Why would I want to run outside of JAS3 ?

While it is more convenient to do the analysis inside of JAS3 in most cases, there are cases where running without a graphical user interface is desirable. Running a complex analysis on a batch farm would be an example of such a case.
In order to perform the analysis in such a case, a small wrapper is needed, that takes care of loading the file, writing the output and adding all necessary Drivers. When running this wrapper you will have to make sure that your CLASSPATH environment variable is set correctly

If you use JAS3 to download the org.lcsim .jar files, you can be sure to have an up-to-date version. Add the .jar files in the /extensions and /lib directories to your CLASSPATH. Be sure to look in the JAS3 installation directory as well as the user directory for these files.

We present two examples of wrapper classes here:

Independent of the wrapper you choose, please make sure that all your analysis modules have been compiled with Javac and that the location of the resulting .class files is part of the CLASSPATH environment variable.