When opening a stdhep file with the org.lcsim classes the file is immediately converted into an org.lcsim "EventHeader" object, after which it is hard to write the event back out as a stdhep file.

However, org.lcsim contains underlying libraries (freehep-io-stdhep and freehep-physics) which can be used to read and write stdhep files. There are two representations of stdhep events available, a true Object-Oriented approach using Particle and Event objects, and a lower level interface which reflects the Stdhep "common-block" format. If you want to read stdhep files, apply a simple filter, and write them out again, the "common-block" style interface, while a little less pretty, is probably considerably more efficient.

The following program can be compiled and run in JAS3 if you have the org.lcsim plugin installed. You will need to modify the input and output file specifications.

import hep.io.stdhep.StdhepEvent;
import hep.io.stdhep.StdhepReader;
import hep.io.stdhep.StdhepRecord;
import hep.io.stdhep.StdhepWriter;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
 * A simple class for filtering stdhep events
public class StdhepFilter
   public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
      int nRecord = 0;
      int nIn = 0;
      int nOut = 0;
      StdhepReader reader = new StdhepReader("inputfile.stdhep");
      StdhepWriter writer = new StdhepWriter("outputfile.stdhep",reader.getTitle(),reader.getComment(),0);
         for (;;)
            StdhepRecord record = reader.nextRecord();
            if (record instanceof StdhepEvent)
               StdhepEvent event = (StdhepEvent) record;
               // Insert your filter code here!
               if (event.getNHEP() < 100) continue;
      catch (EOFException x)
         // No problem
         System.out.println("Records: "+nRecord+" Events: "+nIn+" Out: "+nOut);

Documentation on the freehep-stdhep classes is available here:


Documentation on the freehep-physics classes (only necessary if you want the more OO access to stdhep events is here:


Note in particular the StdhepConverter class.