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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Installing Maven with Netbeans Support

This tutorial will show you how to install Netbeans including support for the Maven build tool.


The tutorial assumes that Netbeans (version 4.1) and a you have Java JDK (version 1.5.x) are ) (or higher version number) and Maven already installed.




Netbeans 5.0 can be downloaded Download the stable version of maven (1.0.2) from http://mavenwww.apachenetbeans.orginfo/startdownloads/download.html.


The version of Maven should be 1.0.2. The 1.x series has been found to be buggy. And the 2 release is incompatible with 1.x.

Install Maven by double-clicking on the downloaded file which should be called maven-1.0.2.exe.

If JAVA_HOME is not set, an error will occur.

You can set the path to Java home from the Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System menu.

Click on the Advanced tab and then click the Environment Variables button.

Click "New" to add a new variable.

Environment Variable Menu

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After installation, also set the MAVEN_HOME variable to point to the base installation area.

My installation dir is C:\work\maven.

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Copy the value from the Explorer bar into the new variable, by clicking on the "New" button under the "System Variables" box.

Now, you should be able to install the Netbeans support.

Install Mevenide

Download this small autoupdate module.

.php?type=5.0. Windows users should just click on the netbeans-5_0-windows.exe after download to install netbeans.
Netbeans 5.5 can be downloaded from:

Install Mevenide

Download (do a "save as" on the link) this small autoupdate module.


If you use IE on windows it will save the file with extension .zip. You must change this back to .nbm before proceeding


We use maven 1.0.2 and consequently we use mevenide 1.0, not mevenide 2.x. (You can install both mevenide 1.0 and 2.x simultaneously if you are using maven 2 for some other projects.)

To install, start NetBeans and select the Tools -> Update Center.

Select the "Install Manually Downloaded Modules (.nbm Files)."Image Added
On the next page, select "Add..." from the "Modules to Install" panel and navigate to the location of the downloaded file.Image Added
On the next page, transfer that file from the "Available Updates and New Modules:" panel to the "Include in install:" panel and click on the "Finish" button.Image Added
On the next panel the module will be downloaded.

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On the next panel select the checkbox next to the downloaded module, and accept any licenses that appear.

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Finally click finish to dismiss the dialog.  
 Restart Netbeans.
Now go back to Tools -> Update Center. Select "Check the web ..." and the "Mevenide Update Center" box, only.  Click next. (Note: NetBeans must have access to the Internet for this step to work; make sure proxies and firewalls are configured correctly). Now click the double-arrow select the "Mevenide Update Center" node, and click the "Add>" button to move all maven plugins into the righthand box. Click next.
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Wait while the modules download, the click "Next>" to continue. 
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Click the "Include" checkbox for each plugin and then the "Always Accept" button. All of the Maven plugins should have the "Include" box selected, now. Click next.
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Now restart Netbeans.

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Test the Installation

Now check whether all plugins were loaded successfully.

Go to Tools -> Options -> IDE Configuration -> System -> Modules > Module Manager -> Maven.

Maven Plugins

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All the Maven plugins should have the Enabled box checked.

Set these all to Enabled if they are not already. This may clear up errors that can occur during the installation.

Open Project

To open the cvs projects which you previously checked out, use File -> Open Project, then navigate to your
cvs installation directory.

If all went well, you should see a small box next to Maven projects that Netbeans can open.


Now you have successfully installed Maven support into Netbeans.

Installing updated code into JAS3

Building the code in netbeans will not automatically cause JAS3 to pick up the latest version. To install the latest version into JAS3 right-click on the org.lcsim project, choose "Execute Custom Goal" then choose "Install_in_JAS3".

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Note, running this goal on org.lcsim will build org.lcsim, and copy the jar files for org.lcsim, GeomConverter, and other required libraries into your local JAS3 extensions directory. You will need to restart JAS3 for it to pick up these changes.

Turning off tests


If you want to build without running the tests, you can do so by selecting the project in the netbeans project tree, right clicking to get the popup menu and then select "Properties". Then choose "Goal to IDE Action Mappings" and add -Dmaven.test.skip=true to the build goal. This is how I have my settings:

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