT) LHK.py:86 DEBUG - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/lhk/LhkPowerOnPdu1.st.f with file ID 0x23400001=591396865 2006-06-29 22:36:48,526(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:47.046477 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:36:48,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:47.046523 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:36:48,542(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:47.046533 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:36:48,714(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:47.052716 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:36:49,523(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:48.057190 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:36:50,544(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d013/f0000001. This may take up to 60 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:36:50,551(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:49.026283 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 288 2006-06-29 22:36:52,216(UT) SequenceStep.py:450 INFO - Uploaded file LhkPowerOnPdu1.st.f with file id 0x23400001 2006-06-29 22:36:52,217(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400001 2006-06-29 22:36:52,224(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:50.451800 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 23400001 2006-06-29 22:36:52,231(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:50.452873 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d013/f0000001 2006-06-29 22:36:52,240(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:50.473658 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:36:53,512(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400001 2006-06-29 22:36:53,514(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:80 DEBUG - Starting powerOnPdu1 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:36:53,514(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:354 INFO - Checking if the DAQ feed voltage is within range [27.0, 29.0]... 2006-06-29 22:36:53,542(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:51.996275 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:36:53,563(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:51.996321 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:36:53,597(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:51.996330 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400001 2006-06-29 22:36:53,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:36:52.004331 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:36:54,205(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - DAQ feed voltage 27.93V is within [27.0, 29.0] 2006-06-29 22:36:54,206(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:390 INFO - Checking if PDU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:36:55,216(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - PDU temperature 31.33C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:36:55,217(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:477 INFO - Checking if the GASU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:36:56,266(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - GASU temperature 31.67C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:36:56,267(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:95 DEBUG - Completed powerOnPdu1 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:36:56,267(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:100 INFO - Sending main feed on for SIU 1 PDU 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,317(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:36:58,318(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,321(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 3 2006-06-29 22:36:58,330(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x210077f8 - ('PIG_INMUD', '"Happy as a pig in mud"') 2006-06-29 22:36:58,331(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,332(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,338(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:36:58,338(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,339(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 7 2006-06-29 22:36:58,348(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x210077f8 - ('PIG_INMUD', '"Happy as a pig in mud"') 2006-06-29 22:36:58,349(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,349(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,355(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:36:58,355(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,357(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 6 2006-06-29 22:36:58,361(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:36:58,363(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,364(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,371(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:36:58,372(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,379(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 74 2006-06-29 22:36:58,382(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:36:58,386(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,386(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,392(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:36:58,392(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,393(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 75 2006-06-29 22:36:58,397(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:36:58,399(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,400(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,406(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:36:58,407(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 1 2006-06-29 22:36:58,407(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 2 2006-06-29 22:36:58,410(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:36:58,410(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,410(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:36:58,509(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:36:57.000063 ISR> THS_gemIsr THS LCBBACK LCB working again after failing 221 gemReads 2006-06-29 22:36:58,518(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:36:57.201055 sLSM THS_timetone THS NOWUTTTR Timetone received after 310 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:36:58,564(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:36:57.201143 sLSM THS_timetone THS NOWUTTTR Timetone received after 310 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:36:59,305(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:36:57.890873 ISR> ThsIsrRad750 THS NOWUTPSR PPS received after 222 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:36:59,329(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:36:57.890936 ISR> THS_cpuIsr THS SMLLSNAP delta snapshot too small (got 7423742, min is 8166667 Hz) 2006-06-29 22:37:03,463(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:144 INFO - Verified main feed on action. 2006-06-29 22:37:03,464(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:153 INFO - Verified operating mode change to QUIESCENT. 2006-06-29 22:37:03,466(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:161 INFO - Completed main feed on action, result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:03,469(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:209 DEBUG - Starting powerOnPdu1 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:37:03,471(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:354 INFO - Checking if the DAQ feed voltage is within range [27.0, 29.0]... 2006-06-29 22:37:04,334(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - DAQ feed voltage 28.08V is within [27.0, 29.0] 2006-06-29 22:37:04,335(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:390 INFO - Checking if PDU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:37:05,216(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - PDU temperature 31.76C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:37:05,217(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:433 INFO - Checking if the PDU 0 3.3V voltage is within range [3.0, 3.6000000000000001]... 2006-06-29 22:37:06,319(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - PDU 0 3.3Vvoltage 3.38V is within [3.0, 3.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:37:06,320(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:477 INFO - Checking if the GASU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:37:07,218(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - GASU temperature 30.99C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:37:07,221(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:784 INFO - Checking if the AEM/EBM 3.3V and AEM/EBM 2.5V voltages are within range [[3.0, 3.6000000000000001], [2.0, 2.6000000000000001]]... 2006-06-29 22:37:08,264(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - AEM/EBM 3.3V voltage 3.34V is within [3.0, 3.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:37:08,265(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - AEM/EBM 2.5V voltage 2.46V is within [2.0, 2.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:37:08,266(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:833 INFO - Checking if the CRU/GEM 3.3V and CRU/GEM 2.5V voltages are within range [[3.0, 3.6000000000000001], [2.0, 2.6000000000000001]]... 2006-06-29 22:37:09,265(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - CRU/GEM 3.3V voltage 3.32V is within [3.0, 3.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:37:09,266(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - CRU/GEM 2.5V voltage 2.46V is within [2.0, 2.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:37:09,267(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:195 INFO - Reading the DAQ feed current... 