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Download the org.lcsim plugin from

Building Rave at SLAC


The following assumes that your current shell is bash. If you are uncertain whether this is the case, type bash at the command prompt.

Building Rave at SLAC

You will need autotools to build Rave from source. The installation was successfully tested with


No Format
make && make install

Building Rave on Mac OS X


These instructions are currently not leading to a working package.

You will have to make sure that you have all the dependencies listed on the Rave web page installed on your system. These instructions assume that you have installed them using fink. If you have a different setup, please modify the paths accordingly.
After downloading rave, change into the source directory with cd rave_svn and build the configure script with ./bootstrap.
If you have all dependencies installed, the following will configure the package properly:

Code Block

 ./configure --with-boost=/sw \
             --prefix=/opt/RAVE \
             --with-clhep_matrix-libpath=/sw/lib \