Along with other software for LCD research, a common distribution of the SLIC simulator package is available for SLAC NFS users.

From a Unix terminal, open a connection to noric-new and login.

ssh noric-new

Now, switch to the bash shell.


You need to setup the project environment to access the common software distribution.

source /nfs/slac/g/lcd/mc/prj/bin/

Now, you should be able to run slic from $PRJ_BIN.

slic arguments

To see available command line options, invoke the help command.

slic --help

There are a number of different ways to run SLIC, including purely
macro or command-line driven.

For instance, here is a command to load the SDJan03 test geometry
and start an interactive terminal.

slic -g $PRJ_DIST/slic/current/examples/sdjan03/SDJan03.lcdd -z -n

Another way is to specify a single macro at the command line.

If you need access to SLAC NFS, contact