2006-06-29 22:37:10,264(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Read the DAQ feed current as 16.70A 2006-06-29 22:37:10,265(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:242 DEBUG - Completed powerOnPdu1 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:10,266(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:37:11,545(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:37:11,547(UT) LHK.py:86 DEBUG - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/lhk/LhkPowerOnEpu0.st.f with file ID 0x23400002=591396866 2006-06-29 22:37:11,558(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:10.041063 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:37:11,585(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:10.041109 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:37:11,596(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:10.041119 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:37:11,705(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:10.047566 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:37:12,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:11.062082 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:37:13,527(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:12.040967 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 288 2006-06-29 22:37:13,584(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d013/f0000002. This may take up to 60 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:37:15,215(UT) SequenceStep.py:450 INFO - Uploaded file LhkPowerOnEpu0.st.f with file id 0x23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:15,215(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:15,223(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:13.480922 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:15,231(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:13.482024 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d013/f0000002 2006-06-29 22:37:15,272(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:13.503408 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:37:16,534(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:16,536(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting resetEpu prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:37:16,536(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed resetEpu prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:16,537(UT) ResetEpu.py:67 DEBUG - Sending warm boot command to EPU 0... 2006-06-29 22:37:16,539(UT) ResetEpu.py:75 DEBUG - Starting resetEpu verification tests 2006-06-29 22:37:16,541(UT) ResetEpu.py:151 INFO - Waiting for EPU 0 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:37:16,552(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:15.041043 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:37:16,560(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:15.041090 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:37:16,568(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:15.041099 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:16,718(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:15.049231 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:37:17,504(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:37:16.041152 mLCM PBC_LBTRESET PBC REBOOT Rebooting... 2006-06-29 22:37:19,701(UT) PBC.py:141 DEBUG - PBC primary boot telemetry seen from EPU0 2006-06-29 22:37:19,719(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 0 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:37:20,722(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Diagnostic data confirmed warm reboot of EPU 0 2006-06-29 22:37:25,735(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog timer is enabled: The timer values [605.06854537061145, 605.068560038942, 605.068560038942, 605.068560038942, 605.06855906105329] for EPU 0 is within [600, 700] 2006-06-29 22:37:25,736(UT) ResetEpu.py:91 DEBUG - Completed resetEpu verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:25,739(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:37:26,529(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:37:26,531(UT) LHK.py:86 DEBUG - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/lhk/LhkPowerOnEpu1.st.f with file ID 0x23400003=591396867 2006-06-29 22:37:26,540(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:25.041023 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:37:26,552(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:25.041070 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:37:26,561(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:25.041080 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:37:26,714(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:25.047537 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:37:27,536(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:26.062149 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:37:28,518(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:27.040962 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 288 2006-06-29 22:37:28,556(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d013/f0000003. This may take up to 60 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:37:30,108(UT) SequenceStep.py:450 INFO - Uploaded file LhkPowerOnEpu1.st.f with file id 0x23400003 2006-06-29 22:37:30,108(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400003 2006-06-29 22:37:30,117(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:28.480923 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 23400003 2006-06-29 22:37:30,126(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:28.482046 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d013/f0000003 2006-06-29 22:37:30,135(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:28.503930 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:37:31,538(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400003 2006-06-29 22:37:31,539(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting resetEpu prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:37:31,540(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed resetEpu prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:31,541(UT) ResetEpu.py:67 DEBUG - Sending warm boot command to EPU 1... 2006-06-29 22:37:31,543(UT) ResetEpu.py:75 DEBUG - Starting resetEpu verification tests 2006-06-29 22:37:31,544(UT) ResetEpu.py:151 INFO - Waiting for EPU 1 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:37:31,551(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:30.041069 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:37:31,560(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:30.041116 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:37:31,570(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:30.041125 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400003 2006-06-29 22:37:31,705(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:30.049281 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:37:32,506(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:37:31.041090 mLCM PBC_LBTRESET PBC REBOOT Rebooting... 2006-06-29 22:37:34,703(UT) PBC.py:141 DEBUG - PBC primary boot telemetry seen from EPU1 2006-06-29 22:37:34,724(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 1 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:37:35,726(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Diagnostic data confirmed warm reboot of EPU 1 2006-06-29 22:37:40,740(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog timer is enabled: The timer values [605.06854439272274, 605.068560038942, 605.068560038942, 605.068560038942, 605.068560038942] for EPU 1 is within [600, 700] 2006-06-29 22:37:40,741(UT) ResetEpu.py:91 DEBUG - Completed resetEpu verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:40,742(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:37:41,525(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:37:41,526(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:41,533(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:40.041080 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:37:41,542(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:40.041128 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:37:41,552(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:40.041138 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:37:41,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:40.047594 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:37:42,509(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:42,510(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:64 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot1 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:37:42,511(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:165 INFO - Waiting for EPU 0 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:37:42,518(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:41.041045 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:37:42,527(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:41.041093 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:37:42,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:41.041102 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400002 2006-06-29 22:37:42,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:37:41.049234 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:37:42,736(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 0 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:37:42,737(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:72 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot1 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:37:42,738(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Sending secondary boot command to EPU 0 using flags hi=0x5400, lo=0xc000 ... 