I've gone through the system tests histograms, comparing EM
v5r070305p2 to EM v5r0703p6 which we currently use in the pipeline.

Changes are understood - in particular fewer TKR triggers
(TriggerAlg) due to the trigger using dead strips and changes in the number of CAL triggers (TriggerAlg) due to it now using calibrated values.

In addition, tiny changes in a few TKR quantities for real data are consistent with EM v5r070305p3 using a different dead strips file than EM v5r0703p6 (for the same data run). I've asked Johann why he did the change in the calibration database. Anyway, it explains the system test differences I see.

There may be an small update to the SVAC ntuple tag I give here.
The tracker people want to piggyback on it again, this time for flare monitoring (flare in the tracker that is). It should be pretty orthogonal to our code. I will verify that as soon as the new tag is ready.

Will look at EM v5r070305p3 when the histograms are available later tonight. The only differences between p3 and p3 are ACD Veto thresholdof 0.1 MIP instead of 0.2 and a TKR filler fix for Fred.

EngineeringModel v5r070305p2

Short summary:


xmlGeoDbs v1r28p3

ntupleWriterSvc v3r10

merit v6r28p1

flux v8r22p2

f2c v2r2

commonRootData v2r6

celestialSources/genericSources v1r5

celestialSources/eblAtten v1r1p3

celestialSources/GRBobs v2r1p5

celestialSources v1r1

calibGenCAL v3r8p5

astro v1r12p4

Trigger v4r3p3

TkrUtil v3r5p9

RootIo v17r9gr1

RootAnalysis v8r8o4

LatIntegration v2r49

HepRepSvc v0r16p1

Gleam v6r8p1

GlastClassify v3r0

FluxSvc v6r31

CalXtalResponse v0r9p1

CalUtil v2r2p1

CalDigi v2r3p5

AnalysisNtuple v2r9p3gr4

AcdUtil v0r2p3

AcdRecon v2r0p4

AcdDigi v1r14p2em2


Additional packages:

svac/TestReport v3r4p9

svac/EngineeringModelRoot v1r8p9

svac/svacPipeline v3r4p5

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon): v5r070305p2

System Tests for this version

System Tests results:

Verified by Anders et al.

Fred version:


Pipeline version:


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r3p2 (SVAC code moved to AFS)

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r4p5 **changed**
pipelineDatasets v0r3

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r2p8 (Moved code to AFS)
ConfigTables: v3r2p0 (Added ACD information)
TestReport: v3r4p9 (digi & recon reports) **changed**
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r8p9 (SVAC tuple) **changed**

Approved: unanimous Jan 22, 2006