This page describes how to set and get control system values via rudimentary AIDA command line tools.  Be sure to set up your aida environment before attempting to use these tools.

Fetching Values: aidaget

The utility program named "aidaget" takes one mandatory argument (the name of the target);  several optional parameters control how it operates.  You can specify "-help" as a parameter to see simple options.  Some of the more interesting options are specific to each data-provider, which may support optional or require mandatory paramters.

The following example retrieves history data.  It illustrates how you can specify data provider parameters (in this case STARTTIME and ENDTIME) and control output format (-format=columns -labels):

clarrieu@tersk08>aidaget HR81:CAV2:VACM//HIST.pepii -format=columns -labels \
-params="STARTTIME=02/01/2003 12:20:00;ENDTIME=02/01/2003 12:40:00"
           d                      s           repCnt_l   unixtime
             1.93979E-9  01-Feb-2003 12:20:00         1  1044130800
              1.9181E-9  01-Feb-2003 12:20:55         0  1044130855
              1.9181E-9  01-Feb-2003 12:21:00         1  1044130860
            1.928914E-9  01-Feb-2003 12:21:18         0  1044130878
            1.928914E-9  01-Feb-2003 12:24:00         3  1044131040

As you can see, data provider parameters are specified as -params=NAME=VALUE;...;NAME=VALUE.  Note the need to enclose embedded whitespace within " marks to prevent the shell from treating it as a boundary between strings.  The output format may be specified as "columns" or "rows".  The only difference is that one is a transpose of the other.  The option "-labels" indicates that the columns (or rows) should be named.  Not all data providers supply these names, in which case you'll need to consult their documentation to interpret the column numbers.

Here's a simple example that retrieves an EPICS process variable, displaying in rows format.

clarrieu@tersk08>aidaget HR81:STN:VOLT//VAL -labels -format=rows
time        06-Nov-2006 10:30:05
status                         0
severity                       0
value        0.22782705806669729

Setting Value: aidaset

The utility program named "aidaset" takes at least two mandatory arguments (the name of the target and the desired value); several optional parameters control how it operates.

By convention, an AIDA data provider that supports setting values will accept either a single scalar or vector value, or a list of named scalar or vector values.  The EPICS channel access data provider is of the formere sort, and the SLC Magnet server is of the latter.

An example of setting an EPICS process variable: