Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


How do I define constants?

All attribute values are evaluated by the JDOM expression factory.

No Format

<constant name="myval" value="2.0 * cm"/>    

After being defined, constants can be used from anywhere in the compact description. This is useful for reusing values in detector definitions.

What are the compact descriptions default units?









What "magic" constants are expected by the compact reader?


How do I define a magnetic field map (RZB)?

How do I define a new material?

The org.lcsim package can parse a field map with a line-oriented format. This gives the magnetic field strength at a given radius (r) and z.

No Format

r z Br Bz

Reference a field map from the compact description.

No Format

  <field type="RZFieldMap" name="RZFieldMapTest"

How do I define a new material?

No Format

<material name="ArgonGas">
  <D type="density" value="0.00178" unit="g/cm3"/>
  <composite n="1"  ref="Ar" />

<material name="MethaneGas">
  <D type="density" value="0.000717" unit="g/cm3"/>
  <composite n="1"  ref="C" />
  <composite n="4" ref="H" />
No Format
<material name="ArgonGasP10">
  <D type="density" value="0.00178" unit="g/cm3"/cm3"/>
  <fraction n=".9"  ref="ArgonGas" />
  <composite<fraction n=".1"  ref="ArMethaneGas" />


How do I set physics limits?

No Format

  <limitset name="MethaneGasMyLimits">
  <D type="density" value="0.000717" unit="g/cm3"/>
  <composite n="1"  ref="C  <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
  <composite n="4" ref="H" />


Reference from a slice element within layer.

No Format

<slice limits="MyLimits" ... />

How do I set the range cut?

No Format

  <region name="P10MyRegion">
  <D type store_secondaries="densitytrue" valuecut="0.001781" unitlunit="g/cm3"/>
  <fraction nmm" threshold="0.9001"  refeunit="ArgonGasGeV" />
  <fraction n=".1"  ref="MethaneGas" />

Reference from a slice element within layer.

No Format

<slice limits="MyRegion" ... />

How do I


How do I set the range cut?


add detector conditions such as sampling fractions?

These can be added to the LCDetectors directory for a detector tag. See existing detectors such as sid00 for examples.

How do I create my own subdetector type?

  • define Java type in org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector
  • define LCDD convertor in org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd


What is LCPhys?

LCPhys is a Geant4 Physics List tailored for linear collider detector simulation.


TODO: More LCPhys validation plots.


What is org.lcsim?



The org.lcsim package uses the Java programming language, which is generally much easier to get started with and use than C++, especially for those with only partial time to devote to ILC research, as is the case for so many contributors in detector simulations. The org.lcsim package is integrated into JAS3, which is also used by the GLAST and BaBar collaborations and others in HEP research, framework is a Java-based reconstruction and analysis package which has a plugin to JAS3. JAS3 provides a number of integrated tools such as the WIRED event display and an AIDA-compliant plotter.


How do I install org.lcsim?

Developers can use these instructions for building lcsim.

Users who just wish to use the Event Browser and Event Display can simply install the JAS3 plugins.

What tools are


provided by org.lcsim?

  • physics utilities
    • stdhep reader
    • 3, 4-vector utilities
    • space geometry
    • diagnostic generator
    • Jet finder, event shape utilities
  • conditions framework
    • read detector constants from zip files
    • define new detectors with zip files on the web
    • local caching
    • reading compact geometry files
  • driver framework
  • fast MC
    • parameterized track and cluster smearing
    • smearing constants from conditions system
    • produces ReconstructedParticles
  • IO framework
  • event access (EventHeader)
  • event display interface (WIRED)
  • digitization
    • Digisim calorimeter digi
    • tracker, vertex digitization
  • clustering
    • cheater
    • cone
    • nearest neighbor (NN)
    • minimal spanning tree (MST)
    • MIP
  • tracking
    • SLDWeightMatrix, TRF, Garfield
  • vertexing
    • ZVTop4
  • analysis examples
    • cluster diagnostics
    • SlicDiagnostics
    • PFA
    • ClusterID
    • ParticleID
  • AIDA plotting interface

How do I get started with writing my own analysis code in org.lcsim?

Follow the lcsim Developer Tutorial.

How can I contribute code to org.lcsim?

Where can I go for more information on org.lcsim?


How do I use the contrib area?


What Grids are available for ILC users?

ILC Grid at DESY

Which tools are available on the Grid?

  • Mokka


How do I get a Grid certificate?
