The purpose of this page is to host a discussion about improvements to the ILC Track class and related classes


Some of our efforts on SiD tracking are now suffering from limitations imposed by the existing LCIO track classes. For example we have a tower of Babel problem: many of our colleagues have created their own private, incompatible, extensions to the publicly supported track and hit classes. New code, currently under development, will require further extensions. At the DESY ILC meeting several speakers reported similar that they too required extensions.

How to Proceed

  1. Are there similar or related efforts that we should join or should be aware of?
  2. Is this the right time and the right forum for these discussions?
  3. I will annouce this wiki page in the following places. Where else should it be announced?
  4. I propose that we start by adding our proposals/wish-lists to this wiki page. I have added mine (see below). We can discuss these via email and then arrange a phone/video meeting?
  5. Should we plan to meet in person at ALCPG at Fermilab this fall?

Proposals and Wish Lists

  1. From Rob Kutschke