2006-06-29 22:37:42,746(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:93 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot1 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:37:42,747(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Load VxWorks libraries for EPU 0 and click OK to continue 2006-06-29 22:37:46,021(UT) PBC.py:163 DEBUG - No longer see PBC primary boot telemetry from EPU0 2006-06-29 22:38:11,146(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.565266 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 5 2006-06-29 22:38:11,318(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.724551 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:38:11,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.763964 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:38:12,307(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.922519 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:38:12,842(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 00:00:01.063840 tShell ATT_reset ATT IRESET Reset 2006-06-29 22:38:13,468(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:01.120568 dLCBDevt ITC_send ITC SENDTID Task 9 not in state started 2006-06-29 22:38:13,509(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:01.120597 dLCBDevt LRX_process LCS DSTSEND Transaction received, send to destination failed 2006-06-29 22:38:14,272(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:38:11.000057 ISR> CheckPpsWutCb THS NOWUTPS No PPS received in the last 1 seconds so simulating 2006-06-29 22:38:14,323(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:38:11.267817 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:38:15,106(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:38:11.314835 ISR> ThsIsrRad750 THS NOWUTPSR PPS received after 1 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:38:15,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:38:11.314871 ISR> THS_cpuIsr THS SMLLSNAP delta snapshot too small (got 2623515, min is 8166667 Hz) 2006-06-29 22:38:15,705(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:38:13.102532 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:38:16,705(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:38:15.252539 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:38:18,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:38:17.402527 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:38:19,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:38:18.363982 tShell FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:38:20,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:38:18.512936 tShell LHK_init_slv LHK INITST SLAVE TASK INITIALIZED 2006-06-29 22:38:20,320(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:38:18.555786 tShell LHK_start_slvTask LHK INITST SLAVE TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:38:20,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:38:18.601478 tShell LPA_configHandlers LPA ERROR INVALID LPA DB DATA 2006-06-29 22:43:13,964(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:43:13,967(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:623 INFO - Checking if EPU 0 CPU junction temperature is within range [1, 999]...... 2006-06-29 22:43:14,547(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:13.040945 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO apid 0x22b 2006-06-29 22:43:14,555(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:13.040992 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO interval 0x64 2006-06-29 22:43:14,564(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:13.041000 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO count 0x1 2006-06-29 22:43:14,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:13.041010 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK DGSTRT DIAGNOSTIC STARTED 2006-06-29 22:43:15,295(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:13.141040 ISR> LHK_diag_intv_cb LHK DGCMPL DIAGNOSTIC COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:43:15,504(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 0 CPU junction temperature measured as 59 and within the required range of [1, 999] 2006-06-29 22:43:16,575(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:15.041169 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:43:16,716(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:15.041248 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:43:17,618(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:16.041137 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:43:17,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:16.041199 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:43:18,811(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:17.041132 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:43:18,830(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:17.041196 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:43:19,518(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:18.041152 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:43:19,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:18.041214 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:43:20,541(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [10.010924378878187, 10.013834575660022, 10.01703813905293, 10.019885750957737, 10.023127452010085] for EPU 0 is within [9, 11] 2006-06-29 22:43:20,543(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:121 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot1 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:43:20,543(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:43:20,549(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:19.041158 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:43:20,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:43:19.041223 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:43:21,641(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:43:21,642(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400003 2006-06-29 22:43:21,650(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:20.041034 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:43:21,657(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:20.041081 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:43:21,664(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:20.041091 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:43:21,710(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:20.047544 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:43:22,523(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400003 2006-06-29 22:43:22,525(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:64 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot1 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:43:22,526(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:165 INFO - Waiting for EPU 1 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:43:22,535(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:21.041028 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:43:22,547(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:21.041074 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:43:22,554(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:21.041083 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400003 2006-06-29 22:43:22,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:43:21.049215 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:43:22,759(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 1 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:43:22,760(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:72 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot1 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:43:22,761(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Sending secondary boot command to EPU 1 using flags hi=0x5400, lo=0xc000 ... 2006-06-29 22:43:22,763(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:93 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot1 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:43:22,764(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Load VxWorks libraries for EPU 1 and click OK to continue 2006-06-29 22:43:25,348(UT) PBC.py:163 DEBUG - No longer see PBC primary boot telemetry from EPU1 2006-06-29 22:44:05,061(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:00.858719 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 9, queue 5 2006-06-29 22:44:05,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.018081 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:44:05,510(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 00:00:01.038832 tShell ATT_reset ATT IRESET Reset 2006-06-29 22:44:06,412(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.057552 dLCBDevt ITC_send ITC SENDTID Task 9 not in state started 2006-06-29 22:44:06,506(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.057574 dLCBDevt LRX_process LCS DSTSEND Transaction received, send to destination failed 2006-06-29 22:44:07,166(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.702439 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:44:07,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:44:05.000062 ISR> CheckPpsWutCb THS NOWUTPS No PPS received in the last 1 seconds so simulating 2006-06-29 22:44:09,116(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:44:05.590713 ISR> ThsIsrRad750 THS NOWUTPSR PPS received after 1 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:44:09,307(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:44:05.590763 ISR> THS_cpuIsr THS SMLLSNAP delta snapshot too small (got 4922401, min is 8166667 Hz) 2006-06-29 22:44:09,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 22:44:06.002493 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:44:10,307(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 22:44:08.152565 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:44:11,506(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:44:10.023756 tShell FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:44:11,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:44:10.172012 tShell LHK_init_slv LHK INITST SLAVE TASK INITIALIZED 2006-06-29 22:44:12,309(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:44:10.235708 tShell LHK_start_slvTask LHK INITST SLAVE TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:44:12,321(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 22:44:10.281311 tShell LPA_configHandlers LPA ERROR INVALID LPA DB DATA 2006-06-29 22:46:10,346(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:46:10,359(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:623 INFO - Checking if EPU 1 CPU junction temperature is within range [1, 999]...... 