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And many others I probably missed.

What are the proposed detector designs?

There are now for the ILC.

These are the Silicon Detector (SiD), Large Detector Concept (LDC), GLD, and the "Fourth Concept".

What are the software frameworks that correspond to each design?






Java with org.lcsim



C++ with Marlin







What is the SiD?

The Silicon Detector is an international proto-collaboration based at SLAC.
Si Tracker

Which software tools are associated with SiD?


What is the GLD?

detector based out of KEK
scintillator/hybrid ECAL (question)
scintillator HCal

Which software tools are associated with GLD?

Jupiter and satellites

What is the LDC?

Which software tools are associated with LDC?

Software Frameworks

What tools are available for ILC Detector Simulations?

Many tools are available for the simulation of ILC detectors and the analysis of results. There are three differents toolchains that can be used, corresponding to the LDC, SiD, and GLD detectors. The software suites corresponding to the first two detectors can simulate all 3 detector concepts, so there is no strict division on which tools should be used for a certain detector study.

The ALCPG and SLAC use the SLIC Simulations Package (C++) with the org.lcsim for reconstruction and analysis using Java. This system also uses the JAS3 graphical analysis environment. Much of the functionality within org.lcsim comes from the FreeHep Java Library.

There is a C++ framework developed under ECFA that uses Mokka for the simulator with the MARLIN tool for analysis and reconstruction.

Finally, the ACFA group has a suite of softare based on the ROOT framework.

Where can I get additional information about software packages?

The LCSim Software Index has links to all the primary tools for ILC Detector Simulations. The Portals Section lists sites that cover full suites of software.

Isn't there one main software framework for ILC detector simulation that I can use?

Unfortunately, there are three (and now four with the fourth detector concept) software frameworks corresponding to each of the major detector designs.

TODO: What kind of common software packages can we establish? Having so many programs, packages, and frameworks is a big problem for interoperability and a major headache for new users. --JM

What does the SLAC LCD group recommend?

At SLAC, we primarily use SLIC for detector simulation, as the LCDD backend is great for prototyping, debugging, and experimenting with different detector geometries, readouts, and physics settings. There are many options to explore, so having this type of "Swiss Army Knife" saves a lot of (programming) time.

LCDD provides a 100% runtime description of the detector and its associated properties, including the detailed volume hierarchy, assignment and properties of sensitive detectors, and the specification of detector component identifiers, among many other features. In practice, writing files in this standardized format is much easier than trying to author custom C++ code for each proposed full detector design and their subdetectors.

The org.lcsim package is recommended, because it uses the Java programming language, which is generally much easier to get started with and use than C++, especially for those with only partial time to devote to ILC research, as is the case for so many contributors in detector simulations. JAS3, which is also used by the GLAST and BaBar collaborations and others in HEP research, provides a number of integrated tools such as the WIRED event display and an AIDA-compliant plotter.


We all know that HEP researchers will use whatever tools it takes to get the job done. You might even try experimenting with the LCIO python bindings with PyROOT, for instance.


The remainder of this FAQ focuses (almost exclusively) on the US/ALCPG/SLAC software suite based on SLIC and org.lcsim.


Is there an forum for ILC detector simulation issues?

The forum is an appropriate place to post your questions on detector simulations and reconstruction and analysis.

Is there a regular meeting that covers ILC detector simulation software?

The weekly LCD software meeting for discussing all aspects of detector simulations and analysis and reconstruction. This meeting takes place every Tuesday at 1:30 PST, unless cancelled.

Is there a mailing list for questions or announcements about ILC detector simulation?

lcd-l (main one?)
lcd-dev (lcsim)
lcd-sim (active?)
calice-sw (active and useful for tbeam people)


Where can I get additional information about software packages?

The LCSim Software Index has links to all the primary tools for ILC Detector Simulations. The Portals Section lists sites that cover full suites of software.


Is there an forum for ILC detector simulation issues?

The forum is an appropriate place to post your questions on detector simulations and reconstruction and analysis.

