Draft Action



IExternal/ldfExt v0r561p0
Heather Kelly
Upgrade to the new LDF v05-06-01 which provides an accessor to the event sequence number that is immune to rollover.
Which was done in response to http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/LTE-222
This version supports LATTE 4.8 which will come into use starting next week. Please note that this version of LDF is backward compatible, so we can still handle LDF/Fits files that do not include this 32-bit event number.
This upgrade addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/LDF-18

RootIo v15r2p2
Heather Kelly
Read and write the new 32 bit event sequence number.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/LDF-18
Add new jobOptions parameter to set MaxTreeSize and set default to 25 GB. This was necessary to prevent large data runs from splitting output recon ROOT files into multiple files - which the pipeline cannot handle at this time.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/ROOT-11

digiRootData v8r1
Heather Kelly
Add new data member in EventSummaryData for 32 bit event sequence number. Reused the original eventSequence method, which will return a 32 bit event sequence number from either new LDF/FITS or old LDF/FITS files.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/LDF-18

Add another version of TriRowBits that uses the trigger request for its computation.

Trigger v4r0
Johann Cohen-Tanugi
Provide another type of TriRowBits that uses the trigger request for computation.
Upgrade was presented at the Instrument Analysis Meeting on February 25, 2005: http://www-glast.slac.stanford.edu/IntegrationTest/SVAC/Instrument_Analysis/Meetings/02252005/slides.pdf

ldfReader v2r1
Heather Kelly
Upgrade to LDF v05-06-01 - include new handleError callbacks and OSW_time callback that includes new 32 bit event sequence number which addresses JIRA LDF-18 Read one event at a time for LDF files - this consumes less memory but runs a little bit slower than the previous version.

LdfConverter v2r10
Heather Kelly
Update to handle 32 bit event sequence number in LdfEventSummaryCnv and store it on the TDS.
Address JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/LDF-18

LdfEvent v2r10
Heather Kelly
Add a new data member to store 32 bit event sequence number.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/LDF-18

CalibData v0r12
Joanne Bogart
Provide support of TKR charge scale calibration by specifically adding new calibration types.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/CALIB-10

CalibSvc v0r19
Joanne Bogart
Provide support for TKR charge scale calibration by adding a new converter to handle it.
Always fetch event time from event header.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/CALIB-10

calibRootData v1r5
Joanne Bogart
Add classes for TKR charge scale calibration.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/CALIB-10

calibGenTKR v2r2
Joanne Bogart
Include xml2rOOT translator application
Address JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/CALIB-11

AnalysisNtuple v2r2p7
Leon Rochester
Properly write out the full GEM Condition Summary by using the appropriate mask on the trigger word on the TDS.
Fix GltXTower and GltYTower Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/TRG-8

enums v0r2
Leon Rochester
Add GEM_mask to TriggerBits to help fix the bug in AnalysisNtuple when writing out the GEM word in the ntuple.

LatIntegration v2r13
Anders Borgland
Removes old jobOptions files in favor of the newer pipeline examples.
Update unit test to use a more recent FITS data file and the ldf2digi.txt JO file from the pipeline.
Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/SVAC-13 remove TriggerAlg from readigi_runrecon.txt

Additions for p13!

TkrUtil v3r3p7
Leon Rochester
Add muon scale database processing, make flight-like default constants, remove "random" internally-generated option

TkrDigi v2r4p2
Leon Rochester
Add call to ToTSvc to do ToT calculation

calibGenTKR v2r3
Add multi-tower capabilities

CalUtil v2r1
Zach Fewtrell
Support multi-tower

CalXtalResponse v0r3p1
Zach Fewtrell
Support multiple towers. Fixed bad asymetry for mixed diode size events updated ideal_flight parameters to handle higher energies b4 saturation

CalDigi v2r1
Zach Fewtrell
Support multiple towers.
Skip bad crystals rather than causing the Gaudi job to terminate.

CalRecon v5r22p5em2
Zach Fewtrell
Support multiple towers.
Do not terminate the Gaudi job due to bad crystal response.

CalibSvc v0r19p2
Joanne Bogart
Eliminate call to RootBaseCnv::doClean in constructor which can crash in finalize and JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/CALIB-13 Provide jobOptions parameter to determine action (exit or
not) if a request calibration
is found or not.

calibGenCAL v3r5p2
Sasha Chehtman and Zach Fewtrell
Added the output of fle/fhe bias file to runMuTrigEff, fixed the event numbering problem in runCIFit, added new application runMuThreshEvol to follow the evolution of fle thresholds in a long muon run Fixed case of filename in requirements file. Corrected wrong ifile.dtd path in front of xml files. python files are now inluded in CVS package, but are not yet 'officially supported'.... soon they will be.

RootIo v15r4
Heather Kelly
Bug fix to reading in new 32 bit event sequence in digiRootReaderAlg JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/ROOT-12 Update to RootIoSvc to get the jobOptions parameter StartingIndex to function, allowing the user to start reading an arbitrary event from an input ROOT file.

digiRootData v8r1p2
Heather Kelly
Initialize EventSummaryData::eventSequence

commonRootData v1r3
Heather Kelly
Add methods to FileHeader class to return TMapIter to allow iterating and searching the maps of ints, doubles, and strings

AnalysisNtuple v2r2p9
Leon Rochester
Fixes to GltValTools and EventFlags output to ntuple

LdfConverter v1r8p0
Heather Kelly
Moved two debug statements after event counter is incremented so that the event number printed out matches what is reported by the RootIo output algorithms.

facilities v2r11
Joanne Bogart
Add utility Util::keyValueTokenize; add optional timezone arguments to some constructors of TimeStamp

xmlUtil v3r1p1
Joanne Bogart
Comment out trouble-making (on Windows) unnecessary test applications

rdbModel v1r7
Joanne Bogart
Add machinery for mutiple-insertions. And clean out obsolete files in xml directory

LatIntegration v2r16
Anders Borgland
Fixed JO mc.txt so it actually reads in the TKR calibrations.
Changed system test JO for MC to use pipeline/mc.txt (and thus use calibration constants and geometry files with the correct bay positions (not for VDG, yet).
Updated piepline JO to ask for all TKR calibration objects, all with flavor vanilla.
Removed 'ideal' from general calibration flavor list.
Changed default instrument name to LAT.
Added "FhSetAlg" to the output sequences to have ROOT headers containing EM version in the Root files.

ISOC code

Acommodate change of nfs output disk.

Addresses JIRA http://jira.slac.stanford.edu/browse/IOT-1

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon) v4r060302p13 *** changed ***

System Tests for this version

System Tests Result

FRED version


Pipeline tag


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p4
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r1

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r1p3

ISOC code and tasks:

v0r5p0 **newly baselined**

Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r2
ConfigTables: v3r1p3
TestReport: v3r2p6 (digi & recon reports)
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r3p12 (SVAC tuple)

Approved: Eduardo, Steve, Richard and maybe Bill at IA meeting 15 Apr 2005