Page for the command line interface tool to interact with the build system.

Proposal - We can use Github CLI since it has commands we need like manually triggering the workflow. Also we can create custom commands.
GitHub CLI documentation - GitHub Docs

Plan - We will create our custom CLI, which can wrap around many of the gh cli commands that we expect will be used.

Temporary Location: BuildSystem/bs_cli at main · ad-build-test/BuildSystem (

Proposed list of additional CLI commands/operations:


This command allows for auto completion (Shell Completion — Click Documentation (8.1.x) (

eval "$(_BS_COMPLETE=bash_source bs)"


TODO: See if we can add it to every user's .bashrc (or maybe just call that within the CLI once)


  1. work on cli - plan of making our own, but can use gh cli as one of tools
    1. Make our own cli - can use python (for ease of development, and speed is not important since its ran from a dev's machine as just another process)
    2. Use GNU Coding Standards section 4.8 'standards for command line interfaces'
    3. Currently have a structure laid out, and have some commands available