Is there a regular meeting that covers ILC detector simulation software?

The weekly LCD software meeting for discussing all aspects of detector simulations and analysis and reconstruction. This meeting takes place every Tuesday at 1:30 PST, unless cancelled.

Is there a mailing list for questions or announcements about ILC detector simulation?

lcd-l (main one?)
lcd-dev (lcsim)
lcd-sim (active?)
calice-sw (active and useful for tbeam people)

TODO: Which of these are active and should be used? --JM

Detector Concepts

What are the proposed detector concepts?

There are now four proposed detector designs for the ILC which each having an outline document. These are the Silicon Detector (SiD), Large Detector Concept (LDC), GLD, and the "Fourth Concept".

What is the SiD?

From the SiD homepage, "The Silicon Detector Design Study is being organized to develop the SiD Detector Concept into a detailed, optimized, and fully integrated detector design on a roughly one year time scale. The SiD concept incorporates Si/W calorimetry and Si tracking in a Linear Collider detector design which attempts to optimize physics performance while realistically constraining costs."

What is the GLD?

detector based out of KEK
scintillator/hybrid ECAL (question)
scintillator HCal

What is the LDC?

Software Frameworks

Isn't there one main software framework for ILC detector simulation that I can use?

There are three (and soon-to-be four) separate software frameworks corresponding to each of the major detector concepts.

TODO: What kind of common software packages can we establish and use effectively among all 4 groups? --JM

What tools are available for ILC Detector Simulations?

Many tools are available for the simulation of ILC detectors and the analysis of results. There are three differents toolchains that can be used, corresponding to the LDC, SiD, and GLD detectors. The software suites corresponding to the first two detectors can simulate all 3 detector concepts, so there is no strict division on which tools should be used for a certain detector study.

What are the software frameworks that correspond to each design?









C++ with Marlin



Java with org.lcsim




Which software tools are associated with SiD?

The ALCPG and SLAC use the SLIC Simulations Package (C++) with the org.lcsim for reconstruction and analysis using Java. This system also uses the JAS3 graphical analysis environment. Much of the functionality within org.lcsim comes from the FreeHep Java Library.


Which software tools are associated with GLD?

Finally, the ACFA group has a suite of softare based on the ROOT framework.

Jupiter and satellites

Which software tools are associated with LDC?

There is a C++ framework developed under ECFA that uses Mokka for the simulator with the MARLIN tool for analysis and reconstruction.

What does the SLAC LCD group recommend?

At SLAC, we primarily use SLIC for detector simulation, as the LCDD backend is great for prototyping, debugging, and experimenting with different detector geometries, readouts, and physics settings. There are many options to explore, so having this type of "Swiss Army Knife" saves a lot of (programming) time.

LCDD provides a 100% runtime description of the detector and its associated properties, including the detailed volume hierarchy, assignment and properties of sensitive detectors, and the specification of detector component identifiers, among many other features. In practice, writing files in this standardized format is much easier than trying to author custom C++ code for each proposed full detector design and their subdetectors.

The org.lcsim package is recommended, because it uses the Java programming language, which is generally much easier to get started with and use than C++, especially for those with only partial time to devote to ILC research, as is the case for so many contributors in detector simulations. JAS3, which is also used by the GLAST and BaBar collaborations and others in HEP research, provides a number of integrated tools such as the WIRED event display and an AIDA-compliant plotter.


The remainder of this FAQ focuses on the US/ALCPG/SLAC software suite based on SLIC and org.lcsim. There is also some basic discussion of Mokka and Marlin. I do not discuss the GLD framework, as I know next-to-nothing about it. --JM

Bug Reports

How do I file a bug report or make a feature request related to ILC software?


How can I run a job on the Grid?


What is Mokka?

How do I download and install Mokka?

How do I get Mokka-generated LCIO files from the Grid?

How do I execute Mokka on the Grid?

How do I create my own SQL database for Mokka?


What is Marlin?

What is MarlinReco