2006-06-29 22:46:11,556(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:10.040948 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO apid 0x22b 2006-06-29 22:46:11,564(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:10.040995 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO interval 0x64 2006-06-29 22:46:11,575(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:10.041003 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO count 0x1 2006-06-29 22:46:11,717(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:10.041013 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK DGSTRT DIAGNOSTIC STARTED 2006-06-29 22:46:12,298(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:10.141045 ISR> LHK_diag_intv_cb LHK DGCMPL DIAGNOSTIC COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:46:12,549(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 1 CPU junction temperature measured as 47 and within the required range of [1, 999] 2006-06-29 22:46:13,559(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:12.041180 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:46:13,706(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:12.041260 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:46:14,514(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:13.041160 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:46:14,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:13.041253 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:46:15,536(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:14.041151 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:46:15,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:14.041215 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:46:16,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:15.041177 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:46:16,730(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:15.041271 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:46:17,657(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [10.027074210817711, 10.030700222130562, 10.033631932463877, 10.036735751209021, 10.040102622015425] for EPU 1 is within [9, 11] 2006-06-29 22:46:17,658(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:121 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot1 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:46:17,659(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:46:17,666(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:16.041160 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:46:17,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:46:16.041222 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:46:18,576(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:46:18,578(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting induceSiuWatchdogTimeout prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:46:18,597(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed induceSiuWatchdogTimeout prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:46:18,597(UT) InduceSiuWatchdogTimeout.py:56 DEBUG - Inducing SIU 1 watchdog timeout... 2006-06-29 22:46:18,600(UT) testAppBase.py:688 INFO - Wrote 1 words to memory location 0xbf880058 on unit SIU, status=1 2006-06-29 22:46:18,583(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:17.041034 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:46:18,601(UT) InduceSiuWatchdogTimeout.py:72 DEBUG - Starting induceSiuWatchdogTimeout verification tests 2006-06-29 22:46:18,611(UT) InduceSiuWatchdogTimeout.py:95 INFO - Waiting for SIU 1 boot telemetry after watchdog timeout... 2006-06-29 22:46:18,616(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:17.041080 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:46:18,632(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:17.041090 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:46:18,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:46:17.047555 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:46:40,858(UT) PBC.py:141 DEBUG - PBC primary boot telemetry seen from SIU 2006-06-29 22:46:40,861(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU 1 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:46:40,862(UT) InduceSiuWatchdogTimeout.py:81 DEBUG - Completed induceSiuWatchdogTimeout verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:46:40,864(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:55 DEBUG - Starting secondarySiuBoot2 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:46:40,865(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:60 INFO - Waiting for SIU 1 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:46:41,145(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - SIU boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:46:41,146(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:64 DEBUG - Completed secondarySiuBoot2 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:46:41,147(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Sending secondary boot command to SIU 1 using flags hi=0x5400, lo=0xc000 ... 2006-06-29 22:46:41,149(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:87 DEBUG - Starting secondarySiuBoot2 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:46:41,150(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Load VxWorks libraries for SIU 1 and click OK to continue 2006-06-29 22:46:44,670(UT) PBC.py:163 DEBUG - No longer see PBC primary boot telemetry from SIU 2006-06-29 22:48:07,307(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 00:00:00.627847 tShell ATT_reset ATT IRESET Reset 2006-06-29 22:48:08,506(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 00:00:01.731105 ISR> THS_gemIsr LCBD OFFLINE Driver is offline 2006-06-29 22:48:08,514(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:48:07.000104 ISR> CheckPpsWutCb THS NOWUTPS No PPS received in the last 1 seconds so simulating 2006-06-29 22:48:14,106(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.423993 tShell FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:48:14,431(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.835940 tShell LHK_initialize LHK INITST INITIALIZING... 2006-06-29 22:48:14,560(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.836847 tShell LHK_initialize LHK INITST MEMORY POOL ALLOCATED 2006-06-29 22:48:14,568(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.837081 tShell LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:48:14,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.837090 tShell LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:48:15,227(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.842696 tShell LHK_initialize LHK INITST INITIALIZED 2006-06-29 22:48:15,235(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.994876 tShell LHK_sched_activate LHK INITST SCHED TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:48:15,304(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:48:15,305(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:48:15,305(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 1 2006-06-29 22:48:15,309(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:48:15,310(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:48:15,310(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:48:15,317(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:48:15,318(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:48:15,320(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 53 2006-06-29 22:48:15,325(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:48:15,328(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:48:15,330(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:48:15,337(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:48:12.995378 tShell LHK_startTask LHK INITST ITC TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:48:24,507(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:48:22.991757 mLSM SetTimetone THS EXTRATT extra TimeTone or missing PPS 2006-06-29 22:49:58,319(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:49:58,398(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:125 INFO - Waiting for LAT housekeeping telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:49:58,709(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - LAT housekeeping telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:49:59,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:49:57.878114 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:49:59,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:49:57.878190 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:50:00,547(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:49:58.868053 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:50:00,711(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:49:58.868125 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:50:01,525(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:49:59.857985 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:50:01,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:49:59.858052 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:50:02,529(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:00.847939 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:50:02,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:00.848009 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:50:03,521(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [10.004604284186987, 10.009919109290912, 10.014565058521592, 10.019869126849777, 10.024944369221327] for SIU 1 is within [9, 11] 2006-06-29 22:50:03,522(UT) ReinitSecondarySiuBoot.py:113 DEBUG - Completed secondarySiuBoot2 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:03,523(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:50:03,529(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:01.837876 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:50:03,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:01.837944 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:50:03,720(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:50:01.996197 mLSM SetTimetone THS EXTRATT extra TimeTone or missing PPS 2006-06-29 22:50:04,551(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:50:04,553(UT) LHK.py:86 DEBUG - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/lhk/LhkPowerOnPdu1.st.f with file ID 0x23400004=591396868 2006-06-29 22:50:04,559(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:03.827829 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:50:04,567(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:03.827871 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:50:04,574(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:03.827881 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:50:04,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:03.834074 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:50:05,531(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:04.838544 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:50:06,575(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d013/f0000004. This may take up to 60 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:50:06,584(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:05.807624 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 288 2006-06-29 22:50:08,149(UT) SequenceStep.py:450 INFO - Uploaded file LhkPowerOnPdu1.st.f with file id 0x23400004 2006-06-29 22:50:08,150(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400004 2006-06-29 22:50:08,168(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:07.233113 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 23400004 2006-06-29 22:50:08,189(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:07.234178 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d013/f0000004 2006-06-29 22:50:08,200(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:07.255271 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:50:09,514(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400004 2006-06-29 22:50:09,515(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:80 DEBUG - Starting powerOnPdu2 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:50:09,516(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:354 INFO - Checking if the DAQ feed voltage is within range [27.0, 29.0]... 2006-06-29 22:50:09,524(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:08.777539 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:50:09,531(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:08.777583 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:50:09,539(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:08.777592 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400004 2006-06-29 22:50:09,717(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:08.785587 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:50:10,112(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - DAQ feed voltage 28.12V is within [27.0, 29.0] 2006-06-29 22:50:10,113(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:390 INFO - Checking if PDU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:50:11,116(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - PDU temperature 31.24C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:50:11,117(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:477 INFO - Checking if the GASU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:50:12,084(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - GASU temperature 30.24C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:50:12,085(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:95 DEBUG - Completed powerOnPdu2 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:12,085(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:100 INFO - Sending main feed on for SIU 1 PDU 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,305(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:50:14,307(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,307(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 3 2006-06-29 22:50:14,317(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x210077f8 - ('PIG_INMUD', '"Happy as a pig in mud"') 2006-06-29 22:50:14,319(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,321(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,327(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:50:14,329(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,331(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 7 2006-06-29 22:50:14,340(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x210077f8 - ('PIG_INMUD', '"Happy as a pig in mud"') 2006-06-29 22:50:14,342(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,344(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,351(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:50:14,353(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,354(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 6 2006-06-29 22:50:14,357(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:50:14,359(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,360(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,367(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:50:14,391(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,392(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 74 2006-06-29 22:50:14,396(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:50:14,397(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,398(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,404(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:50:14,404(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,405(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 75 2006-06-29 22:50:14,409(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:50:14,410(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,410(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,417(UT) LIM.py:277 DEBUG - LIM State: 2006-06-29 22:50:14,422(UT) LIM.py:278 DEBUG - Operating Mode: 1 2006-06-29 22:50:14,422(UT) LIM.py:279 DEBUG - Action : 2 2006-06-29 22:50:14,425(UT) LIM.py:280 DEBUG - Status : 0x598333a8 - ('LIM_SUCCESS', '"Success"') 2006-06-29 22:50:14,425(UT) LIM.py:282 DEBUG - SaaTransit : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,427(UT) LIM.py:283 DEBUG - HV Allow : 0 2006-06-29 22:50:14,510(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:50:13.201034 sLSM THS_timetone THS NOWUTTTR Timetone received after 235 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:50:14,549(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:50:13.201107 sLSM THS_timetone THS NOWUTTTR Timetone received after 235 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:50:14,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:50:14.000063 ISR> THS_gemIsr THS LCBBACK LCB working again after failing 125 gemReads 2006-06-29 22:50:15,310(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:50:14.676618 ISR> ThsIsrRad750 THS NOWUTPSR PPS received after 126 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:50:15,321(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - SIU: 22:50:14.676673 ISR> THS_cpuIsr THS SMLLSNAP delta snapshot too small (got 5638294, min is 8166667 Hz) 2006-06-29 22:50:19,479(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:144 INFO - Verified main feed on action. 2006-06-29 22:50:19,481(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:153 INFO - Verified operating mode change to QUIESCENT. 2006-06-29 22:50:19,482(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:161 INFO - Completed main feed on action, result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:19,483(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:209 DEBUG - Starting powerOnPdu2 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:50:19,485(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:354 INFO - Checking if the DAQ feed voltage is within range [27.0, 29.0]... 2006-06-29 22:50:20,081(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - DAQ feed voltage 27.93V is within [27.0, 29.0] 2006-06-29 22:50:20,082(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:390 INFO - Checking if PDU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:50:21,082(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - PDU temperature 32.37C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:50:21,083(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:433 INFO - Checking if the PDU 0 3.3V voltage is within range [3.0, 3.6000000000000001]... 2006-06-29 22:50:22,091(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - PDU 0 3.3Vvoltage 3.32V is within [3.0, 3.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:50:22,092(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:477 INFO - Checking if the GASU temperature is within range [-30.0, 45.0]... 2006-06-29 22:50:23,089(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - GASU temperature 30.16C is within [-30.0, 45.0] 2006-06-29 22:50:23,090(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:784 INFO - Checking if the AEM/EBM 3.3V and AEM/EBM 2.5V voltages are within range [[3.0, 3.6000000000000001], [2.0, 2.6000000000000001]]... 2006-06-29 22:50:24,082(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - AEM/EBM 3.3V voltage 3.34V is within [3.0, 3.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:50:24,083(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - AEM/EBM 2.5V voltage 2.48V is within [2.0, 2.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:50:24,084(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:833 INFO - Checking if the CRU/GEM 3.3V and CRU/GEM 2.5V voltages are within range [[3.0, 3.6000000000000001], [2.0, 2.6000000000000001]]... 2006-06-29 22:50:25,107(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - CRU/GEM 3.3V voltage 3.30V is within [3.0, 3.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:50:25,108(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - CRU/GEM 2.5V voltage 2.48V is within [2.0, 2.6000000000000001] 2006-06-29 22:50:25,109(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:195 INFO - Reading the DAQ feed current... 2006-06-29 22:50:26,106(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Read the DAQ feed current as 16.80A 2006-06-29 22:50:26,107(UT) ReinitPowerOnPdu.py:242 DEBUG - Completed powerOnPdu2 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:26,107(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:50:27,553(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:50:27,555(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting induceEpuWatchdogTimeout prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:50:27,558(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed induceEpuWatchdogTimeout prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:27,558(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:63 DEBUG - Inducing EPU 0 watchdog timeout... 2006-06-29 22:50:27,561(UT) testAppBase.py:688 INFO - Wrote 1 words to memory location 0xbf880058 on unit EPU0, status=1 2006-06-29 22:50:27,564(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:79 DEBUG - Starting induceEpuWatchdogTimeout verification tests 2006-06-29 22:50:27,565(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:103 INFO - Waiting for EPU 0 boot telemetry after watchdog timeout... 2006-06-29 22:50:27,574(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:26.041034 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:50:27,582(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:26.041081 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:50:27,597(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:26.041091 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:50:27,710(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:26.047554 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:50:49,504(UT) PBC.py:141 DEBUG - PBC primary boot telemetry seen from EPU0 2006-06-29 22:50:49,509(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 0 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:50:49,510(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:88 DEBUG - Completed induceEpuWatchdogTimeout verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:49,510(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:50:50,527(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:50:50,529(UT) LHK.py:86 DEBUG - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/lhk/LhkPowerOnEpu0.st.f with file ID 0x23400005=591396869 2006-06-29 22:50:50,536(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:49.041027 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:50:50,547(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:49.041074 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:50:50,557(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:49.041084 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:50:50,708(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:49.047314 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:50:51,512(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:50.061915 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:50:52,546(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:51.040956 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 288 2006-06-29 22:50:52,580(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d013/f0000005. This may take up to 60 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:50:54,288(UT) SequenceStep.py:450 INFO - Uploaded file LhkPowerOnEpu0.st.f with file id 0x23400005 2006-06-29 22:50:54,289(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400005 2006-06-29 22:50:54,297(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:52.480924 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 23400005 2006-06-29 22:50:54,310(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:52.482029 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d013/f0000005 2006-06-29 22:50:54,320(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:52.503372 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:50:55,542(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400005 2006-06-29 22:50:55,544(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:64 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot2 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:50:55,545(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:165 INFO - Waiting for EPU 0 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:50:55,553(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:54.041009 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:50:55,562(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:54.041056 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:50:55,569(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:54.041065 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400005 2006-06-29 22:50:55,707(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:50:54.049203 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:50:55,718(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 0 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:50:55,719(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:72 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot2 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:50:55,720(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Sending secondary boot command to EPU 0 using flags hi=0x5400, lo=0xc000 ... 2006-06-29 22:50:55,722(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:93 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot2 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:50:55,725(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Load VxWorks libraries for EPU 0 and click OK to continue 2006-06-29 22:50:58,694(UT) PBC.py:163 DEBUG - No longer see PBC primary boot telemetry from EPU0 2006-06-29 22:53:32,760(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.784730 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:53:33,309(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.823471 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 5 2006-06-29 22:53:33,508(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:00.982786 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:53:34,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 00:00:01.022249 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:53:34,776(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 00:00:01.060390 tShell ATT_reset ATT IRESET Reset 2006-06-29 22:53:35,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:53:33.000060 ISR> CheckPpsWutCb THS NOWUTPS No PPS received in the last 1 seconds so simulating 2006-06-29 22:53:36,508(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:53:33.523976 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:53:37,108(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:53:33.554535 ISR> ThsIsrRad750 THS NOWUTPSR PPS received after 1 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:53:37,325(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU0: 22:53:33.554578 ISR> THS_cpuIsr THS SMLLSNAP delta snapshot too small (got 4620954, min is 8166667 Hz) 2006-06-29 22:53:37,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:53:35.119196 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:53:38,750(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:53:37.269166 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:53:40,927(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:53:39.419148 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 1, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:53:41,308(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:39.930273 tShell FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:53:41,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:40.082493 tShell LHK_init_slv LHK INITST SLAVE TASK INITIALIZED 2006-06-29 22:53:42,109(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:40.127494 tShell LHK_start_slvTask LHK INITST SLAVE TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:53:42,312(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU0: 22:53:40.172132 tShell LPA_configHandlers LPA ERROR INVALID LPA DB DATA 2006-06-29 22:53:46,248(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:53:46,249(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:623 INFO - Checking if EPU 0 CPU junction temperature is within range [1, 999]...... 2006-06-29 22:53:47,543(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:46.040952 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO apid 0x22b 2006-06-29 22:53:47,564(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:46.040997 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO interval 0x64 2006-06-29 22:53:47,594(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:46.041006 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO count 0x1 2006-06-29 22:53:47,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:46.041016 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK DGSTRT DIAGNOSTIC STARTED 2006-06-29 22:53:48,109(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:46.141047 ISR> LHK_diag_intv_cb LHK DGCMPL DIAGNOSTIC COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:53:48,510(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 0 CPU junction temperature measured as 63 and within the required range of [1, 999] 2006-06-29 22:53:49,565(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:48.041269 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:53:49,729(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:48.041351 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:53:50,529(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:49.041218 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:53:50,915(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:49.041281 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:53:51,560(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:50.041156 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:53:51,711(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:50.041223 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:53:52,527(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:51.041159 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:53:52,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:51.041224 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:53:53,535(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [10.056535063790282, 10.062023953083443, 10.065756554264985, 10.06908528741195, 10.071966147532679] for EPU 0 is within [9, 11] 2006-06-29 22:53:53,536(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:121 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot2 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:53:53,536(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:53:53,543(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:52.041145 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:53:53,743(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU0: 22:53:52.041207 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:53:54,558(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:53:54,560(UT) SequenceStep.py:94 DEBUG - Starting induceEpuWatchdogTimeout prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:53:54,561(UT) SequenceStep.py:96 DEBUG - Completed induceEpuWatchdogTimeout prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:53:54,561(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:63 DEBUG - Inducing EPU 1 watchdog timeout... 2006-06-29 22:53:54,565(UT) testAppBase.py:688 INFO - Wrote 1 words to memory location 0xbf880058 on unit EPU1, status=1 2006-06-29 22:53:54,566(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:79 DEBUG - Starting induceEpuWatchdogTimeout verification tests 2006-06-29 22:53:54,567(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:103 INFO - Waiting for EPU 1 boot telemetry after watchdog timeout... 2006-06-29 22:53:54,574(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:53.041033 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:53:54,585(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:53.041081 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:53:54,596(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:53.041091 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:53:54,720(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:53:53.047554 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:54:16,504(UT) PBC.py:141 DEBUG - PBC primary boot telemetry seen from EPU1 2006-06-29 22:54:16,516(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 1 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:54:16,517(UT) InduceEpuWatchdogTimeout.py:88 DEBUG - Completed induceEpuWatchdogTimeout verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:54:16,518(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:54:17,521(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:54:17,523(UT) LHK.py:86 DEBUG - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/lhk/LhkPowerOnEpu1.st.f with file ID 0x23400006=591396870 2006-06-29 22:54:17,530(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:16.041027 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:54:17,544(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:16.041074 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:54:17,554(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:16.041084 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:54:17,712(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:16.047323 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:54:18,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:17.061918 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:54:19,530(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:18.040957 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 288 2006-06-29 22:54:19,566(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d013/f0000006. This may take up to 60 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:54:21,123(UT) SequenceStep.py:450 INFO - Uploaded file LhkPowerOnEpu1.st.f with file id 0x23400006 2006-06-29 22:54:21,123(UT) SequenceStep.py:452 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with file id 0x23400006 2006-06-29 22:54:21,131(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:19.480925 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 23400006 2006-06-29 22:54:21,139(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:19.482048 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d013/f0000006 2006-06-29 22:54:21,150(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:19.503390 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:54:22,521(UT) SequenceStep.py:457 INFO - Configured LHK with file id 0x23400006 2006-06-29 22:54:22,523(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:64 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot2 prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:54:22,526(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:165 INFO - Waiting for EPU 1 boot telemetry... 2006-06-29 22:54:22,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:21.041005 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:54:22,545(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:21.041052 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:54:22,553(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:21.041061 cLHK LHK_configure LHK CFGSTAT LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM FILE ID 23400006 2006-06-29 22:54:22,716(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:54:21.049213 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:54:22,752(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 1 boot telemetry received. 2006-06-29 22:54:22,753(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:72 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot2 prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:54:22,754(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Sending secondary boot command to EPU 1 using flags hi=0x5400, lo=0xc000 ... 2006-06-29 22:54:22,757(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:93 DEBUG - Starting secondaryEpuBoot2 verification tests 2006-06-29 22:54:22,757(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Load VxWorks libraries for EPU 1 and click OK to continue 2006-06-29 22:54:25,624(UT) PBC.py:163 DEBUG - No longer see PBC primary boot telemetry from EPU1 2006-06-29 22:55:26,309(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:00.934252 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 9, queue 3 2006-06-29 22:55:26,516(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 00:00:01.099353 tShell ATT_reset ATT IRESET Reset 2006-06-29 22:55:27,109(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.132308 dLCBDevt ITC_send ITC SENDTID Task 9 not in state started 2006-06-29 22:55:27,310(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.132337 dLCBDevt LRX_process LCS DSTSEND Transaction received, send to destination failed 2006-06-29 22:55:28,108(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 00:00:01.734090 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:55:28,311(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:55:26.000057 ISR> CheckPpsWutCb THS NOWUTPS No PPS received in the last 1 seconds so simulating 2006-06-29 22:55:29,820(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:55:26.116698 ISR> ThsIsrRad750 THS NOWUTPSR PPS received after 1 secs, simulate turned off 2006-06-29 22:55:30,309(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 WARNING - EPU1: 22:55:26.116730 ISR> THS_cpuIsr THS SMLLSNAP delta snapshot too small (got 972367, min is 8166667 Hz) 2006-06-29 22:55:30,512(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 22:55:27.519177 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:55:31,309(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 22:55:29.669191 dLCBDevt LRX_allocQueueItem LCS DSTQUEUE No queue for destination node 2, task 5, queue 6 2006-06-29 22:55:32,846(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:31.398640 tShell FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:55:33,309(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:31.546818 tShell LHK_init_slv LHK INITST SLAVE TASK INITIALIZED 2006-06-29 22:55:33,509(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:31.610529 tShell LHK_start_slvTask LHK INITST SLAVE TASK STARTED 2006-06-29 22:55:33,733(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 ERROR - EPU1: 22:55:31.656107 tShell LPA_configHandlers LPA ERROR INVALID LPA DB DATA 2006-06-29 22:55:47,023(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:55:47,024(UT) PowerSequenceStep.py:623 INFO - Checking if EPU 1 CPU junction temperature is within range [1, 999]...... 