Building org.lcsim software

To build the org.lcsim software you first need to have the following installed.

These tools are all pre-installed on SLAC unix. Just issue the command:

setenv JAVAVER 1.5

to make sure you get Java 1.5

The lcsim software consists of two packages, the geometry package, and the analysis and reconstruction package. You must obtain and build the geometry package first, since the analysis package depends on it.

Here are condensed instructions:

setenv CVSROOT
cvs login (just hit enter when promted for password)
cvs co GeomConverter
cvs co lcsim
cd GeomConverter
cd ../lcsim

Testing the installation

Note that, by default, maven will also run the JUnit tests associated with this distribution.
Test reports are written to the



If you wish to build without testing, issue the following command, but do this at your own risk:

maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true

To execute a single test case (e.g. that for org.lcsim.recon.cluster.fixedcone.FixedConeClusterer):

maven test:single -Dtestcase=org.lcsim.recon.cluster.fixedcone.FixedConeClustererTest

There are also other component tests for many of the org.lcsim classes. Until they can be ported to the JUnit structure they need to be manually executed. Do so with the following ant target:

ant -f ctest.xml

Building org.lcsim with netbeans

In addition to the above you will need:

Download and install this small autoupdate module

Once these are installed you can open the project folders in netbeans and build using maven from inside netbeans.