I've generated 2 sets of CAL calibration files (pedestals, asymmetry, MevPerDAC) for two 6Ms periods available in 2012 data.

1) 346000000 < MET < 352000000  or 15-DEC-2011 < date < 27-FEB-2012

2) 352000000 < MET < 358000000  or 27-FEB-2012 < date < 06-MAY-2012

Calibrations are added to calibration database.

Following plot shows the evolution of CAL energy scale (average of 1536 crystals) over 4 years:

Next step is to arrange fully automatic generation of CAL calibrations every 6 Ms.

I use following procedure:

1) submit two batch jobs (asymmetry+pedestals and energy scale) for each group of 16 runs, producing MevperDAC histograms for each crystal and asymmetry histograms for each crystal segment (and pedestals for each channel).

2) sum all generated histograms for each crystal or crystal segment

3) fit histograms and generate final calibration files.

For the moment I have several separate scripts, which I run manually one after another.

To make the procedure automatic, I just need to write master script which runs all steps sequentially and wait that all jobs from previous step are successfully finished before running next step.