2006-06-29 22:55:47,520(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:46.040940 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO apid 0x22b 2006-06-29 22:55:47,540(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:46.040987 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO interval 0x64 2006-06-29 22:55:47,551(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:46.040995 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK PRMINFO count 0x1 2006-06-29 22:55:47,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:46.041005 mLHK LHK_diag_cb LHK DGSTRT DIAGNOSTIC STARTED 2006-06-29 22:55:48,115(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:46.141030 ISR> LHK_diag_intv_cb LHK DGCMPL DIAGNOSTIC COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:55:48,529(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - EPU 1 CPU junction temperature measured as 51 and within the required range of [1, 999] 2006-06-29 22:55:49,759(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:48.041164 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:55:49,772(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:48.041243 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:55:50,529(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:49.041162 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:55:50,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:49.041251 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:55:51,558(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:50.041144 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:55:51,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:50.041208 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:55:52,526(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:51.041137 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:55:52,709(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:51.041199 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:55:53,550(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Watchdog function is enabled: The timer values [10.005324988161522, 10.008161843290591, 10.011389853901088, 10.01425800146867, 10.017452763863247] for EPU 1 is within [9, 11] 2006-06-29 22:55:53,551(UT) ReinitSecondaryEpuBoot.py:121 DEBUG - Completed secondaryEpuBoot2 verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:55:53,551(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:55:53,558(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:52.041153 mLCM MEM_dumpStart MEM DMPSTART Memory Dump Started - 1 words at 0xbf880058 2006-06-29 22:55:53,711(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - EPU1: 22:55:52.041219 mLCM MEM_dumpGetData MEM DMPEND Memory Dump Completed 2006-06-29 22:55:54,507(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:55:54,509(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Starting StartTcs prerequisite tests 2006-06-29 22:55:54,510(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Completed StartTcs prerequisite tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:55:54,511(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Uploading LTC temperature conversion and configuration files to ram 2006-06-29 22:55:54,512(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/ltc/RIT_CNV_FIX_LAT15X.bin.f to directory location /ram/d001/f0000000 2006-06-29 22:55:54,526(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:53.041028 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:55:54,548(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:53.041074 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:55:54,573(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:53.041084 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:55:54,710(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:53.047547 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:55:55,526(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:54.061910 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:55:56,549(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:55:55.040956 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 8256 2006-06-29 22:55:57,920(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d001/f0000000. This may take up to 81 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:56:10,749(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/ltc/XLHP_CFG_FIX_LAT15X.bin.f to directory location /ram/d001/f0000001 2006-06-29 22:56:10,758(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:09.281142 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 20400000 2006-06-29 22:56:10,766(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:09.282644 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d001/f0000000 2006-06-29 22:56:10,792(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:09.303599 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:56:11,525(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:10.061931 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:56:12,607(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:11.040977 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 528 2006-06-29 22:56:12,628(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d001/f0000001. This may take up to 61 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:56:14,506(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Uploading file /usr/local/online/LICOS_Config/ltc/DSHP_CFG_FIX_LAT15X.bin.f to directory location /ram/d001/f0000002 2006-06-29 22:56:14,513(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:12.880916 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 20400001 2006-06-29 22:56:14,534(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:12.881885 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d001/f0000001 2006-06-29 22:56:14,540(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:12.902886 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:56:15,538(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:14.062119 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 0 2006-06-29 22:56:16,632(UT) FILE.py:474 DEBUG - committing to unit:0, flags:0, id:/ram/d001/f0000002. This may take up to 61 seconds. 2006-06-29 22:56:16,644(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:15.040952 mFILE FILE_uplStart FUPL IUPLSTAR File upl start: 528 2006-06-29 22:56:18,352(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Issuing LTCSTOP 2006-06-29 22:56:18,362(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:16.880924 mFILE FILE_uplCommit FUPL IUPLCOMM File upl commit: 20400002 2006-06-29 22:56:18,373(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:16.881871 mFILE FILE_LFILUPLCOMMIT FLCP ILCPCOMM File commit: /ram/d001/f0000002 2006-06-29 22:56:18,383(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:56:16.902863 mFILE FILE_uplReset FUPL IUPLREST File upl reset 2 2006-06-29 22:56:19,520(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Issuing LTCRESTART to use XLHP file and uploaded RIT conversion 2006-06-29 22:56:20,554(UT) SequenceStep.py:570 INFO - Waiting for operator acknowledgement: Enter LTC parameter set identifier (enter 0 to use default values): 2006-06-29 22:57:24,467(UT) SequenceStep.py:576 INFO - Operator confirmed the successful completion of manual task 2006-06-29 22:57:24,468(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Issuing LTCSETPARAMS for identifier 1: RESLO = -65.0, RESHI = -63.0, RITLO = -5.0, RITHI = -4.0, DELTA = 6.0 2006-06-29 22:57:25,521(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Setting LTC mode to Active 2006-06-29 22:57:26,519(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Starting StartTcs verification tests 2006-06-29 22:57:26,520(UT) SequenceStep.py:588 INFO - Completed StartTcs verification tests - result:True 2006-06-29 22:57:26,522(UT) SequenceStep.py:465 DEBUG - Configuring LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:57:27,507(UT) SequenceStep.py:470 INFO - Configured LHK with the default configuration 2006-06-29 22:57:27,509(UT) seAppBase.py:429 DEBUG - seAppBase.seStopRun -- LatReinit 2006-06-29 22:57:27,517(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:57:26.041046 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST STARTING... 2006-06-29 22:57:27,524(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:57:26.041094 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST CONFIGURING... 2006-06-29 22:57:27,531(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:57:26.041104 cLHK LHK_configure LHK INITST LOADING DEFAULT CONFIGURATION 2006-06-29 22:57:27,710(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:57:26.047347 cLHK LHK_svc_reset LHK RCFGST COMPLETE 2006-06-29 22:57:27,896(UT) seAppBase.py:968 DEBUG - Generating run report... 2006-06-29 22:57:27,899(UT) rcReportGen.py:93 DEBUG - Database elogbook opened successfully 2006-06-29 22:57:27,902(UT) gVersions.py:83 INFO - Retrieving FSW module versions from unit SIU... 2006-06-29 22:57:38,552(UT) ScriptEngineCommon.py:686 DEBUG - SIU: 22:57:37.024537 mLCM LCM_LLCMMODDUMP_common LCM IMODDUMP Mod dump: 0 2006-06-29 22:57:38,956(UT) seAppBase.py:1098 DEBUG - Run report generation complete. 2006-06-29 22:57:38,958(UT) seAppBase.py:1221 INFO - seAppBase.seStopRun -- Test LatReinit finished, Run Id: 102100034, Status: PASSED, Completion Time: Thu Jun 29 22:57:27 2006