Versions Compared


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Setting up your own gateway to the grid is beyond the scope of this write up. It involves installing the Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) ,  you'll need a host certificate for the gateway  machine  etc. etc.  For an administration guide see the Fermi Grid web page.


Setting up the Environment

To set up the environment and to get the necessary grid Proxy log into ILCSIM and issue the following commands:The SLIC test job below actually tries to store the output in mass storage using the grid srmcp file transfer tool. But It's probably easier to transfer the output via condor. An example will be provided once it has been tested.(smile)

No Format
source /fnal/ups/grid/
voms-proxy-init -voms ilc:/ilc/detector
# give passwd etc.


No Format
voms-proxy-info -all

Submitting the first  Job

Now you should be all setu to submit  a job:


setup to submit a first trivial test job just to make sure that everything is working.  Just cut and paste the following lines into your terminal window. This will submit a grid job which starts 5 separate processes. The processes will not do anything exciting but execute sleep for 10 seconds  before  they terminate. Since not output is created the  sleep_grid.out.$(Cluster).$(Process) and sleep_grid.err.$(Cluster).$(Process) should be empty.
(Note!: $(Cluster) represents the jobnumber and $(Process) represents the (5) process  numbers)
The condor log files are:   sleep_grid.log.\$(Cluster).\$(Process)

No Format

cat > sleep_grid << +EOF
universe = grid
type = gt2
globusscheduler =
executable = /bin/sleep
transfer_output = true
transfer_error = true
transfer_executable = true
log = sleep_grid.log.\$(Cluster).\$(Process)
notification = NEVER
output = sleep_grid.out.\$(Cluster).\$(Process)
error = sleep_grid.err.\$(Cluster).\$(Process)
stream_output = false
stream_error = false
ShouldTransferFiles = YES
WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
globusrsl = (jobtype=single)(maxwalltime=999)
Arguments = 10
queue 5
 condor_submit sleep_grid

 Submitting a Job  running SLIC

where the job description file looks like:
