
To build the org.lcsim software, you should have the following installed.

Building org.lcsim software

The lcsim software consists of two packages, a geometry package,
and the analysis and reconstruction package. You must obtain and
build the geometry package first, since the analysis package
depends on it.

Here are condensed instructions, which you can execute from
the Linux or Cygwin bash shell.

cvs login (just hit enter when prompted for password)
cvs co GeomConverter
cvs co lcsim
cd GeomConverter
cd ../lcsim

Keeping the Release Current

Oftentimes new directories are added in a new release. In order
to make sure that cvs adds those, please use the command

cvs update -PdA

which will

P: prune empty directories
d: create directories
A: reset sticky tags

man cvs

will give more information on the cvs program.

Installing Custom JARs into JAS3

Developers of org.lcsim may want to use a version in JAS3 that is more up-to-date
than the distributed plugin.

Execute the following from the lcsim checkout directory to install the lcsim target
JAR into the JAS3 extensions directory, overwriting the JAR that was automatically

maven jas:install

This will copy the lcsim and GeomConverter jars to ~/.JAS3/extensions.

Testing the installation

By default, maven will also run the JUnit tests associated with this distribution.
Test reports are written to


If you wish to build without testing, issue the following command:

maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true

To execute a single test case, e.g. for org.lcsim.recon.cluster.fixedcone.FixedConeClusterer:

maven test:single -Dtestcase=org.lcsim.recon.cluster.fixedcone.FixedConeClustererTest

There are also other component tests for many of the org.lcsim classes. Until they can be ported
to the JUnit structure they need to be manually executed. Do so with the following ant target:

ant -f ctest.xml

Running Classes from the Command Line

We have defined a Maven goal that allows users to run a Java class in the project from the command line
using the freehep-run-plugin.

For example:

 maven run -Drun.class="org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.heprep.Main" -Dargs="test/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/sdjan03_compact.xml tst.heprep"

The above command run the Main class to convert the given compact description to a HepRep.

Compiler Warnings

By default, compiler warnings about deprecation and unchecked method or class usages are turned off.

To turn on these warnings, remove the "#" from these two lines in lcsim/


Now you should see lots of warning messages, which will effect both Netbeans and command-line builds.

To customize Netbeans, only, you can change how the Netbeans Build Mapping works.

Right-click on the org.lcsim project and select "Properties". Now double-click on "Goal to IDE Mappings". Where it says "Build", you should see "jar:install".

To see all warnings, change the Build line to this:

jar:install -Dmaven.compile.deprecation=on -Dmaven.compile.compilerargs=-Xlint:unchecked

This should have the same effect as changing the file, but command-line builds using maven only will unaffected.

Building the Documentation

Generating the documentation with maven is quite easy. Just execute this command.

maven site

This builds the site at the location ./target/docs. You can use this site for local documentation by browsing to ./target/docs/index.html.

The reference copy of the lcsim documentation is kept at This usually corresponds to the CVS head version.

Increasing the Java Heap and Perm Size

The LCSim tests can take up more memory than the default heap/perm size assigned to the java VM.

Use this environment variable setting to allocate more memory, i.e. 1 gigabyte heap / 256 megabyte perm, to maven.

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

If you are building the lcsim documentation, including running all the tests, you are required to increase the heap size beyond the initial default of 256 megabytes. Otherwise, the target will fail due to an "out of memory" error.